Non-RPers are critical to the health of the server

Don’t forget the mad ERPers turned griefers, though most of those I guess would fall into the ‘classic players’ category in most instances.

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Blizzard couldn’t write conflict like this

Not at all, I do what I do for the good of these forums. Clearly the PP brigade doesn’t really care, considering they show their true face with every post.

Then leave. Boo-hoo.

I mean, Classic BWL is harder than Normal ( and maybe Heroic ) raids, which most of you haven’t stepped in so. Not much of a ‘gotcha’.

You DO need 39 other friends, though, which I suppose you don’t have and that makes you frustrated. It’s okay, though, we don’t judge.

Is that supposed to ring a bell

Imagine being so salty that people have fun in roleplay that you dedicate so much of your time to post about how much you hate it on the forums.

And why? Your the one posting on a char from classic, if anyone should leave it’s you, and if you come it “It’s a free forum.” then you have no right to tell people to leave, is that simple.

Yes, I do. My infinite wisdom gives me this right. I can teach you how to gain it.

I’ll pass grifer that thinks he’s the pinnicle of wisdom.

I’m sure that a rotation consisting of only frostbolt is very difficult to manage.


As opposed to the 3 buttons mages press in BFA?

Factionalism on the forums and the wider RP community definitively seems to be an issue, but I think the bigger issue is that the nature of the debates themselves are polarised, regardless of the affiliation of the parties involved.

The ideal debate would be something dialectical - the classic thesis + antithesis = synthesis, I.e., both parties trying to establish the truth of a matter, or the solution to a problem, through reasoned arguments.

A good debate should at the least serve as a test of both sides’ ideas, opinions and arguments. You make your point, you back it up with evidence and reasoning; they make theirs, and then do the same; then you find out which position is stronger by weighing the ideas and arguments that don’t survive scrutiny, OR, need to adapt and evolve to remain valid.

Even if neither party arrives at an agreement, their respective positions have been improved - they’ve been forced to consider alternate factors and points of view and had to account for them in their own arguments.

But on the forums, the standard model for debate is: thesis =/= antithesis. That’s it. Repeat ad nauseum until the death of WoW. You’re wrong, I’m right, therefore you are a bad person. No, I’m right, you’re wrong, and therefore YOU are the bad person. Ninety percent of the arguments in this thread alone aren’t attacking the ideas or opinions of the opposing side, they’re attacking the character and motive of the opposition. The actual matters involved go undebated.

I don’t think there has ever been a sincere , or successful, attempt to find solutions to any of the problems that recur in these threads - such that I don’t think we can say that anybody really cares about finding workable, actionable solutions. The actual point is to perpetuate the conflicts indefinitely, for what I’d speculate is the sheer pleasure of mud-slinging.

In another thread on the forums, there was a poster who (albeit unintentionally) seemed to be arguing for market morality - the idea that demand is or should be the ultimate ethical arbiter, that the need for and existence of a market itself is proof of the values and virtues of a society.

If that’s the case, then what the majority of AD forum posters seem to care about, and demand, is the monotony of endless, pointless conflict - total stagnation and entropy.

Which probably explains why they’re still playing WoW.


I’m sure you meant frost/arcane mage. There’s much more than that to fire.

Mage is for people who like snoozing during raids.

Don’t expect a classic hunter to give quality replies.

Class that requires two braincells.


If someone is resorting to ‘yeah well I press buttons different to you’ they have nothing worthwhile to say. Don’t engage


Very based post.
Keep up the good work.

@lawson In hoc signo taurus vinces …

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Lol, Hunter probably has the most complex rotation in Classic.

Oh my god, it’s true, guys! Those auto-shots & aimed shots are really difficult to manage!

There is no substance here.

Non-RPers shouldn’t be on the server, and we have seen evidence of what happens when that population balloons. RPers leave and the server dies, as what happened to literally every single other RP realm.

OP claims that OOCers are necessary for the health of the server because they do content, then when challenged by the fact that RPers (such as, I stress, the OP themselves) can and do complete the same content, and cross-realm linking means that only the top tier mythic raiders can’t form a community from a more suitable server, and those top tier raiders represent such a small minority that their absence wouldn’t do a thing to the server’s health, they have nothing left to say.