Non-RPers are critical to the health of the server

Can you not make one (1) post without spewing drivel


Should doxx me, I wouldn’t mind, I am in fact VERY handsome, and it’s simply free advertising.

As for OOCers on the server? I don’t see why they’re crucial to the health of the server considering that groups for raiding/pve can be formed with members from other non-RP servers anyway.

I don’t really know why getting ‘realm firsts’ is considered important. I don’t think it has any impact on me.


I think more than just I know the fact certain people like to make jokes about topics that shouldn’t be joked about. I mean everybody’s done it but we all grow up eventually and realise it’s wrong.

I mean, to be fair king


Oh, the COAD one, yes, not massively chuffed about that one, though I did note one interesting feature. If you like the PCU, you are a bad guy, if for whatever reasons you fall out with some of them, suddenly you are enlightened and a ‘good guy’.

Bit of a binary take on it, You can fall out with people yet still maintain the same basic agreement on principles.

But yes, the screen shots were a bit creepy, given they were not consented to.

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Only realm first I care about is the realm first of having 140 roleplayers in one drama-free hugely spectacular emote fight. :point_up:


Some later than others then ? Or why else would you try to spread people’s personal information on a WoW RP forum

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Who here cute e-boys of AD :blush:

Saying; “Actually, no! I was not intending that at all!” doesn’t excuse any of your actions.

You know that deep in your lovecraftian mind there’s a little goblin typing on a keyboard, smiling everytime your contributions slander someone you dislike for -no good reason- at all.

When you spot a Horde non-RPer in Warmode and you and the boys take out your Slivers of N’zoth.


Did someone say e-boy? :flushed:

surround em and unleash blaster fire on em

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If they don’t want to accept an apology then sad game to them. I made a mistake without knowing the full extent, I admit. But dragging it in over and over isn’t the most mature thing. Then again what do I expect when people hate me over my simple “bad role play” back in the day?

alright, that’s enough out of you, doxxir


the foot sniffer has been summoned


True why do u keep doing it then

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Everyone (ie. you) has done it (ie. doxxing people you don’t like)? Don’t think everyone does that actually

You’re a pretty unfortunate person if you think what you do is common / acceptable Doxir

Yeah pretty weird (crazy) that someone who pretends to be so against this kind of stuff in fact does it instantly


I am a haggard wreck of a man, and even I don’t care that much, but some people might , and it might make them uncomfortable, so Doxxing is never on, unless you do it to yourself.

Okay you made a mistake

Ah you actually didn’t mean it at all

Yeah I also admit to never being wrong

It’s like talking to a child


I have brought peace , freedom, justice, and security to my Roleplay Server.