None-casual players thoughts - titanforging isnt fine

And I agree with you, we wouldn’t be in “boosting” areas if it wasn’t for Blizzard selling them AND people buying them. But, if people stopped buying them, there wouldn’t be any reason to sell them is what I’m getting at.

If Blizzard start to remove groups from LFG tools that are “WTS”, then people will find other ways to buy it instead. It’s sadly always going to be the same thing, just different methods.

But, if people stopped buying the boosts, then there would be no use in the booster to sell them anymore, because no one is buying.

I know it’s on BOTH sides fault that it’s like this, but trying to get the “booster” (In this case Blizzard) to ban people for it, won’t solve the situation, as people who WANT to buy the boosts, will find another way to contact the sellers of the boost.

The only person struggling here is you.

But we aren’t having this discussion anymore, though, remember. It’s just a damn shame apples can’t be oranges.

So, you’d be fine if Blizzard started selling high end gear then, yeah? Since you’re fine with the levelling boosts.

This is something Blizzard would end up doing, with how things are going.

Doesn’t matter what the boost is for, it’s still a boost. If you want dungeon/raid boosts to be banned, then levelling boosts should also be bannable. It’s as simple as that.

Don’t put things in my mouth, please.

That’s their prerogative.

You know who else dealt in absolutes?

A level boost and a dungeon boost are totally different, and like I said, your attempts at spinning it doesn’t change that, sorry.

For a start, with a level boost, the destination is simply 120. In the exact same position as everyone else. They’re also sold by Blizzard, not a bunch of random guys in-game, lol.

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Of course they are different, paying to skip content on a game is different to paying to skip content on a game, right? Paying to “earn” things in the game is different to paying to “earn” things in the game, right?

Levelling is EARNED, be it easy or hard, it’s still earned. Yet people can bypass the whole “earning” process and just pay for a boost.

They are the same thing, just different content of the game.

The only difference between a gear boost and a levelling boost is, you’d have to pay for multiple boosts to be on par with people who ran it properly, where as, a levelling boost, pay once and you’re there.

No, wrong.

As I said, the destination with a leveling boost is, you guessed it, level 120. Whereas with a dungeon boost, you have a distinct advantage over other people, gear-wise. A disadvantage they’d be very unlikely to overcome by playing the game, unlike, yunno, leveling.

Anyway, I’m going to play the game. Your feeble attempts at rationalizing rubbish is wasting my time.

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Well, if you don’t have the skill to get the achievements yourself, then you could always just “Buy a boost lmao”.

I do see where you’re coming from, I really do. I understand that people who buy boosts get advantages over others, but the SAME can be said for levelling.

You and a friend start levelling, your friend buys the boost whilst you keep levelling.

If you put the work in, you get the rewards. So, if you are able to go get AoTC, then you can get it. It’s not out of reach for you, and someone else paying to get there isn’t stopping you either.

Yes, some players may not be able to get the achievements (I wouldn’t say the gear) themselves without buying the boosts, but that’s why boost selling is such a big thing.

It’s just pure jealousy, because you can’t afford the boosts yourself.

But think about this, this way… no one is asking you to do anything and due to this random CHANCE you can also be that person except because you are running a M+ you already getting a higher ilvl gear plus you may have that chance of getting even higher through TF.

I got lucky and got a trincket ilvl 395 with TF i believe. Since then I have not seen any great TF upgrades while you have been running M+ and out ilvling me :slight_smile:

Where is the problem here? Its all random anyways… If you really have to disagree, ask B to fix RNG that includes WF and TF. (Which is working already)

Leveling boost shouldn’t be available. And comparing boost runs to potions on the AH is just silly. Compare it to BoE items and we might have a discussion there.

As I said, in principle, I don’t think there is a huge problem with boost runs. The problem becomes tangible when it starts to affect a significant part of the community. I’m fine with high-end guilds selling mythic Uldir runs to cover their expenses. Just a very few people gonna be able to buy those, it not gonna change much.

