Non-RPers don't help servers, they destroy servers

I never experience bad things, which means bad thing don’t exist. :slight_smile:

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It’s because:

But yes, if anyone has any more stories to tell about how their old realms came down, do feel free to keep them coming. She wants evidence, let’s give her some gosh darn evidence.

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i had an inkling in the last thread - but now i see it clearer

thanks gamer

i hope to roleplay with you one day soon - and not raid with someone else soon

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Being able to invite your friends to a party to do content together through bnet, the in-game community function and the group finder have in fact all made it easier than ever to continue to do content with your friends that are on a roleplaying server

Purely OOC players do not need to be here and it’s simple facks - get out


I might actually pay for this.

I was in a couple of random BG’s with Hungaro’s group back in the days, it’s quite fun.

Aaaaah, more cancer and negativity.


I’v always personally attributed the success of Argent Dawn over the other forums to three factors:

  1. The Argent Archives - This gave everyone a great view of what was happening in the world and allowed you to really add additional layers of interaction to your characters, especially cross faction for the longest time. I don’t use it so much myself these days, but I loved it when I moved here in Wrath.

  2. Active Community Forums. Argent Dawn is famous for having a busy server and loud community members. When you drop in pugs with PVE servers, they’re quick to recognize Argent Dawn and that’s something quite impressive I think (even if it is mostly for Goldshire infamy)

  3. It simply was known as the biggest server to be on, likewise, Moon Guard is the only US Role-playing server that I know for that very same reason (and a great deal of infamy surrounding a certain Lordaeron Queen).

OOCers have always been here and in fact were far more prevalent in earlier expansions. The only strange thing is how vocal (sadly in vain I feel) the community is about ousting them these days, as if the sort of user who griefs that would indeed bother with the forums at all … minus again, a few very infamous characters (infamy is a running trend here).

I think the other servers would have waned in health simply for the fact that, this was known to be the server to be on, unless you wanted to be a big fish in a little pond elsewhere.

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And now we have BfA :smiley: The worst it has ever been (sorry for offtopic)

Yes and no? Coming from the US Servers, I can shed a little more light on the US phenomenons and how a number of their servers have waned.

Prior to WoW I RP’d a lot in WC3 among some friends. I didn’t really get into RP until I essentially left raiding as my regular end-game content at the end of Wrath. I did a LOT of research on all the US realms at that point in time (Emerald Dream, Moon Guard, Wyrmrest Accord, Earthen Ring and Argent Dawn) and watched generally the same thing happen to all of them.

Moon Guard seemed to just be the one place ‘Goldshire’ (or The Queen’s Throne) was seeded for the US. Yes, every RP server has that Goldshire to an extent, but it became a weird haven for it. Partly because that server’s community (before it’s larger exodus) had given it a wide berth simply due to not wanting to associate. They had a weird, symbiotic relationship because of it. The ‘main RPers’ didn’t bother Goldshire, the ‘Goldshire Bois’ didn’t bother them and it made for probably the healthiest community up until ‘greener pastures’ came about.

But every community through the US went on roughly the same cycle. It went something like this:

1: Community factions stop getting along. Whether due to someone wanting to check RP and it’s quality, interpersonal bickering or just straight up people being awful this is where it begins. People barb, troll, attack, etc., but it always starts here.
2: The exodus begins with a few players, some minor but several major GLs or community figures. Most are minor but some either leave the game or change servers. At this point in side a ‘dominant’ side between RP factions is established and things begin to increase.
3: Exodus intensifies, due to a number of factors (expansion lulls, bad content, community lore or inter-faction conflict) and it begins to affect both/all sides. At this point some portions of the community, be it any faction or ‘side’ become denoted as toxic.
4: The OOCers begin trolling for disruption’s sake. Whether it’s to piss off the RPers, or for ‘the good vibes’ it happens. At this time the negativity rather spreads and people begin disrupting each other’s RP.
5: Most of the RPers have formed their exodus for ‘greener pastures’ and the OOCers become VERY noticeable. The ‘toxic’ elements often remain, and are the last to leave.
6: Almost all RPers are gone now. Server is an OOC server. Eventually the OOCers, seeing the Low Pop, will transfer to other servers roughly 2-3 months down the line.

