Non-RPers are critical to the health of the server

Most likely the latter. I honestly doubt Blizzard is going to say something like “Yeah, you don’t have to respect the server you’re on lol”.

As I already remarked, just because Blizzard usually is too lax to enforce their own rules doesn’t mean that misbehaviour and being a douche is fine, as long as you don’t get caught.

There is also something as unwritten rules, common sense and customs. Unless you’re an antisocial arsehat, you respect that the prime activity of this realm is roleplay. It is really not that hard to grasp that roleplayers are annoyed by people breaking their immersion - either by mammoths, OOC in /s or simply by running over them atop some sparkly mount.

And, as a matter of fact, they -have- banned people for disrupting RP.


Ah, the classic ‘if you don’t like X, make your own Z’ argument. This topic isn’t even relevant for you, unless you’re just an alt-poster afraid to show his main - which I assume you are. Why can’t you people just stick to Classic with the rest of the dumbos and stay in that cesspit of a community there?

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Their 40 minutes of content via BWL has ensured that Classic is now once again dead so I absolutely cannot blame old Khalgosh whatsoever

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Haven’t they got Naxx to prepare for now?

AQ20 + AQ40 then Naxx if I’m not mistaken, which will equate to perhaps another five or six hours of content in total (despite preparing for them for months on end)

I love Classic… it feels like… Home…

I completely forgot about those two.

When’s Zul’gurub?

Classic AV takes the Horde 10 minutes to get a guaranteed win.

I am glad I didn’t bother to level up a character for it.

In between BWL and AQ20/40 as far as I remember.

Must suck watching your country leave a sinking ship currently drowning so many other nations

Yeah, I don’t really care, I’m not your dad. You still don’t get to make the rules of a forum and server you don’t own.


It is, though, because a bunch of egomaniacs are trying to decide how Blizzard’s servers should be ran. You don’t have a say. You just get to play for your measly 15$ a month. Anything more is out of your privileges and the sooner you understand that, the better.

If my ‘‘roleplay’’ on this godforsaken server consists of /spit and /roar and one shouted emote every 3 hours you’re in no position to decide that’s not enough.

Because these forums are chaos and they need my infinite wisdom to be fixed. Yours and PCU’s posts prove it. Quite frankly reading these forums I get why roleplayers are bullied and no one would admit being one in real life. I really get it. It’s embarrassing. You think that just because a few guilds banded together under a hive mind you suddenly decide how things are ran? Nah.

Remember to do your world quests and visions and LFR and other loot roulettes Blizzard made for players who can’t concentrate for long times. You haven’t even stepped in a Heroic raid, calm down about content, bucko.

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RPers don’t do content, don’t you remember :crazy_face:


I’m sure it’s a lot easier to retread 16 year old content that’s been chewed out for you beforehand :slight_smile:


I wonder which abloobloomination this classic alt belongs to…

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Tribalism on these forums has just exploded. It’s RPers vs OOCers, PCU vs anti-PCU, Retailers vs Classic players, Vaxir vs Everyone.
And that’s just in this thread alone…


I am actually ashamed from sharing those forums with you lol. Same goes to the forum draconic aspect



That’s half the fun of it, isn’t it? Target rich environment.

It’s a dynamic battlefield with dynamic factions and ever changing allegiances.

It’s WoW PVP but better

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Mount and Blade Warband, but the offrealmers are Swadia.


How can one orc be so self-centered and entitltled that he unironically post that his own fun at the expense of everyone else’s fun triumphs litterally everything else?

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