Non-RPers are critical to the health of the server

“I have nexer doxxed people” (read people as : persons Vaxir agrees with)


Uhnish… get the non rpers out.


“I didnt look through the blog, ergo-- I am not responsible.”


edit: dunno why it quoted you as me but sure, forums.

No, because you see, you are only sorry to those “innocent” people, so in fact I understand your writing far better than you.

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AITA for coming to an RP realm?

I’d like to preface this by saying that it was in NO WAY my fault. The atmosphere was cozy, and the community looked nice. Anyways, what happened was while I was looking for a new thread to migrate to, some RPers asked if I could instead join a server that’s better suited for what I’m looking for. Thing is their realm is going to die without people like us. Who will earn the realm first kills? RPers can’t do content. Some people got mad for “ruining our role play” and a man from the forums scolded me for “treating them like animals in a zoo” It’s not like i WANTED to interrupt their roleplay, and besides, isn’t that what they are there for? AITA?


You linked to the Consequences of Argent Dawn tumblr page, which as people have pointed out are in the habit of doxxing people.


Said it a lot but I ain’t good with words at times.

No, nobody deserves to be doxxed, not even myself and that’s why certain people got forum banned.

Wait, there is a blogging Doxx with people’s actual appearance on it, do they get to choose their own photo’s? Or is it the comedy picture where you have a traffic cone on your head and are mooning a police station?

But you are not innocent so I am not sorry for your doxxing.

I linked a doxxing page (it was on accident bros) LOL come on . . . Vaxir why do you do this


kill all oocers


Go back on that blog you proudly linked, scroll down until I am featured on it. Click on the blog that that post has been shared from, scroll down. Then sit down and have a long hard think.

Do you think that excuses you from doing it? Ignorance isn’t an excuse, if you’re going to use something as evidence at least check it first?!

CoaD also have the habit of actively slandering people.

No matter how you put it, your actions were committed with malicious intent.


they smell like poo-poo, they’re so god damn stupid, and i just have to admit it:
i hate em

pack your bags and go to Kazzak where trash like you OOCers belong


It should be a holy duty to gank any obvious non-RPers you run into in warmode.

If they are on AD, anyway… Sadly few I encounter in WM are.

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No. Not quite. I used to read it a while ago and the slurs from people in that one community put me off for life. That’s what I based my linking on. I was disgusted if I’m honest at some things said. Even some topics shouldn’t be joked about.

As they say;

If it’s RP they do doubt, then get them all out!


Not quite an apology - in fact you weirdly make it about yourself

You’re not the victim but the aggressor and it’s a shame that Blizzard allows you to keep posting after that