The flowchart for the US went roughly RPPvPs > Argent Dawn (which is a very small, quiet but tight community in the US) > Earthen Ring > Wyrmrest Accord. It gets smaller each time and WRA is now the haven for a lot of toxicity and unrest between RPers. It’s VERY largely separated and people turn up their noses even when players change guilds.

The only servers that don’t quite follow this cycle (on EU or US) are Emerald Dream-US and Moon Guard-US. ED-US collapsed due to a popular GM actually paying people RL currency to infiltrate guilds and destroy them with drama, and then later his exposure and ousting from both his ‘community’ and the server. While most of the records were on the old ED-US forums, I think there’s a tumblr that logged the whole experience you can read on.

MG-US pretty much just waned with the expansions. Last I heard WoD had hit them VERY badly between it’s patches and players just left either for WRA (where there’s more quantity despite the divisions), retreated to AD for the smaller but higher quality community, or left for SWTOR.

Earthen Ring - US also suffered incredibly due to it’s insular and vehemently ‘outsider opposed’ community. Over about 10 years a gentleman by the name of Jaero ran two community sites like the Argent Archives, but later handed it off to a controversial figure of the community. That essentially recycled steps 2-4 until the whole server’s population dropped and the ‘Earthen Ring Roleplaying Community’ site went down after the mass exodus of it’s players and staff to WRA-US.

From my understanding WRA has begun it’s own exodus and it’s repopulating and splitting the smaller servers. So hopefully the seeds of fresh RP are now hitting the US servers.


so while I haven’t been on another RP server on WoW from what I can see this seems to quite literally be the only English speaking one left on EU that isn’t devoid of Rpers (I could be wrong if there is one still alive and well feel free to point it out) but I can tell you the damage they can cause in other games for instance how does a concentrated campaign of disruption that cause the death of Rping in Age of Conan as a whole going from 10k people role playing to literally 0 people within the course of a year and some change

That was a seriously interesting read. Thank you for taking the time to jot it down.

Your list of breakdowns also makes you sound like a hardened planet hopping / time travelling survivor from a post apocalyptic world! I can certainly see a lot of that here, though to be fair, I could have told you back in Cataclysm that I saw it then as well, perhaps excluding 4,5,6 for AD specifically. That said, RP-PVP event grief wise, I’ve always seen the RPers here smash the faces of any would be gankers, unless somthing has changed in recent years here. City wise, they’ve literally always lolled to a minor degree. Nothing like an ocean of gnomes beyond the odd streamer larking about.

This. I am very, very envious of this lol. Sounds like a right laugh!


I can tell you they never really damaged ER. I’m pretty sure they haven’t really damaged ST until it was beyond redemption. I was also in “the others”, like SWC, OOCers have never been an issue there.

DB wasn’t even an RP server.

And your entire enlightened post doesn’t have a single line of argument.

Uh, you might want to check that. It’s STILL listed as an RP-Pvp server!

(also all the RPers that came from there can confirm it too!)


You really do love talking out of your rear end.


Would quote your own line back at you and also call you unsubbed

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Dude i’ve seen it all. The moment a semi-gathering of people on one spot happens, some dude from [district with the Auction House in it] will fly over there and park a big yak/mammoth/etc on the big gathering and/or start spamming crazy ooc talk in /s with emoticons and internet talk.

No wonder people never gather up in hubs like Stormwind.

That’s not entirely accurate… Before I start I’ll just say to anyone reading the thread; this is going to be a long post and if you have absolutely no interest in hearing about the death of Dagger & Totem, please skip this post. I’m about to go Brigante-tier in terms of length, throwing succinctness out the window because it’s a topic near and dear to me. So, here’s you’re tl;dr warning.

The D&T member base migrated to Earthen Ring after the GM, Gremkarc, started logging in less and less during the end of Wrath/start of Cata (I speculate that he honestly got tired of people complaining about D&T having a monopoly on Horde RP but also how the community seemed to lean on him to provide server events and campaigns for their entertainment), and then a coup kicked off from the more insane members. Dagger and Totem existed as a weird separate entity with a new GM (the one who instigated the coup) on the Sha’tar while Grem and those who wanted to go with him, like me, moved to ER. He wanted a fresh start and an opportunity to RP with a new and larger crowd, although not too large.

