Just plain speaking tbh!!!
Honestly it’s a bit infuriating how there has been zero closure on anything from the end of BFA.
Where is the new forsaken capital?
How is the Horde Council getting on?
To what extent are the night elves still waging war on the Horde?
These three basic questions hook me more than the narrative of SL.
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If the next expansion is yet another dimensional themepark instead of giving the actual world a chance…
I will be somewhat perturbed.
I wouldn’t mind if Blizzard were as enthusiastic about the free stories they used to churn out through an expansion’s cycle. These could be used to build upon all of this.
But they don’t. Just gunna have to take my pittance of world building from the exploring kalimdor book.
It’s honestly kind of crazy how loads of fairly important lore for this video game is paywalled behind dozens of books. Would people on AD even know what the lore of World of Warcraft is if Telaryn didn’t buy every single one for us ? answer: unironically no
Honestly one of the biggest issues when it comes to RPing in WoW (or even trying to follow the story in general), so much of it hidden behind books - I think of Calia suddenly just popping up in BFA if you didn’t read the relevant book, or even the whole ‘Emerald Nightmare taking over the world’ thing that happened between WotLK and Cataclysm that is not only exclusive to a book, but just flat out not mentioned in game anywhere
Having read some excerpts of the books, it’s clear just reading the summary on Wowpedia or whatever it has on the books isn’t enough either. Sometimes it’s just reader interpretation written into Wowpedia rather than what the author has written.
Some nuanced details can really go missing if you only rely on Wowpedia, and it’s stupid that to have more intricate details (or sometimes even important facts!) in your RP you need to pay more. Wish the lore explanations were more detailed and numerous in game. We already pay a sub on top of the expansion fee.
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Honestly read 0 of the orc or thrall books because if I want to know anything about them I dose him with Columbian marching powder and ask about the green men.
coincidentally how most good lore is written.
either fat bearded wizard men in caves writing lore for other fat bearded men, or drug-addled maniacs ranting and raving about Mantling and The Wheel and so on
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The emerald nightmare would like to remind you of the time it was a totally world threatening problem in wrath of the lich king but none of you knew about it because it happened 100% in a book.
The Forsaken refugees were all forcibly relocated into the Underhold beneath Orgrimmar, where they continue to ‘live’. The majority of the Horde pretends to have forgotten they exist. Rebellion brews.
Mostly in denial.
Not as much as they should be.
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All my homies hate Stormrage.
Blizzard talking about how there’s totally 100000 good Afterlives without actually showing us any of them in-game has the same vibe as JKR insisting there’s totally American magic schools and she always planned for the snake to secretly be a shapeshifting woman who got stuck
You can say that but until I actually see it there may as well not be any
this but without being ironic
The events of Stormrage were kind of weird but at the same time the book had excellent druid lore tidbits and it’s that silver lining that I’ll always hold on to
Or just be like me, wait until a PDF file appears and download em all for free 
Currently it’s only Shadow’s Rising that I am missing, I think.
I didn’t like that they gave Chen Stormstout a girlfriend.
Yalia Sagewhisper.
Which weirded me out because I thought she was like 40 years older than him. He’s of dad age and she’s a greying grandma.
…I suppose that impression was wrong, but don’t like it either.
I completely forgot about that.
Maybe chen just looks really older women.
A true patrician, like Aerilen