Non-RPers don't help servers, they destroy servers

Yes, that plays a part too. BfA is garbage. Cataclysm was garbage too. It was less noticeable in WoD because you could ignore the lore 100%.

Yes, that is how it goes.


i can feel the depression in ur messages obilot is everything ok hun xx

I’m fine. :clown_face:

At least we’ll probably be able to ignore most of the lore in Shadowlands too when it concerns roleplay

The WoD golden age… part two?

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So we rpers should just keep quiet and let the griefing continue? Or either the bully who wants exactly that or you don’t have any idea how bullying works, staying quiet and not doing anything will only allow bullies/griefers to keep at it, I know, I have been through bullying in middle school so I know exactly what I speak of.

That is a…very good take actually.

Where does RP go for Shadowlands? Unless, we just pop in there for one patch and leave Tyrande and Sylvanas to battle it out and then we come home?

im very excited for shadowlands rp-wise honestly

the fact that the story is in an area that people at our character’s levels wouldn’t be able to access, we can focus on personal and guild storylines 100% of the time

it’s going to be so fun

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I can only speak for myself and the grouping I’m with… But we’re not crossing over to the Shadowlands.
Instead we’re looking to get engaged and perhaps host some arcs for Azeroth, around themes that are still happening on our little world.
For example: the Scourge that will be rolling around again.
I know it is a fantasy game, but going to the realm of the dead just seems as weird to roleplay out.

Earthen Ring was the realm I made my first ever character on.

Around the time of Wotlk I met a group of RP’ers who came to the realm from AD.
They told me about this promised land of RP where street flourish with life and people loved to tell stories for others. I decided to make a character on this realm so, never have I regret that decision.

Did OOC’ers have any play in my decision? not really, though I still think they should get lost from all RP realms.

that’s a fantastic idea, i think a lot of guilds within pcu will be doing that sort of thing as well

i rly do love smaller conflict plots

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Do you want non-RPers (not griefers, because we all agree those should get out) in your guild or events? Because my raids are not much different to your RP events. Even in RP you choose who to engage with and I am sure there are forms of RP or even RPers you prefer not to RP with.

I would prefer not to PvE with someone like you, but I have no issue with you doing your thing.

let me in the raid

[A-RP] Tavern Nights!

Link curve


Yeah, I’m sorry, but if you don’t have an AA page with at least 1+ year of posting stories, don’t bother applying to my RP group.



That means I’m out because I’m terrible at updating AA (haven’t done it since making an account)

No. I don’t want OOCers in my events. I don’t want OOCers in this realm either. I find them extremely disruptive to the activities.

Just like how you don’t want non-raiders in your raid.

But you keep promoting them. And when your argument is thrown against you, you suddenly change your tune.

So, I am going to take this as a “I concede your point that OOCers should not be part of an RP realm.”

If not…
Looking forward to joining your raid team to experience the environment and observe while you do all this work for my amusement.


mines entirely blank dont sweat

Your argument is a false equivalency. Organized raids are just like organized events, you can be more selective on who joins those and who doesn’t. Just like you expect anyone who joins an event to partake, so do I expect people who join a mythic raid to partake.

You aren’t hurt by an OOCer who doesn’t grief, they are just as big a nuisance as role players who are going about their business playing the game. Griefers will always come to this realm to make fun of role players, no matter what you do. Telling the people who do not RP but do no grief to leave is like throwing the baby out with the bathwater.

Grievers are a big issue, we all agree on this. They ruin events, disrupt people trying to RP casually and are overall a huge nuisance.

But if the OOCers leave, you will still have regular RPers going about their business in the trade district, Boralus and so on. You would still have the same issue.


So, when can I join that raid?

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it’s okay Scrappy you can raid with me Naxxramus this evening sounds good XD