When discussing moving to an RP server, AD was out of the question at the time, because of fears that our new guild would be cannibalised, and have immense trouble finding a space for itself among the bigger guilds. Imagine a smaller flower being overcrowded by the much larger flowers, blocked by sunlight and having all the moisture in the ground sucked up by the roots of the larger flowers, left to whither and die. I think that was the mental image that stuck with us. I agreed with his assessment at the time, although truthfully I still think Grem liked the idea of being a big fish in a little pond - he always responded very well to the positive feedback from his campaigns and RP events.

We rebranded as Thunderstrike Outrunners and retconned most if not all of our old canon in favour of a fresh start, although we did mostly the same flavour of RP. The same sort of malaise settled over Grem again and he started showing up less, we started RPing less as a whole. In hindsight, I think it was a number of things that contributed to Grem disappearing entirely - the backstabbing end to D&T obviously had a significant impact on him. He was a lot more cautious in who he confided in. I’m glad he had close friends and a partner to lean on and he never made it very public how he was obviously worn down and wasn’t having fun anymore.

Thunderstrike Outrunners’ last hoorah was in MoP, if I remember (I went on hiatus for a lot of Cata and the beginning of MoP owing to factors unrelated to the game). We rebranded, again, as Squad Red Mesa, and were looking to get back to that traditional D&T RP but the spark just never ignited into a flame. We went dormant around 5.2, again, and never really recovered. Eventually WoD rolled around and Grem had decided to hand the reins of Squad Red Mesa over to Watrus, at which point the writing was on the wall - RP was well and truly dead on ER and had become dust back on The Sha’tar, so after deliberation Watrus and myself decided to move to AD and chance it with a new guild idea, and offered anyone who wanted to come along to do so. That’s when Red Venturers became a thing. Also we felt like the connected realms hadn’t gone far enough, and that there should have been two mega-RP servers - one of all the smaller realms connected, and AD. We debated the merits of this with MVP Trelw quite a bit back then.

Grem came back briefly during Legion along with a plethora of friends he had made on ESO, using Red Venturers as a shelter while they got their guild idea together - the Linked Ring, a guild dedicated to celebrating and preserving the culture and history of the various races of the Horde. Again, they sort of went dormant during the end days of Legion, and came back again for the beginning of BFA before fizzling out again.

I don’t keep in touch with Grem anymore - without going in to too much detail I was never happy with how the Legion situation above panned out - but Watrus still keeps a good friendship going with him. I hear he’s happy, so good for him. I think it’s evident from the constant coming back and leaving that he wants to love WoW again but he just can’t find the spark.

As for D&T? Couldn’t tell you much about that after the ER move, although the guild never reached the lofty heights it did during WotLK glory days. It mostly went quiet, very insular, and slowly died out. A quick armoury check shows some enterprising individual moved the guild to AD, but beyond that an error 500 pops up when trying to view the guild. It’s certainly not lead by the individual who instigated the coup, as another armoury search shows them in a different guild on AD at lv100. Last I heard they were content to post their fan-shipping of Wrathion and Anduin on Tumblr, and play/RP of FFXIV.

Phew! That’s a lot to take in. Sorry for the ramble but like I said, it’s a topic near and dear to me. It’s my formulative experience with RP and the game, and the events dictated my time with this game and it’s RP community/scene. In a way you’re both right and wrong - D&T did leave for greener pastures but there was a lot of OOC politcs in the background. We had, however, become acutely aware that recruitment was always a struggle on Sha’tar and ER post-Wrath, and that there was a significant upswing in OOCers and RP griefing. There didn’t seem to be much of an RP scene, as RPers from those servers had been driven to AD, or off the game entirely, because of the rampant OOCing, griefing, and attention from guilds wanting cheap and easy Server Firsts with little or no competition.


Haha, Jesus. I didn’t realise having non-RPers on your server made you lot so incredibly salty. No wonder you guys get trolls so much.


Haha, Jesus. I didn’t realise having non-RPers on your server made you lot so incredibly salty. No wonder you guys get trolls so much.


You guys seem like fun, I might hop over and create a mammoth taxi service guild.

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