Non-RPers don't help servers, they destroy servers

Stop spouting utter nonsense and lies.

yeah i’ve wronged people, but respect goes both ways. if people don’t respect me, i don’t respect them. it’s very simple. i’m not going to play happy families with oocers when they destroyed my first rp realm and seem content to ruin this one too


“The victim reacts negatively to our actions which means they deserve to be victimised again”? Is that really the logic you’re going with?

This does not follow. People are generally not going to be passive and accepting of people mistreating them.

“If you want to RP on a RP server you should move them to a private illegal one”

my brain hurts from reading Kelduril’s quoted posts


The proof to that is all over these forums.

And if you keep shouting at the sky they’re going to ruin this one too. I for one can’t wait until AD is merged with another server. It’ll be karmic justice.

Oh no, the poor victims. Everyone knows AD forums are the epitome of normalcy.

if i don’t do anything they’re going to ruin it as well. so i’m doing something. i wouldn’t expect a classic player to understand the problems of a retail realm

Wrong, you’re just feeding them by making it a bigger issue.

This is victimblaming on the same level as telling women who get assaulted that it’s their fault for going out/dressing the wrong way. You should geniuenly be ashamed.

yeah because shutting up and being passive about wrongdoings always turned out great for people.


Do you roleplay very often on AD to have a measure of how big an issue is?

Yes, because being cyberbullied and being assaulted is totally comparable.

On the Internet? You bet your fuzzy little tail.

tbh so far every griefer guild/band of mongoloids got curbstomped during events that included having PvP on so I’m not that worried

they deserved griefing because they reacted


“this guy deserved to get shot in the arm because after i shot him he tried to attack me”

obvious troll is obvious


I used to be on Scarshield legion, which was an rp-pvp server. It didnt have a terribly large rp community to begin with, but it wasnt helped by ooc pvpers who would actively hunt down any gathering of rpers in any zone they could and constantly gank people in social settings with RP gear (read, no gear) on. This wasnt just a once a week thing, this was a near daily occurrence, they’d even follow rpers if they moved to a whole new area for a campaign and attack folks. It killed any chance of social rp, essentially killing rp off for good.

Eventually a number of guilds decided to have one final event for an ongoing storyline and then that was it for any large rp on the server, at the time. After that a bunch of us started anew on AD to get away from the oocers


Your logic is even more lacking than those who post in the AD forums.
Not all victims of mistreatment are of the ‘ideal victim’ stereotype.

let me know when it’s funny and i’ll laugh

Which is a bad thing. Strange how you don’t think so.

You wouldn’t get it, anyway.

Yeah but the most vocal ones ( you know, the usual suspects ) sure are deserving of it.

Off topic, but just thinking about this gets my juices flowing. Oh man. Proper RP centered systems for custom instances and actual NPC spawning tools for events. Oh, actual MODERATORS. Keeping a nice, close eye on goings on.

I remember stories about old private RP servers that actually let you choose career paths for your characters, one of which was architect that let players create new buildings in the world after gathering materials. Groups would pool their resources and would hire outside contractors to come constrcut buildings for their guilds strongholds. Creating new settlements.


I’d pay DOUBLE the monthly sub for that experience. Too bad it’s never gonna happen.

What, like stating experiences from other servers like the OP intended?

Being annoyed about having a favoured hobby constantly griefed/interrupted is no call for “karmic justice”, you got a really weird chain of thought.

Or perhaps you’ve been stone cold Steve Austin’d before for something you’ve done and you’re still incredibly pink in the face over it.