The true ultimate Good in warcraft will always be the agency and free will of individuals because warcraft isn’t christian. It’s American.
Dude. No.
The true ultimate Good in warcraft will always be the agency and free will of individuals because warcraft isn’t christian. It’s American.
Dude. No.
I respect this viewpoint, but it most certainly isn’t the primary reason to explain the decline of the game’s popularity. The game’s unpopular because of unpopular game design decisions, and the passage of time. The more essential themes being warped by incompetent/shortsighted storytelling is just the cherry on the cake.
Dude, 100x yes
Sad but true. I mean I like some of the books, but I do think there should be much more of a ‘Don’t tell me, Show me!’ element to the lore. Just to give one simple example, at the start of Legion, Vol’jin’s wake, there is a human called Tyrathan Khort who is stood a distance away, observing. He is not a hostile mob to Horde characters. He just says something like “I have come to honour a good friend” Now if you hadn’t read ‘Shadows of the Horde’ you would no idea who the heck that guy was, which isn’t great…
Given our real world Panda’s it is probably for the best, they’re rubbish at mating! “Oh we could do the thing and produce cubs?” “Oh I just can’t be bothered.” “No, thinking about it, nor can I.”
Do we have any definitive lore knowledge as to how long Pandaren live for? Because if they live to like Gnome or Dwarf lifespan then 40 years is nothing. I mean I suspect they have a relatively similar lifespan to humans but eh, who knows.
I’m pretty sure Warcraft was not created in 1000 AD. I mean that was the first Christian Millennium. I mean by definition that is exactly what it was, I mean AD is Anno Domine, ‘Year of our Lord’. Or it stands for Argent Dawn, in which case this server is really looking good for its age
On a more serious note, I do believe in the earlier RTS games they did reference ‘God’ which by the later ones had been changed to ‘The Light’. By the same token, the Orcs has Shamanism, which is a much older Religious practice than Christianity, so to say it is based on Christian culture is…kinda wrong, because it really wasn’t. -Some- elements of the Alliance may have been, but the Horde certainly were never so.
By the time WoW itself was released, there were no Christian linked themes as such. Yes, you had Templar’s and the Scarlet Crusade, but they all believed in the Light. That is actually a good thing. I’m not bashing Christianity here, whilst I am not Christian, my other half is, I respect her Faith, so I’m not mocking that religion. However would you -really- want your religious ethos to be handled with the WoW cosmology? I’m not sure that could be done without it being insulting to the religion itself. I mean if the Light is ‘God’ then by definition the Void is ‘Satan’. Given the existence of, for example Void Elves, that means that people would be running around playing Satanists. I think that would be a more offensive thing to Christians than simply having ‘Good’ be a concept that can be revered?
Also historians are fairly certain that Western civilization was pretty much founded at the battle’s of Thermopylae and Platea, long before Christianity was even founded, or rather was -defended- by those two battles, in both the defenders of democracy were what would be described as pagans. Christianity and Western civilization are not the same things, and never were.
I just don’t think it would be helpful to trivialise people’s real life faith in such a way.
This isn’t just a dogwhistle, it’s a dog foghorn. The dogs are all deaf now.
Somewhat similar to humans, Blizzard said. The one we know of died at 122.
Tbh I don’t think Quet subscribes to that sort of stuff
Although some clarification would be quite Muscular Christian of him
I find it hard to take Queteron, Wrall or Orsino’s posts in this thread seriously, no matter how elaborate and adult they format their posts.
Actually, it’s -because- of how elaborate their posts are.
It reads like some kind of caricature of an 50+ year old university professor trying to lecture the common folk.
I’m also always very wary of religious nutcases that try to see their favoured religion in everything, including silly videogames. Very unsettling to me.
This leaves a sour taste in my mouth, reminds me of those rumours of cults or religious groups trying to recruit folks over World of Warcraft guilds.
Outside of that, I also think WoW was at its peak when it was classic Good vs Evil, and I think Shadowland is Good vs Evil as well.
It’s just always the darkest before the dawn.
In the expansion we have yet to reach that dawn.
(I’m done being pretentious now)
god forbid people discuss topics with nuance
Yeah, sorry. I just find it pretentious and overdone, not nuanced.
Sometimes less and simple is more.
Guess I am not intelligent enough.
Lol there’s no extra “nuance” in the use of words like “expurgation”. Writing “censorship” works just the same except it doesn’t make you “sound smart”. Of course if you just come out and say that Christian themes in the lore have been CENSORED then people might question what you’re on about.
who’s censoring blizzard btw?
very insightful, a wonderful contribution to the topic, thanks vilesun
Imo stooping to personal attacks is the epitome of density. Also, if you’re going to use autism as a dig (which you shouldn’t and maybe aren’t - might be reading it wrong), you may want to refrain from admitting to yourself also being autistic. It comes across as rather self-deprecating and autism shouldn’t be shamed nor weaponised.
Blaming someone’s autism for them having a different perspective on a forum thread - especially on a divisive topic like this - is kinda very cringe, honestly.
not blaming the autism as much as i am them being dense, there’s a clear difference
bloody wokescolds
Cool. Think we’ve seen all we need to see here.
You directly connected their alleged autism to their post – if you didn’t intend to do that, then it’s better to explain yourself than deflect, because it definitely wasn’t made clear.
I don’t see why autism was even a necessary inclusion in your post to begin with. You could have left it at there being a difference between “intelligence and being dense”.
Regardless, I think they have a point that being unnecessarily verbose muddies the waters and makes it more difficult to understand the argument being made, especially when you consider that it’s a European server and not everyone has 100% fluency in English.
Additionally, you’re among the people on the AD forums who’ll happily call out others when they make offensive comments – labelling it as a ‘wokescold’ when it happens to you is a bit on the hypocritical side.
Anything else, snowflake?
I’m not sure why my opinion caused such a stir, but that’s what I expect from the AD forums.
Not highly verbose huge posts that, if it was anyone else on another topic, would surely be met with “why u taking this game so seriously”.
Oh! Oh! Can I have a “roast” too, please?