Non-RPers don't help servers, they destroy servers

Merely jesting with the furry guy.

No do a RP dungeon run with one take an oocer who seems like they have a tiny bit of interest in Rping (you aren’t gonna get the extremes of the OOC community but you can yank some fence sitters down on to your side) and do a RP dungeon run with them be surprised how many actually get hooked when they learn you can both do PVE content and RP at the same time

i actually find it so funny when people try to imply griefing doesn’t exist and it’s even funnier that they only say that when they rp once a month

it would do people wonders to engage in community activities, like rp-pvp, and see just how many griefers there can be

Or… alternatively… and bear with me on this one… they could RP on the designated RP server like they’re supposed to. :scream:


Okay you gotta laugh out of me with that one fair play

You really shouldn’t believe Terlah’s lies. He’s well aware I don’t do that. He’s also aware I have an Alliance character specifically for cross faction RP, which no sane person would go through the trouble of making if they only RPed once a month.

This seems a really weird way to introduce someone to RP, especially as canonically most characters would not have run a dungeon IC

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spawned the post from you, didn’t aim it at you. it’s a general statement

it’s less about cannon or story line and more getting them comfortable with the idea in setting they are comfortable in basically baby steps to get them hooked kinda like when you introduce someone to a game like Warhammer 40k or magic the first game you play with them is with dumbed down simpler armies or decks

can you maybe stop posting until you’re a Role-Player with a hint of credibility or at least as someone who knows what they are talking about

Ion Hozzikostas announces WoW Plus: For only a 300% increase in monthly subscription fee, you can play on the Argent Dawn Plus server. Benefits of playing on Argent Dawn Plus are 1) increased moderation by community pillars elected via the official Argent Dawn Plus Forums, 2) improved game world customization ability for all your RP-campaign needs, 3) improved in-game graphics, lovingly crafted by our dedicated team at Lemon sky.
Buy your WoW Plus subscription today!

This causes Space Marine fans, who do not understand that Necrons are best faction to exist. I am now 100% against anything you say in the forums forever.

Seriously though it is good that you do what you do.

Blizzard’s RP servers share only 1 key difference to other servers gameplay-wise:
Disabled sharding in a good amount of older zones. This due to the immense outrage that was (luckily) enough to make them provide at least something system-wise to promote the health of the RP community.
If that outrage didn’t happen, we would no longer exist due to Blizzard not taking their RP audience seriously enough.
Not the non-rpers; who are literally just playing the game. (And in some and often very loud but ultimately small amount of player driven cases, actively trying to break our immersion.)

Other than the sharding thing and RP tag, there is zero. Nothing. Nada. Nothing that truly sets the RP servers apart from others, nothing that has been specifically implemented to help AD for example to actually be what it is being advertised as in the server list and stop these folks from coming on.
So players will look at RP servers due to their odd economy for example, which in many cases is a good thing for gold farmers and what not, as well as the relatively friendly community. They will be intrigued by the prospect of being on such a server, spend their time doing what they do and maybe even get into rp.
In the end there is just no real incentive for people who do not rp to go to a different server, because there is scarcely a real enough difference. Nor is there any reason for an RP-monger such as myself to go to any other server, because this one is by far the most active and inventive.
If I wanted however, I could literally make an RP guild on a realm such as Magtheridon and have the EXACT SAME EXPERIENCE, just without the random interactions. If anything I would have more freedom to use places as bases, create stories and what not.
If anything we shouldn’t be blaming Non-RPers in general, but those that actively seek us out to screw about and destroy the fun so many are having.

Adding to that: This is up to us. If this really is such a big problem, we need to give Blizzard another bit of outrage as we did with the Sharding. Compile a list of things that you might find useful to discourage any non-roleplayers to make alts on this server. I will give it a start.

  • RP-Phase Toggle - Being able to phase into an RP phase, which will merge with all others who have that toggle on. (Warmode, but for RP)
  • Adjusting ToC to include RP-harassment - Being able to properly report someone for harassing you during RP, with the goal of making your game experience less fun.
  • RP-Server warning - When creating your first alt on AD, you are greeted with a warning that states this to be an RP server, and therefore might not provide the optimal WoW gameplay you may be lookig for.

So yeh, just a few thoughts and ideas.

TL;DR - This is something we should be outraged over at Blizzard, not the players. They should give us more options to set an RP server apart, I gave a small few examples as seen above.


sign me up

I’ll sub to this and also buy my way into a moderator role to promote Good RP until the servers are shut down

Mate I may have no roleplayed in WoW before but I have in FF14, Age of Conan, Star Trek Online, Everquest 2, EVE Online and even for like a month on BLESS online before that game came crashing down on it head totaling around 8 years of RP I have seen the worst side of both the griefers in Age of Conan were beyond disgusting and in Star Trek Online the Roleplay guilds got so insular and toxic they ate themselves alive

Yeah glad to see all that amounted to the grand sum of 0 when it comes to AD and RP on WoW

Tbh that sounds like a LOT of work for only a possible win. I’d rather just keep engaging people who venture to the RP areas, as they at least have a chance of being interested.

In the past I’ve helped a few newbies into RP just by doing that. I know Yuja from Painted Shields has supported a lot of curious Zandalari recently and helped them settle into the guild and RP.

Kelduril exhaled as he finally sat down in front of his PC. It had been a long day at work. He had deserved a few hours of relaxing with his friends before hitting the hay.

He logged on to WoW, Draenor-PvE, “Time to earn Curve for Ny’alotha,” he thought to himself. Him and his friends had been trying to down N’Zoth for the past few weeks, but it was a difficult task…

“We’ve had to pug some people tonight!” said Kelduril’s GM.
“Very well,” Kelduril thought to himself, “We will make it, nonetheless!” he was determined, he had been looking forward to this, after all.

The raid had spent a lot of time going over tactics, planning and purchasing flasks and food. They were ready. However, as the /readycheck hit ‘GO!’ - Kelduril’s raid inched forward at glacial pace. He looked past his shoulder, finding the rest of the raid RP-walking towards the mobs, which Kelduril had already pulled! No! What a disaster! Kelduril and his raid… they all fell. “What a waste of flasks and food,” he thought to himself, but he shrugged it off. Surely, there must have been a misunderstanding.

((We are RPing through this raid tonight, Kelduril! Accommodate or find a suitable place for your PvE-nonsense.)) said the GM in the /raid chat.
“But… this is Draenor, mister GM… it is meant for PvE - why on earth are you RPing right now?” said Kelduril.

But he received no response.

Kelduril decided to bite the bullet and have a shot at this strange ‘RP’-thing. But they weren’t progressing. It was almost bedtime - and they had not even managed to reach the first boss yet. So much walking, dialogue and only using abilities every five seconds? This was RIDICULOUS! They were here to do CONTENT, after all!


Kelduril ended up shutting off his PC and stared back at the black monitor for a time before heading to bed.

In the next few months, the issue did not improve. In fact, it had become worse. Every time Kelduril tried to play through some content, he was bunched together with RPers, none of which seemed interested in PvE. An increasing contempt began growing inside of him.

“Perhaps,” Kelduril thought, “Perhaps, if I spend what little time and energy I have after a long workday to convert these RPers to PvE on a PvE realm, then one day… maybe - MAYBE, I will be able to enjoy my hobby again.”


Hey it was merely a suggestion I know it worked gangbusters in FF14 thought maybe it could work here