PTR Spoiler/Discussion Thread (Part 3)

People, generally speaking, aren’t silly enough to not realise why Blizzard is doing it this time around - by all means I could be wrong in 8 years time but when we’re here in 8 years time I am 99.99%-repeating certain that I will in fact be uttering the dreaded “I told you so” when it comes down to it. Dragonflight features archaeology that suggests the Void, Legion and Titans have worked together at several different instances to the point where they’ve found archaeological artefacts bearing the language of all three on different sides; now to anyone with sense this makes absolutely no sense given all previous lore we have at our disposal that is, at the moment, objective in its account of Azerothian and Cosmic history in the Warcraft franchise.

The attempts by Blizzard of late to deconstruct and demoralise their mythologies and theologies is not a secret to even the most blind, dogmatic Shill of Blizzard Entertainment, its a constant source of discourse and debate in the community and its evident that the recent writings are trying to continue steering ahead for Danuser’s nihilistic, r/atheist approach to worldbuilding, theology and mythology.

I would highly suggest reading up on Queteron’s thread on the matter as it offers a much more thorough and dissected view and reasonings as to why this is a problem