Non Rp player guild?

Hello all I am looking to get back into the game and am having a hard time finding a alliance server to play on. I lvld a paladin on this server a while ago and I loved how the community was and just the general feel of the server was great. But alas I am no role player and just want to know if there is a non rp guild out there on this server that will welcome back a old rusty player to enjoy the game again and raid.

I understand ppl may say go on a normal sever I get it, but they just dont feel as cozy as this server does. Also I do respect the Rp too.

Thanks all.

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This server is for people that want to roleplay. It doesnt really matter if you respect RP or not and the atmosphere excuse is really weak


Gee thank you for your kind thoughtful imput!.

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Sry doesn’t exist. Check out Tarren Mill.

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I mean, you covered the fact that you dig why people say ‘Go to a normal server’ so I won’t belabour that point, but why not give RP a shot? I mean it isn’t like everyone is constantly In Character, we raid, pvp, grind rep, quest, all of it, just RP adds something. Most people tend to RP in the evenings, when they have finished work, or in the case of those lucky enough to have the day off, they do all the -other- stuff, then RP to wind down in the evening.

Give it a shot, you’ll probably enjoy it, and it really isn’t as daunting as it can seem, plus, plenty of people will gladly help a new RP’er out…


cool thanks nice to hear that we’re animals in a zoo to you :slight_smile:


Not sure if you understand what cozy means :stuck_out_tongue:

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not sure if you understand how tiring it is to see all these non-RPer gamers hop on the wrong server with the excuse of tHe AtMoSpHeRe iS sO cOzY
Yes, it’s cozy because we make it so, and we’d like to preserve that.

Move to a regular server.


That’s great to hear

That’s not great to hear

Unfortunately, cozy or not, you’ve made the conscious decision to play on a roleplaying server, so that tells me one of two things:

  1. You want to roleplay or have an interest in learning
  2. You are lost

Judging by your refusal to roleplay on a realm that is wholly designed for that very activity, I’m going to have to assume that you fall under the second category. You’d do a lot better on a normal server, and trust me, you’re going to get chewed out by roleplayers on this thread.

We care about our server, believe it or not. It’s the last one that hosts a healthy amount of roleplay, and as we’ve said in many threads related to this matter in the past, we don’t want to see it ultimately diluted by people that come here with absolutely no intention of roleplaying.

If you’re not going to, I heavily suggest not coming to Argent Dawn.



One OOC guild I know of that does some nice raiding and stuff is Steel Legion. They also have RPers in it, they accept both.

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The short answer is that there are OOC guilds out there that focus on raiding, mythic+, and PvP/arena. The average level/amount of mythic and high-end guilds might be a tad lower than on normal servers though. You would probably be able to find one.

But also don’t


Just roleplay bro. No one’s gonna bite you

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well at least not literally… :confused:

Don’t worry, friend! There’s countless non-rp guilds about, raiding guilds especially, who would love to have you. You need only look in trade chat; wowprogress(or any other equivalent ranking site) or your class discord’s recruitment channel to find them.

I hope you have a wonderful time here on Argent Dawn.

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Give me one reason why there should be when there are PLENTY of roleplayers who progress through the content given to us without the presence of non-roleplaying guilds

I know a good few players in my own community that are better than the majority of OOC players that ignore roleplay entirely, all while remaining in a roleplaying guild themselves

It’s totally unnecessary and if you’ve come here just to do content, you’re on the wrong server and you can’t change my mind


Change your mind.

You’re not my mother Jessicka!!!

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Whisper Räbies on Argent dawn or do /who The New Alliance. And ask for Räbies.

The discussion here is taking a really weird turn. Some of us RP, Some down, Some PVP Some dont we raid a bit on the low end Normal/ Heroic and socials are also welcome.
Active Discord Active comunity Good people

Look at me.

I’m your mother now.

Change your mind.