Non-RPers are critical to the health of the server

Unless you would rather play on a Ghost Town server where you rarely run into people for non-RP content that the majority of you do.

Only a very small, loud minority of non-RPers ever disrupt RP on purpose. Most of them got something better to do, like a +15.


I do fear, that if we start going down the routes of ā€œOnly RPā€™ers are allowed on this serverā€ then we become a very isolated, intolerant and arrogant group of people that wonā€™t want people to even have an interest in wanting to get into RP, let alone come to the server.


:point_right: :airplane:


Why would I need on server non-rpers when thereā€™s a cross realm group finding tool? HUMMMM-HO.


Because a good share of role players enjoy raiding with a guild, and thereā€™s hardly enough RPers to sustain enough raiding guilds with enough variety in raid times and goals to please those of us who like to RP and raid.

Non-RPers can turn into RPers too. Happened to me and plenty of people who came to this server.

The hostile attitude of some here towards non-RPers is a good way to make sure the community eventually bleeds dry though.


What Becky said.


Nah, Blizz will just merge AD with DB. Itā€™s why I have a very tolerant approach towards people that arenā€™t Roleplayers YET and why the people that pick up the pitchforks and start harassing them are ironically screwing themselves over.

If Blizzard sees that AD is losing players theyā€™ll just merge it with the other ā€œRP serversā€ and the initial issue will become much worse. It is in the interest of EVERYONE to be friendly and try to promote Roleplay to people. It doesnā€™t matter if someone says they arenā€™t interested, I for one started Roleplaying a long, long time ago because I saw people doing it and wanted to try it out myself.

People need to understand that especially for people with a shoddy grasp of the lore/English/social skills roleplaying is a daunting endeavor and you can easily scare off people by saying the wrong things.

At the end of the day, vehement, aggressive posting will just scare away potential roleplayers and lead AD closer to a merge with other ā€œRP serversā€.


yeah, youā€™re right

a soprano quartet is absolutely integral to the health and wellbeing of a cooking club


True, a role playing server and a cooking club are completely comparable.


yeah they are, i go to a cooking club because i want to cook

i go to a roleplaying server because i want to roleplay


but who will sing???


I disagree.

Also been on a server where OOCers brought more OOCers and they outnumbered the RPers.

So, no they are not needed on the RP server.

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Readies popcorn

Did you notice that a few expansions ago they added cross-realm for basically everything?

You can have competitive ilevel without ever grouping with a person on your server

Well, I disagree very very heavily on small but loud minority is probably correct - but think of it this way: if youā€™re here to RP and there is a section of the population that at best does nothing and at worst griefs you, would you want them there? For me itā€™s a big no

Iā€™ve been RPing in Stormwind lately (I know, I know) and the level of OOC disruption is not great. IDK how actively you RP but I think if you did it more youā€™d have a clearer view of why people are buzzed off

WoW is a game that doesnā€™t really attract new players in big numbers so at this point Iā€™d rather retain a healthy RP community than endure disruptions because perhaps after a few years one or two of the griefers may extremely kindly decide to RP with us

In terms of what heā€™s trying to say it is. If a [place/medium] is overtly marketed towards loads of [Y] arriving is basically just distracting / disruptive

I think you are posting in the defense of this because you have more interest in PVE than RP - you donā€™t really care to a massive degree if the RP scene suffers as long as the PVEā€™s good. Iā€™d post the same if I was majorly into PVE too


Thereā€™s this thing called group finder.



I RP daily in Stormwind and I cannot say I find my RP disrupted often, especially considering Stormwind is also a hub for non-RPers. RPers are just as bad in this regard, thereā€™s a certain someone always randomly running around and parking her horse in RP areas, or RPers camping on the roofs with their flying mounts.


you say this like it isnā€™t a problem

Perhaps youā€™ve unlocked that secret phase of Stormwind that nobody else but people pretending there isnā€™t a problem cite here on the forums

Itā€™s a hub that has RP realm rules in ever single pixel

Whataboutism isnā€™t really an argument + I donā€™t like meme roof RPers either


Agreed, non-RPers should not disrupt RP. Most of them do not, they just leave the mage tower and fly right to the trade district/portal area to go to Uldum. Any that do disrupt RP on purpose (playing the game is not offensive) should be dealt with, of course.


to put a different spin on it; no one in this game does a ā€˜random dungeonā€™ or a ā€˜random raidā€™ - they only occasionally do ā€˜random pvpā€™, but even that is redundant since skirmishes/arenas/BGs are better for what they are intended

any form of content is easily achievable through the group finder tool; except for one - and doubly so when you revert back to my ā€˜random xā€™ argument

go figure which aspect that is

and then youā€™ll see exactly why your opening argument is absolutely baseless