Non-RPers don't help servers, they destroy servers

Dear Khalgosh-Golemagg of Classic Warcraft

Whilst I understand your situation, of which you have to post where none have requested, I must inform you that it is most unwelcome. We, the denizens of RP Argent Dawn EU, request that you cease your posting activities immediately as after investigation we have found that not a single soul aboard our vessel has asked for, nor requested your post.

We strongly suggest that your posts are instead delivered to a Golemagg-Classic address where I am sure they will be welcomed.

Yours Faithfully,

Ancillary Rynore Felbough of the Highblood Myrmidons

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I roll 20 and dodge your spell! Hah, get some hit rating.

Post on your own realm forums.

Pretty sure advocating for griefing is against the rules.

I don’t fight using rolls therefore I win by default

Pretty sure griefing is against the rules but here you are

Then I’m sorry but we can’t emote fight

u could try posting on ur own realms forum

I can post anywhere, actually

Please post somewhere else then.

No, I would like to post here.

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its reccomended you post on your own realms forum

FAO: Khalgosh-Golemagg

It has been brought to my attention that your posts are still being delivered to RP Argent Dawn EU. Please instead direct your posts to Golemagg-Classic.


Ancillary Rynore Felbough of the Highblood Myrmidons

Yep, here I am, along with others, telling griefers like you to :point_right: :airplane:. It’s not much, but it’s honest work.

If you break rules yourself you’re in no position to complain.

All this complaining makes me want to start a raiding guild here.

Rather than posting, get your backside over to the nearest inn and conjure some food.

We can’t have forum drama without food. It’s like, rule number 1.

You know, this is how to get a one-way ticket to Dalaran Crater. Mages don’t take orders, we take requests. :stuck_out_tongue:


Then why are you complaining?

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“Back in my day”, conjuration was done by orders via the superiors.

So your are just a grefier you can’t see reason and just want to come over and grefe so no good reason than, “You are being mean so you deserve it.” even thou half the server doesn’t.

“Selling popcorn. 3 copper a bag! Come get your popcorn!”

“3 copper a bag, come and get your popcorn!”