Nobody want play with me

Why nobody want to play with me? I think i am good… but everyone i play with sucks

then when i go in tool and try to ask a bit higher rating healer, he say i have no “xp” and i suck… why?

so next thing i tried was looking for streamer, because sometimes they play with their “viewers” - i see streamer called “snowmixy” on twitch, i go apply in tool and she declines me because im to low rating. no wonder her charactername is moomixy, she is stupid cow :rage:

so how i get people to play with me so i get more rating to play with stupid cow?

this everytime :frowning:


This guy’s a legend.


Get friends seems to be your only option, or people with the same problem/rating

And this is why I don’t play Arenas

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Your a legend bro you don’t wanna play with snowmixy anyway more like feedmixy :rofl::rofl:

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I can’t tell if you’re trolling or not since you’re a dh.

shes cute i would play with her :))))) and I am enhancement xD

just claim you are 2.5k xp like every keyboard turning pleb does these days


Honestly your attitude might be your biggest problem.
“I think I am good and everyone I play with sucks”
is not a good way to look at things. When you loose a game you should be thinking about what you could have done to change the outcome of that game, not just blame the loss on your teammates and move on to lfg.

He is a multiglad demo lock and just keep trolling.

Haha ok, don’t mind what I said then. Guess he just has too much time and doesn’t know what to do other than trolling.

and your still 1800 max exp so what it makes you XD
and for your answer sosseri as a dh wich is tier s in 2s atm you can win with bad healer just learn to use cds vs thier cds you just need to get alittle better to stop rogue on kidney to dark vendeta when heal have no cds get some aadons to see your teammate cds to underswtand if hes in truble learn how to burn vs orcs and relentlessand trust me you will easy climb
i got to 1.8 in 3 hours with 410 ilvl dh with lfg without exp even
so its posible and about snowmixy she plays with ppl with her rating for caps somtimes with viwers with same cr or some exp
she didnt did a stream where she boost low rating viwers yet so dont trash talk her and good luck to you have good time burning ppl and making them leave the game

It’s not him i even asked him yesterday cause i was confused asf

Ohhj good to know

I started playing arenas since BFA launched, i can relate.
If there is something that comes close to a magical solution to your problems is to roll a healer. It’s what i did, never looked back, best of decision of my life.

His actually a way higher than you. But I guess an average do player can’t understand a troll post

Do you need real life friends to play arena in this version of game cause am bored of aoe farming in classic and the 1960 mode of transportation.

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For up to 2100? LFG is fine. Above that? Debatable.

Do you want play with me? I play holy priest and resto shaman. In the previous season i have played about 1500 arenas with my priest and 1200 arenas with my shaman but i never reach 1650 rating. You are already 1850+ with only 180 games.

Also i play only pvp and my gear is only notorious from pvp.

Of course there is the possibility to drop your rating if you play with me.

Then forget moomixy…

I played WoW for about 3 years on WotLK privates and reached 2.3 there. Started playing retail at the start of Legion. It was very frustrating at the start as well since as I have no xp, good players didn’t wanna play with me. But I knew I am good enough for at least 2k, so I slowly pushed. First I played with 1.5 plebs, then with 1.6, then with 1.8, then 2k and so on till I got 2.2. At 2.2 sometimes 2.4+ or even glads play with you so… It really is a matter of time and how good you are.