Non-RPers don't help servers, they destroy servers

Sorry to hear that sucks also that gave me a bit of a flash back to that one memorial where a bunch of griefers attacked a group having a genuine moment of mourning for someone who died IRL couldn’t tell you why

I tried Moonglade once back in 2011? It was dead compared to AD even back then. Sad times.

from what I recall of the reputation of Moonglade did you check Goldshire?

Only Stormwind. Learned enough from AD not to go to such a place.

Oh, it’s even better. Even if moderators are offline you can just PVP someone down and permakill them. RP trolling/griefing basically doesn’t exist.

thats such a griefer response

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You need to read context better.

No, but if an OOCer approaches my character without an appropriate addon, or without anything to even suggest they’re an RPer, I always give them the benefit of the doubt and RP with them.

I even whisper them OOCly and offer them advice on how to get started in RP if they’re interested.


I mean smart move but I am pretty sure Moonglade is usually one giant goldshire orgy followed up by meh normal rp when no one can actually get a hard on anymore

That sounds like griefing.

Are you a griefer?

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Griefing griefers is fair game.

Incorrect. Them being an a to other a’s doesn’t make you right in mistreating them. It makes you just another a. Especially when you wind up promoting things that catch other people in the crossfire.

sounds like he’s just a huge pink wojak about something, curious!

sadly didn’t learn not to spread doxx.

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here we GO BOYS

… I missed that?! Oh damn.

well give it a try sometime you will be surprised how many Rpers are hiding in their ranks with just a little honey

only u would rly be sad about that

Give what a try? Running a dungeon with an OOCer? I do that all the time in the form of M+

You have no idea. I’m so, so sad :frowning:

Yeah but… who asked?