Non-RPers don't help servers, they destroy servers

Experience is experience and their time spent in other RP communities can translate into useful knowledge from a different perspective.
E.G. Their FFXIV RP experience might give an insight into how player housing impacts RP.

just wish i could rp a catgirl on ad u guys :pensive:

Once that shows on these forums and in-game I’ll subscribe to that trail of thought, here he just looks like a baboon for the past 104+ posts he barfed out so far

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is it even LESS than once monthly? dang, rough.

i don’t think it’s particularly hard to make characters. in fact i could make one in under a minute, maybe a bit more depending on how much hassle the name limitations are.

or they could just RP.

We’re not babysitters.

Hey I merely made a suggestion on something that could work get some fresh rpers in from the other side but it seems there is no interest in the idea so it’s all good

Quiet now my son Mizikerion speak no more

You responded in that manner to a generally reasonable post.
His suggestion would be a preferable experience for new roleplayers than the WoW equivalent which generally involves visiting hubs with little to no OOC guidance and help. It’s not like he was saying that we have to do this. It seemed to just be a suggestion.

I feel like that is a song reference I am not getting

It is also a stupid suggestion if one took about a day (or week) to observe and accommodate themselves in the RP community of this game

Instead the guy is posting on a level 120 character, making everything he says show that he’s oblivious, thick or ignorant of what he’s poo-posting about

I’ll commend someone’s effort when it’s worth something, not simply the merit of them spending energy to post it

To answer that question Player Housing on the whole lets smaller guilds carve their own niche a little better also makes Bar/Restaurant guilds a lot more common and in general a bonus also has the added benefit of keeping griefers to a minimum but can cause a bit of hot spot competition and drama over this is this guild’s night for a regular event (imagine if there were 6 PCU level groups all viaing over who gets to host the weekly event on a Wednesday)

It’s not actually a bad suggestion. The issue is that it shouldn’t be something that RPers HAVE to do but it is a good suggestion in terms of trying to make RP more attractive to those who are interested.

It was just an example, you didn’t need to answer.

sensible people would come to an agreement and reorganise event schedules but i understand your point there aren’t many people that sensible on ad

I know but I felt like answering it since it’s one that I have seen come up a couple times and I have seen the housing system on a couple different games I have noticed the general trend

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Why do we have another thread about this topic. We’re just going in circles

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most of them were sensible until they let their competitive nature get the best of them

out of spite + to make a point


Amusingly enough, to circulate the point. I would undoubtedly make these types of threads myself on a reasonably regular basis in order to remind purely OOC players on our server that the vast majority of roleplayers do not welcome them.

What else can the community do if Blizzard won’t take a harder stance on people who don’t roleplay whatsoever and people that actively work to disrupt RP?

If we want them to know we don’t consider them welcome, Blizzard certainly aren’t going to do it for us

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5:17 - 5:19

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its time to bully the bullies out of the playground leia

Everyone going Spinelli…?

Where do I sign up?

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