Non-RPers don't help servers, they destroy servers

Dude are you slow in the brain?

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personally I don’t care if non rpers are on the server I question why they want to be on a RP server when they are better off on a PVE or PVP server depending on their personal taste, what I do care about is when non rpers take time to actively disrupt Rpers doing their thing since Rpers don’t stop you from pvping or raiding or whatever it is you like to do why should you stop them from doing what they like doing honestly it seems rather pathetic in a game with such a glut of content all you can think of doing is bothering roleplayers

Nice of you to show that you are actually just a troll trying to bait people by saying things that are 100% wrong.

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as someone who played on sha’tar i can tell you immediately that you’re wrong. i’d witnessed a ridiculous amount of oocers harassing and bullying rpers just for WANTING to rp, and even more so for actually doing it

sha’tar became beyond redemption when the influx of oocers became too high and you were punishing yourself if you kept trying to rp on sha’tar


and then as seen here, is actually a good example of a horrible person and an extremely valid reason to not like oocels

stay on khadgar with ur terrible name

“Haha, Jesus. I’m angsty as hell and hate my life and my parents are disappointed in me so I think I’ll come and pretend to be a hard man in a video game because my dad doesn’t understand the internet and won’t find out so he won’t beat me for taking my frustrations out on people anonymously.”


It didn’t help that he posted a massive erp emote in /rw during the desolace event mid cata, right before the migration.

But yeah D&T very quickly imploded after Ursala took over- Much to the keks of the Spine gang lmao (which I had already abandoned by leaving to AD).

Still, I loved the interactions. Especially the plot with overthrowing Darsonelew and turning the Apothecarium into The Spine with a puppet leader before Viatrax.


I created a character on Moonglade about one month after the server opened. What I’ve observed over the last 14 years is death by a thousand cuts rather than the server being overwhelmed by an OOCer army.

It started when paid server transfers became available. A number of my friends believed the RP to better on Argent Dawn so transferred away. Some got bored of the game and stopped playing. Others still enjoyed the game but grew tired of RP and the drama that sprang forth from these communities so stopped roleplaying (I’m probably in this camp for the most part but did keep casually roleplaying).

I ended up taking an extended break starting in Cataclysm and saw what remained of my RP guild transfer over to Argent Dawn. I returned in Warlords of Draenor, but there seemed to be very little going on compared to what there was previously.


You’ve been/is in two guilds that does so, you tell us :upside_down_face:


o o f, now that’s just an attack to the whole of AD.

An intellectual powerhouse as usual, aren’t you? DB back in the day had a very large and thriving RP community, in fact I think it was second to largest RP realm some years ago if I’m not mistaken.

I started RPing on SWC, which when I started there had a large and healthy community at the time which slowly dwindled due to OOCers, GMs and officers quitting the game and other things. As such, the active guilds remaining looked for greener pastures or just went inactive and now I think there’s just a couple of active RP guilds left there.

So I later moved to DB, and I’ll tell you It was thriving and didn’t really die down (from what I could observe) until after WoD came out. And to thank for that there was a few OOC guilds that prided themselves on griefing. For any old DB’er here, I’m sure they can remember < A Bunch of Campers >.

OOCers have been poison to many RP realms and even on AD continues to be so.


I can confirm this, there were Ironforge Senates, Stormwind Councils, Guard guilds cooperating with criminal ones, Horde having at least one large racial guild per race and a few mixed ones, etc etc


The community died because people left the server, either for IRL or for AD. That’s literally all there is to it. OOCers had nothing to do about the decrease in RP on SWC or ER.

DB isn’t a real RP server. It was meant to host RP and PvP at the same time, and ultimately the two couldn’t co-exist: DB rewarded griefing and killing RPers, making it lawful to corpse camp.

The rules of AD have always been different. On AD, if you RP and you get killed you could turn /PvP off, and then if they persist they’re literally harassing you and deserve to be suspended or similar. Such an attitude makes RP and RP-PvP viable, with the proper arrangements.

If more OOCers come in and start griefing so people leave, they are part of the problem.

Your need to constantly dismiss people’s experiences and feelings as false is the reason nobody wants to engage with you.


you say the darndest things, ol’ dragon.

hmmm but why did people decide to leave i wonder? what drove them to do so… ? was it perhaps irritation caused by oocels like you?

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tfw defias brotherhood is no longer a rp server because big man athramus said so

as if ur words hold any weight u spazz


Those servers died because of the low roleplayeR:nonroleplayer ratio.

Which is why you need to encourage Roleplayers and see every current OOCer as a potential roleplayer. A realm will never be able to get Roleplayers at the same rate it loses them, so it’s in your best interest to get non-roleplayers to roleplay. But you’re not going to do that by being antagonistic towards them.


It’s like being bullied in school, they don’t realise that the angrier they get the more they’ll get trolled.

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you’d think a 1x monthly rper would know that most people are just never going to get into RP and therefore should not be on RP servers

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Why do you keep spouting these lies?