Noob fiesta in Solo Shuffle

Why are there people at 1800-2k mmr in this game who just don’t press defensives? Like seriously? Why should one suffer because of these people?


Because they are carried by how much damage and pressure they can do.

Worst below 2k is WW Monks, I noticed this when I play my disc priest that most of them have no awareness at all of what is going on around them and their opponents most of the time don’t know how to deal with infinite gap closer and karma while their serenity is up.


There are people almost 1000 rating higher than that who don’t press defensives.

At 1.8-2k it’s expected

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Because 1900 right now is starting mmr for fresh characters and it’s expected?


Tbf that apply for all specs equally on these mmrs currently, almost every lobby heal can be sap on start and watch his team rushing 90y away other side of map with zero awareness that their heal were just sap, so he have to start the game with sitting it while team advance further into yonder or trinket the first cc on him and whichever his choise were then he also have to deal with the fact somehow that his team are 20% hp now somewhere other side of the map and likely also behind some ramp or wall and when he advance towards them they let themselves be kited to opposite direction from healers direction and ofc they lack awareness to even attempt get in line for a heal or two, then they just die and the 0-6 guy of the lobby is usually recognized from this event.

These people shouldnt be higher than 1500mmr before they install some common auras and addons and start play with some normal awareness. Most people who have played for a while can read the game ahead for atleast next 3 moves but theres currently ppl on 2kmmr that cant even predict something so simple as sap coming to their healer on opener is an absolute joke.

Nobody should gain any rating at all from gameplay like this, so imo they sure dont belong even anywhere near 2kmmr in first place, and if for some reason theyre able climb arena playing like this well then thats even bigger joke imo, people that play like this deserve to be punished for the lack of awareness untill they start realising what others already have and reading the game in predictable steps they dont belong higher than 1500mmr from where they should start from with this exp of theirs.


Yes, it really is a mystery how some players can get close to 2k rating with zero awareness.

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Uhm…because 2k mmr is really low? Most ppl who are below 2.4k in shuffle are like 2.1k max xp in other brackets. Just check them for yourself.

The point obviously being that people should not have 2kmmr if they have no awareness for basic things, 2kmmr is not low normally. Its only in this season when they did this weird decision to make all start from 1900mmr or the like even if their past highest have been 1.6 for 3 years or something max. Obviously these ppl should not be put into 2kmmr lobbys especially in their honor gears to be farmed. Nobody cares heal games like this and the dps care even less if they wait 30min for this.

Yes, it is for someone that played for years and discussed with their friends about different strategies in 3s.

But 3s and solo shuffle is not the same, in shuffle you need to adapt more because you don’t really know what’s going on in everyone’s head and players do all sorts of things when no one is telling them to do with a microphone.

All that is pointed out is how much difference there is in awareness between players below 2k rating and if someone should be close to it without any.

The difference is so huge that it is impossible not to notice how much for example serenity and ret wings can carry a player.

But for someone that is used to play with better players you don’t really have this problem and it is understandable that this matter would seem trivial.

I like how it’s always complaints about “players worse than me” on these forums, while in reality you are barely any good yourself and there are thousands of people annoyed in the same way you are or more, by witnessing your defensive gameplay during their lobbies, but yet only players worse than you are the issue, not you yourself.


Solo shuffle should be for noobs.

Play 2v2 and 3v3 for a real challenge.


Why would any play 2v2 and 3v3 when large portion of playerbase plays shuffle and ratings on this system are still heavily affected by participation in the mode one participates in. Why would I go sweat 6min games into buddy teams tryharding trivial mmrs just so I can gain +5 rating or something for my efforts on a trivial low mmr. Especially if I play dps and the other option is just q shuffle and after 10-30min wait im on 1.9mmr immediately and hit 2.1 in few days even if fail half the basic aspects in the game. See the problem?

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It’s not that bad for me in 2v2.
I prefer it because of the 30 second q time

In case of team games, not all lost matches are because of your own mistakes :slight_smile:

Is this an attempt at one of those “it’s not me, I’m held back by my terrible teammates” take? :slight_smile:

Never said I don’t make mistakes :slight_smile: What I said is that sometimes a lost match is not because of you but because of your teammates. Sometimes it is because of me, sometimes it is because of being outplayed.


Tried to do some SS on some green PvP geared alts. Both get thrown into 2k mmr games. Blame Blizzard.

Because 1800-2000 right now is the equivallent of like 1400-1500.

Due to inflation and no reset of previous SSN mmr, all ratings below 2500 for DPS are to be considered as 300-500 higher than they should be.

I find it sad that this happens only on a Saturday when all of a sudden every second healer is a noob and goes 0-6

Wow. You guys and others like you are the reason theres such a lack of new players and especially healers in shuffle.
We dont choose MMR. I returned to the game 2 weeks ago played ele and then decided to try resto for the first time ever. Even tho even my ele spec was only at 1600 cr in shuffle and same in 2s I was given 1900 mmr in my FIRST match as resto.
Went 3/3 in first match surprisingly and then 5-1 in second mostly due to the other healer likely being new as well.
And despite going 5-1 the one time I lost I got flamed at afterwards. The other healer got it far worse than me. HOW ARE PEOPLE SUPPOSED TO LEARN WHEN THEY GET FLAMED AT BY TOXIC PLAYERS LIKE YOU GUYS??? PvP is dying and its mostly because of players like you guys not the devs. If you want shorter shuffle queues then maybe i dunno… encourage people that are clearly new and trying their best??

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