Non Rp player guild?

Perhaps this list I’ve used before will help you grasp the problem, OP:

Here’s a list of every non-RP EU realm/connected realm:

Aerie Peak / Bronzebeard
Aggra / Grim Batol
Aggramar / Hellscream
Al’Akir / Skullcrusher / Xavius
Alonsus / Anachronos / Kul Tiras
Arathor / Hellfire
Aszune / Shadowsong
Auchindoun / Dunemaul / Jaedenar
Azjol-Nerub / Quel’Thalas
Azuremyst / Stormrage
Blade’s Edge / Eonar / Vek’nilash
Bladefist / Frostwhisper / Zenedar
Bloodfeather / Burning Steppes / Executus / Kor’gall / Shattered Hand
Bloodhoof / Khadgar
Bronze Dragonflight / Nordrassil
Burning Blade / Drak’thul
Burning Legion
Chamber of Aspects
Darksorrow / Genjuros / Neptulon
Darkspear / Saurfang / Terokkar
Doomhammer / Turalyon
Dragonblight / Ghostlands
Dragonmaw / Haomarush / Spinebreaker / Stormreaver / Vashj
Emerald Dream / Terenas
Kilrogg / Nagrand / Runetotem
Lightbringer / Mazrigos
Shattered Halls / Sunstrider et al.
Tarren Mill / Dentarg
The Maelstrom / Deathwing / Karazhan / Lightning’s Blade
Thunderhorn / Wildhammer
Twilight’s Hammer / Agamaggan et al.
Twisting Nether

This doesn’t include the following, “RP” realms, that are now dead for RP:
Darkmoon Faire / Earthen Ring
Defias Brotherhood / Ravenholdt et al.
Moonglade / Steamwheedle Cartel / The Sha’tar

Leaving the sole RP realm:
Argent Dawn

If people want to focus solely on PVP/PVE, they can go to any of these non-RP realms. Which are for PVP/PVE. As opposed to this realm, which is the only RP realm.

This server’s atmosphere has developed over a decade+ of RP, with people spending a lot of time and care on making characters, stories and guilds that have enriched the server and created the last RP community in the EU. Coming and and just ‘wanting the atmosphere’, without actually doing anything to help keep that going, is selfish and rude. We’re not your atmosphere or your NPC’s, we’re role-players, on a role-playing realm. You are not a role-player. Deduce what realm you ought to be on from this.


Yet in reality, it actually took no weird turn whatsoever.

If you RP, great - if you don’t RP, not so great

It’s pretty straightforward, actually



You Heard me, or do I need to bring out the studded belt?

Change your mind.

I’m afraid I’m too loyal to my roleplaying brethren to do that

I’ll die first…


I honestly fail to see why it is bad to have Social, PVP, Raiding and other non-RP guilds on Argent Dawn as long as they respect and most of them do actually roleplay themselves?

RP is one of the aspects of the game, I fail to see why every guild should be a RP guild when it is no requirement to be in one to actually RP?

But regarding the OP if you have no intentions to roleplay I highly recommend both for the servers sake but also for your own to look for a PVE realm instead.

You asked for it. Know that this hurts me more than it hurts you!

ties Elyrius up and throws into Goldshire

You answered your own question

You can partake in all the content you desire on Argent Dawn, so long as you do actually roleplay and aren’t here just for the sake of “atmosphere” or for any other flimsy reason

Sorry Jessicka I’m going to have to ask you attempt that emote in the spirit of roleplay (but you can’t anyway as I’ve already hearthed rly far away)



Hello there, child.

The question isn’t about if you are a RP’er or not, the question is that you seem to talk down on the existence of non-RP guilds overall which may just be a misunderstanding from my part.

I honestly have no problem with any type of guild as long as they respect the server rules.

I honestly fail to see why having a social, tennis and other non-boxing groups show up at the boxing club, as long as they respect it even if not taking part.

Except they are taking up space which is annoying and are there for absolute no good reason

“oh but i like the place :smiley:” yeah but you are not part of it.


Fight me over it.


Loot from 5 minutes of OOCers /yell spamming in the middle of an RP hub. But they’re just here for the atmosphere nooo nooooo!


But if you read what I wrote that isn’t the subject here.

I asked why are Social, PVP and Raiding guilds a bad thing as long as they are roleplayers and respect the server rules?

I know a lot of roleplayers who are in a raiding guild because they enjoy both PVE and Roleplay so why is that a bad thing?

there’s a rare few who aren’t an issue, who attract more oocers who do become an issue, as depicted by telaryn.

It’s fine if you kick a ball in a skate park from now and then, but i imagine the skating enthusiasts will be a bit miffed if you start holding entire soccer matches there.

not the topic at hand in this thread, wielder of shadowmourne.


But that is not the point because raiding, PVE and PVP is still part of World of Warcraft and roleplayers themselves take part in that.

I agree that players who are here purely for OOC content is bad but talking down on the other aspects is just… Bad?

And no I didn’t say that was the subject here but that the person I asked did make it sound like he was overall against any non-RP guild existence.

Like this annoying dork right here.

i think virtually every RPer does ooc content also so i really don’t see your point/think you’re arguing with a concept, rather than something actually said.


Well if you actually read what I wrote instead of just trying to defend your own subject you would’ve seen I actually asked Elyrius about this specific subject if he was against every non-RP guild.

which he then instantly answered with essentially the same thing that i said so i’m failing to see what you’re arguing.

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That was what I was asking him about and he answered, subject over.