Non-RPers don't help servers, they destroy servers

by your own word it’s pretty much impossible to do both RP and high-end content in a big way mate!

Would love if you RP’d more often and properly re-integrated yourself into RPer-culture but I get it you’re far too busy doing le epic endgame or smth

I haven’t mythic raided in like 7 months. And even then I was RPing as well, on the side.

dang, so i guess oocer guilds aren’t that important after all

Nah, it just sadly died. But Splendour had plenty Roleplayers in it.

so your raiding guild has Rpers in it as well?

I’d say about 40% of it were roleplayers, yes.

We see a lot of threads made by people looking for PvE guilds, where the OP already states they have no intention of RPing. I’d rather they’d keep out completely, if this is their mindset - even if it might possibly change, it is still a big MAYBE.

But this “MAYBE THEY WILL RP” is the only point you have made in the past threads on the subject, so I do not expect to hear any nuanced opinion from you.


I remember the forums posts about this one.

So, I have often gone to other forums and I have spent quite an amount of time on the Roleplay forums.

One day there was a thread where the OP was talking about how tired they were of A Bunch of Campers and had many other RPers consoling them about it.

So - being the curious cat I am - I went to the DB forums and found the guild recruitment thread.

To say the least it was pseudo IC mocking the RPers of DB.

EDIT: there used to be threads on the pvp forums about this guild too where all the true PVPers would laugh at how bad they were that they had to move to DB to gank RPers.

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interesting makes wonder how many guilds seen as OOC guilds have a little rp community within their ranks

If you try to convince them to roleplay, you might succeed. 1 in 1000, whatever, worth it.

If you yell at them you just ensure they never will.


kelduril no one ASKED and no one CARES

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Happy reminder that Faelyda, who wants OOCers around, doesn’t want non-raiders in their raids.

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I think the best way I have seen to change people’s minds on Rpings is to take them on a RP dungeon or Raid run like straight up in ff14 I got half of my guild to start rping by taking a group of them on a Rp raid and it spread like wild fire

That’s how you get merged with DB but good luck I guess.


If they come to an RP server, they should join with the intention to RP, be it a small or large amount. Those hypothetical 999x OOCers can play on the other ~50 non-RPing servers.

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hmmm cool we’ll get merged with RPer-remnants from another RP server that should be purged of all non-RPers?

Do you somehow think that we believe only AD needs to be cleansed?

No, I think it’s hilarious you think Blizzard would spend resources on a server with only a few hundred people playing. Which is why a purge can and will never happen.

That isn’t worth it. People shouldn’t need convincing and nor is it a RPers job to pander to griefers hoping for this 1/1000 chance that they suddenly become friendly

Well, guess what? I probably wouldn’t want to RP with a griefer even if they do eventually manage to download TRP3

" oh no "