Non-RPers don't help servers, they destroy servers

at risk of repeating myself on this for the 10th time, an ideal being a long shot doesn’t mean there’s no reason to push for it.

Of course, I wouldn’t expect such a dedication from a 1x monthly RPer


Low pop servers exist?

Its not our responsibility to convince non-RPers on an RP realm to RP.

Its down to the individual that joined an RP server in the first place to RP, you’ll even find that so many RPers are willing to help those that are interested in RPing to get started.

I implore any OOCer to dip their toes in and see what its like, more often than not they’ll enjoy it.

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Yeah, but you don’t live in a perfect world.

And your shouting isn’t going to achieve anything. Though I am puzzled, why isn’t the PCU moving to a private RP server? You’d have 100% roleplayers and all the tools needed to do your roleplay/campaigns.

i know we’re the biggest RP community on AD but I didn’t realize we’re suddenly the ONLY one.

also we’re already on an RP server :slight_smile:

why would we? we do fine here, we have the means to deal with oocers when they pose a larger problem, but there shouldn’t be a problem at all

What an absurd statement…

Because you’re clearly unhappy with how Blizzard is doing things and running AD.

Neither do you

You shouldn’t advertise illegal “private” servers on this forum. If Blizzard offered an official alternative that I could pay for - sure, that would be sick and I think AD would die instantly


“you take issues with how it’s going right now so just quit instead”

Why don’t you move to a 1-man private forum since you are clearly unhappy with me calling you a 1x monthly RPer (which you are)

I’m sorry but this is quite disrespectful and immature, the only thing I can read of this is that you’re actually amongst the bullies since this comment is just outright stupid.
Never should people who undergo bullying recieve even more crap for reacting to it, and neither should people support it.


Have you tried running a kind of RP event that is up their alley with them eg RP dungeon run something that is part of their interest with RP sprinkled in?

and as a side note

Long live Zul’jin

yeah, that’s why we raise the issue? we’re not some babies who are going to server hop from the only active rp realm, we’re going to make it better, even if it means doing it this way

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I’m not. I didn’t mention any name.


It’s illegal and can be shut down, we’d miss out on other things and friends outside of the community on other servers and so on.

But you advocated for it which is bad.

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I’ve rarely seen someone getting griefed who didn’t respond in a measure that warranted said griefing. You can see it all over this forum. Posters are very aggressive and I have a hard time believing they are innocent victims.

people get angry when they’ve been wronged

You’ve wronged plenty people yourself. It’s almost like you expect to be treated different than you treat others. Why’s that?

how do you know Scrappy has wronged anyone ?