Non-RPers are critical to the health of the server

I was 8th highest fire mage in all stars rating back in mythic Nighthold, that counts?

Yes, you’re a real big boi.

Here, have a stamp.

:point_right: :airplane:

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All stars rating just means you did the raid a lot. Got any 95+ parses?

Excuse me ma’am are you against immigration cause that sounds racist

He’s right, vanilla gameplay is an absolute snorefest

So is anything in BFA that isn’t Mythic.


Not as much as Vanilla tbh

Okay you’re cool enough to hang out with me, but you can’t bring a +1

I can already taste the tears of you ragequitting when you pulled 3 mobs.

I’ve been playing the game since it came out and done the raids when you were a mere idea in your parents’ minds lmao

I think most people who don’t live in the basement of their parents are in their parents’ mind. However, if you are trying to pull the age card on me, it would be rather difficult for you to raid in WoW in the '90s, considering it got released in the 2000s.

Looking at your raid progress though, there’s not much to talk about. You barely stepped into Mythic raids.

Why are we even discussing PvE progress here lmao

I mean, sign up for a log tossing contest if you want to be a real man


Dunno, they were throwing shots at Classic. I guess losing all those players stung!

Can you please share your Roleplaying license and RP-Progression curve stats?

Sure, my character is this really deadly orc who kills Alliance all day. It’s actually great roleplay because many claim to be these badass heroes but they never PvP. I actually PvP a lot, and have many thousand kills to show for it!

Yeah not planning to do BFA Mythic raids, had my fill in doing HC raiding in TBC, MoP and Legion

Man, for someone your age you sure are both insufferable and infantile

Any other goal posts you want to move regarding who’s been playing the game/achieved more, I’ll win out no matter what you type or link :slight_smile:

Only towards those who deserve it tbh.

No, you really won’t.

Your max Arena Rating ever is under 1600. It’s not even a contest, just squashing a bug. I don’t know why you wanted to enter a sword measuring contest when you’re not even armed.

And yet have achievements that are for higher ratings, strange black magic there…

Go troll somewhere else, you’re on my forum ignore list now

I am shaking with uttermost heartbreak

Dunno man I’m not seeing anything relevant from WOTLK or beyond.

Anyhow someone who has 3 Mythic bosses in the whole of BFA shouldn’t speak about progress or the difficulty of PvE.

sweet silence…


OOCers are beneficial to the realm g-guys I s-swear!

also OOCers:

You guys bring NOTHING to the realm, which in the end, is still meant for roleplay - and will always be first and foremost.

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