But the amount of M+ boost runs is getting ridiculous. Sometimes I check a couple of sellers on Rio to see what we are dealing with and what I found is honestly disgusting. We are at a point where people with sub-1k Rio are trying to sell boosts.

I think the Blizzard approach, which is the “ostrich approach” was fine until boost runs were just a sideshow for a few players. Now, we are suffering the tangible results of a heavily boosted player-base.

I hate this “gearing progression system”. Not because of the WF/TF system. Not because of the boost runs. Not because of the welfare gears. But because all these added together creates this mess.

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I mean I love selling boosts, and im 1.2k rio right now, been like that for ages now because i barely push and mostly boost.

atm I dont boost that much tho because prices went down and i get 90-250k per run.
so hopefully +15 is here soon

Which is counterproductive, as after I’m done with a single character, I’d move onto another one. - Currently I’m not playing outside of guild-raids, and once the raid finishes… Chances are I won’t be logging in or be paying for a sub.

Is it elitist to want to play with other people who are the same skill level as you? Is it elitist to get frustrated when someone gets a high ilvl and goes into content completely unprepared and causes the group to fail? No, no it is not. Being Elitist would be saying something like “Anyone who doesn’t do at least +15 mythics is a complete waste of space and should quit the game.” Is anyone saying that? No.

Please stop throwing words around without knowing their meaning. It makes you look like a fool.

Nothing prevents you now from playing with the people of the same skill level as you, do the content with the guild group, make your own runs and make the criteria whatever you wish to join up or join the groups which have the terms which you like for joining them.

That’s exactly what we do, but according to some people that is being elitist…Apparently I’m being an elitist if I put an ilvl or raider io requirement on my group.

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Not according to me, what’s elitistic however is to demand that the game should be centered only around specific group of players in the game without considering other factors, like what is good for majority of the players or the entire situation how the gearing in the game works now and the current gear gap in the game between different groups of players. And by getting all angry if some player gets occasionally lucky with an titanforged item when the chance for that is pretty low anyway in the game and when its the same for everyone.

Well, I truly believe that titanforging, along with the entire pve gearing system, doesn’t benefit anyone. So far nobody has given me a solid reason why titanforging is a good thing.

The problem is that the gearing system skips players past the learning portions of the game. It’s like if you were playing a single-player game but instead of starting you at the beginning, it starts you half-way through the game.

WoW does the same thing. You can get to ilvl 360 just from world quests and warfronts. This means if you want to do group content afterwards you have to go straight into either heroic raids or m+6 dungeons. This isn’t fair on anybody. It isn’t fair on the new guys because they aren’t prepared for it, and it isn’t fair on the experienced players who have to carry the new guys through.

Who benefits from this situation?

I really don’t have statistic here and neither have you ( Blizzard surely does ) about how many new players get it to il 360 fast and early after they dinged, I bet how there aren’t many people like that. To get to that item level and above I actually had to do all the content in the game without skipping steps and I surely didn’t started on a high mythic key or a Ghuun heroic fight, neither did the people I know.

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There appear to be enough that players are going into m+ without a clue of what they are doing. Is it titanforging or just gearing in general, I don’t know. What I plan to do in 8.1 is gear up my feral druid (currently ilvl 290) without using any titanforged items at all. I’m curious to see just how much of an impact titanforging has on the gearing process.

the only way I can see TF working good for me is if items could be manually upgraded on top of randomization.
gives us currency and let us upgrade items, manually, like a bad luck protection and personally im happy.

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90% of statistics quoted on the internet are made up on the spot.

The chances of getting a really good TF upgrade is so small that it’s a total non issue. The way you complainers are portraying the situation is as if it’s something that happens to everyone all the time.
It’s more a case of “BOOHOOHOO they’ve got something better than me BOOHOOHOO, I’m gonna throw all my toys out the cot”