No Warcraft without Christianity

Tell that to Uldir.

Zeus looks at anything that has a cavity and smieles in a predatory fashion.


The only bit of WoW lore that has even come close to Zeus level of degeneracy was Deathwing wanting to rule Azeroth and getting Ysera and Alexstraza as his slave consorts to make eggs.

Which is quite a gruesome thing to imagine.

Uldir’s an attempt by the demystified Titans (again reducing the setting’s own mythology and the idea of a Good and Evil struggle) to understand their enemy. It’s not akin to levelling or cursing an entire civilisation or any number of Zeus’ acts.

My main point with the previous statement was that there is no real “force” of good in Nordic or Greco-Roman mythology, nor one purely of evil. Hades/Pluto being the one god who actually seems to love his wife, despite being ruler of the underworld, which is also not purely evil or terrible, but instead also has Elysium


Order and chaos are not synonyms for good and evil. Nor can surface level inspiration override the clear literary lineage of: Christianity -> Tolkien -> DnD -> WoW. Whilst other religions do indeed have the good/evil dichotomy, for example Zoroastrianism, and other religions have influenced the setting, the basic foundation of Warcraft is firmly established in the fantasy canon Tolkien established that is inherently Christian, in that it is a struggle of good vs evil. This aspect of Warcraft’s foundation is further re-enforced by decades of writing that all accept this, and build on this. From Tirion’s excommunication and struggles with faith, to Kael’thas’ (out of character admittedly) choice to side with the Legion, a lot of Warcraft’s world is built on the simple concepts of good vs evil, and the choice between them.

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Thats why they have things like Ulduar and the Halls of Origination.
Unfortunately, the guardians don’t do the jobs their gods tasked them with.

Interesting thing is that there are decent numbers of objectively good characters in A Song of Ice and Fire who are often forgotten when people talk how morally gray everyone is. Sam Tarly, Brienne of Tarth, Eddard Stark and many minor characters are portrayed as really good people. There are also many pure villains, like Ramsay Bolton, Euron Greyjoy, Vargo Hoat, Gregor Clegane and so on.
Maybe even Tyrion, Dany and Jon if you subscribe to the theory that entire ASoIaF is actually villain origin story for these three characters (we already see Tyrion turning into villain in 5th book and, if it ever comes out, it´s highly likely Dany will jump on the same train in 6th one, based on how her story ended in the 5th).
Meanwhile, in case of Jaime Lannister, we are seeing switch to the good side of the spectrum.

But many people watched Game of Thrones or read the books and went “this is amazing, I must do this” and then did their own, way, way worse take on morally gray characters and supernatural powers, without understanding that Martin is way better writer than they are and most likely has the ability to pull off things they just can´t (like not breaking continuity in his stories, which Blizzard could learn to do).

Or Malygos enslaving Keristrasza to be his consort.

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Alright, so then we’re only moving closer to Greco-Roman and Nordic gods, who are not a force of good at all. They are in fact selfish and potentially evil at worst.

So everything isn’t based on Christianity still. Great.

Yeah, which proves Queteron right.
Because once upon a time it was. Good and evil were distinct forces in WoW, but now that theme is wholly muddled. We’re left with a state of moral nihillism, where everyone and everything is selfish.

But didn’t the god of said religion also do many petty and awful acts?
Leveling cities because the people didn’t do what he said?

You did just remind me that based on the specifications of the Titans the flesh of everyone on Azeroth was almost burnt away twice last expansion.

I can tell that you’re wholly opposed to considering Christianity good whatsoever vs. interested in debating the themes at play. Fine by me, but not what’s being discussed, nor would I want to, because I cannot speak for Christians as an atheist myself.

If you consider Jesus the leading moral compass for Christians, which I think most sane Christians would, the faith is clearly not based on worship of evil.


Organised religions have good and bad.
Unfortunately my heritage and ancestry lend me to seeing the bad a lot more than the good.
Pretending that everything is hunky doory isn’t my thing.

The debate isn’t over your personal opinion on Christianity. The point being made is regarding WoW, and its position in literary canon, and what the foundation of Warcraft’s narrative is, that was established due to the influences it has from that canon. Christianity, is built on the concept of Good and Evil. Your agreement with Christianity is irrelevant, it’s the literary theme and foundation we’re looking at. It is this principle, that WoW has inherited, and if the sudden 180 degree turn to moral relativism ruins the narrative, that is being debated.


This debate doesn’t belong on the wow forums either way.
And its a forum and debates shift so live with it.

The leveling cities I can only think of Sodom and Gomorrah, there’s a bit of nuance to that story.

God had sent two angels disguised as humans to a pious man in the area, being angels their disguises were allegedly very pretty and people in Sodom wanted to play birds and bees with them, basically commit sinful acts with gods angels, so God decided to glass the place

Ontopic if the arguement is that the blurred lines between good and evil in WoW’s lore has faded and that not having been really good for the lore yeah I agree


Ranko’s point though is that Good and Evil/Good vs Evil isnt soley a Christian thing, many other religions are built on the same or similliar ideas.

WoW’s only time it was truly just based on Christianity and nothing else was back in Warcraft 1, when it was at its worst. Not soley because of it, but because thats how most generic fantasy was back then and it had 0 creativity.

They dropped & or changed this to be influenced by a lot more things as soon as they broke out into making Warcraft its own setting.


No one at any point has said that WoW is based on, or solely taking Christian themes.

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Except the OP.