Non Rp player guild?

Basically more OOCers flocking to the realm and their lackeys defending them. You also apparently can’t do PvE and PvP content unless you’re in an OOC guild.

The more you know, huh.

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So in short :

“Ah sh**, here we go again.”

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Kelduril is correct in saying that getting Cutting Edge + being an active raiding guild is pretty impossible, but not necessarily because of the time commitment. I know a lot of people who enjoy WoW as their primary, if not only, passtime activity. The problem is that the overall skill of a team (not an individual) for CE is tremendous, and as Chieun points out… Why?

Very few people want to put in the effort, the majority being happy with normal/HC raiding. I’m sorry pal, but you’ve got quite an air about you. Just because Splendour finally picked up the slack and you managed to get mythic bosses down doesn’t make you a top tier machoman all of a sudden. The laughable 4/5 day raiding schedule in Legion, with lower mythic kill count than most guilds at the time (who just did 2-3 days a week) was a beauty that will not be forgotten, no matter how many CEs you stack up.

In that regard, the ever-dwindling scene of mythic raiding on AD should be indication enough telling you that people really don’t care. There’s no point ruining however many thousands’ of RPers last bastion for the sake of some AT MOST 50 people who like to RP and mythic raid. I bet that if you counted the RPers among your raid roster you wouldn’t find half of them to be RPing.

614 EU guilds only have achieved EP Cutting Edge. If that number sounds generous, it shouldn’t because it’s a regional number on a raid that was out for, what, 7 months? I can also guarantee you that many of those kills were within the last 1-2 weeks before 8.3 hit (many CE kills are).

People who say CE is easy have done the first 3 mythic bosses and think the rest of the raid is just as easy. This is the last recorded guild kill of CE EP. Notice that it took over 2 months for Azshara to be killed.

There’s a lot of ego going on in this thread from both sides. A splash of wake up is really in order.


While I get the overall point of this post and agree with it, I find this paragraph somewhat difficult to understand - can you clarify?

Kelduril makes it sound like doing Mythic + RPing is impossible because the two require a lot of time. It’s true that they do, but a lot of people (that, as I say, I know) play WoW more than often enough to be able to support both activities. I used to.

What I think is the problem with that idea being achievable is the general skill of people both interested and mythic and frequent in RP. It’s not that individual player skill is in question—RPers can be good players, myth has long since been debunked. It’s that what Kelduril says is partially true: the team organisation required for CE is very difficult to achieve, and I don’t think that these two hobbies are complementary in terms of attracted audience.

aka, there’s just not enough numbers. If someone thinks they’re mythic material, they’re probably right. If someone think they’re CE material, they’ve already misunderstood what getting CE requires: it’s not just you.

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No. I’m not saying that at all. I roleplayed and Mythic raided.

I said it’s impossible for a GUILD to have both Mythic raiding aspirations AND have roleplaying arcs. The amount of time and effort the officers would be putting in would burn ANYONE out.

For a normal member it’s easier but imagine you’re a DM cooking events, investing say 8 hours of DMing into a guild a week and then you have to add in 8-12 of raid time and a few other hours for M+, AP farming.

I still half-disagree, and it’s because of the point I’m making. I know that there are people who could handle both activities. I mean, organising RP is as simple as just having a cool idea and typing it out ((RPing)) whenever. I’ve been organising campaigns for my community for years, and I can tell you that I don’t sink 8 hours of DMing into it.

You said it yourself before; you do it, but you can’t expect an entire mythic guild to be able to. And the entire point is exactly that. There’s so few people who benefit from having OOC-oriented* communities like that, and so many who are dragged down because of it. The difference is day and night. You/I/whoever lose out on being able to RP on our mains/share gold. The <insert random number between 100-5000 RPers> lose out when AD turns into a Defias Brotherhood/the other 5 dead RP servers.

*idc about OOC guilds full of people who love to play together + are all RPers, but the guild has no concept/they raid. There’s many reasons as to why that might be. I might love playing my criminal warrior beside my law-enforcing paladin friend. In fact, that’s exactly what I do.

I just farm gear and show up to DPS stuff, though, I’m talking about Officers and Guild leaders. The pool of raiders willing to come to AD EU to Mythic raid is already small but now you want to have both raiders AND roleplayers. How many people do you think this server has that are both on the level of CE and also roleplayers?

I can count them on my fingers.

And the Officers would just get burned out trying to juggle both an RP and a CE guild. It’s just not feasible. Unless it would be their job.

Yeah . . . That’s . . . The point . . .

And precisely because it’s impossible to fit both criteria, the convenience created for those immensely few RPers that also mythic raid does NOT outweight the convenience of not having AD turn into a Defias “this is a PvP server now” Brotherhood.

You’re right, the streets we roleplay on would truly be empty without OOCers


Sigh. This type of thread again. Yes I’m late to the party.

Go play on a PvE realm. While it’s true there’s a lot of PVE oriented things here, most of it is done by other roleplayers that also play the game. If you come here exclusively wanting to do non-RP related activities, you’re going to struggle fitting in.

The overall quality of the “Non-RP” playerbase on AD is toxic garbage anyway. If you want to come here and learn to RP, great. You might enjoy it. In fact I encourage you to try it. But if you’re adamant you have no interest, go elsewhere. You’ll be making it harder for yourself and annoying others.


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