I’m not the OP!
It’s fashionable to say this, but I think most people don’t truly believe this, since they’d be unwilling to follow it to its logical extent.
Is it not simply, unambiguously good to feed the starving, clothe the naked, home the homeless? To strike off the shackles of slaves and stay the blade of the tyrant? In the particular presentations of these acts, one could perhaps find some shades of grey: maybe these acts of charity are being done to massage one’s ego, or maybe one has to trample ramrod on the wishes of others to achieve them. But the acts themselves, considered in the universal, are simply good. Likewise, to exploit the poor, or harm the defenceless — simply evil.
Augustinian morality says that only good truly exists, and evil is the absence of it. Regardless of whether one subscribes to this monism, most people in the West who try to live moral lives believe (at least implicitly) that good truly exists, and isn’t just a nuance.
And regardless of whether this (in the Warcraft universe) comes from the Christian, humanist worldview or whether it is only strikingly consonant with it, the Warcraft universe is doubtlessly impoverished by its removal.