Noob fiesta in Solo Shuffle

We just have to accept that a lot of people have mental issues and ignore them.
To trigger them more sometimes I just reply. Thanks for advice, Im noob. Some even more raging after that, some calms down.

I dont get why people flame others so much during shuffle games, they need us casual gamers to help them inflate ladder so they can flex a higher pixelated number, so they should be thanking us instead o/

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Maybe they should add some sort of credit system lol. Make it so if you play as healer for X matches in a week you get queue priority on one or two dps specs on your account for X matches and so on.

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Cant suggest to go gearing in shuffle, you start at mmr where people are max gear, especially this late in season. Entering in greens just does harm on own mmr that could take advantage later with full gear and it puts strain on the healers having to heal ppl entering 2k in greens with no sets or enchants or nothing and they dont deal noticeable amount dmg to be helpful unless their toolkit has something like shadowy duel or the like.

True but it can be extremely difficult to get a group in LFG to grind conquest etc. At low rating skill and class/spec outweigh the difference between honour and conquest gear anyway most of the time. Plus if someone has poor gear it doesn’t matter all that much since you will have 3 matches with and against them so if they are really bad and badly geared at worst you go 3/3

I found a rogue in LFG to play 2s with the other day, I was almost full geared and he was very under geared I soon found out, but I didnt mind… however he didn’t even have honour gear… not even honour weapons just 480 something pve ones. Now THAT is unacceptable imo. There’s no excuse these days for not getting honour gear before doing area given how quick honour is to get now.

Solo Shuffle allowed casual pvpers to get some rating with this system, healers don’t cc at all

solo shuffle feeds clown classes which can just smorc you and eventually force a kill with 0 set up.


This is the problem indeed… There should be leagues based on max rating earned on account

Its okay theres people at 2.4 and “Legend” trinketing a raw blind with nothing going on.

I had a retri on my team that was almost 2.5k in shuffle earlier.

I got MC’d by the enemy healer.

My retri stuns me as it’s about to end.

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Peak intelligence bracket

Aren’t you done with your 2.4 yet? That’s a lot of suffering

Did someone try how low of mmr you can get with the current inflation, its sure hard too drop below 1.6 eaven if you try

Lol :smiley: Was he saying “It’s just a prank bro” afterwards? :smiley:

No, “You look the same ffs, I target wrong priest”. He either clicked on the field or used tab targeting instead of using frames/keybinds to target with.

I’m a void elf wearing the s3 elite set. The enemy healer was a dwarf(I think) wearing the s3 elite set.

We look so alike.

Void elf priest is super bis


its the cool kids club for priests, no night elf or undead posers allowed

Did i hear people enjoy Voidelf
Once you get the feeling of playing without castbarpushback you never wont too go too another race, also the port is better then i thought for priest

That’s part of the reason why I switched, lmao. The main one being for looks.

Screw you OTP balance druids that think you’re gonna win just because you root beam. I’ll TP out of it.

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Currently Shuffle is probably the lowest it’s ever been in terms of game quality.

It is quite hilarious to see 2.5 rating players play like 1.7, we are talking about very basic things.

Sitting a full root beam as healer when you have a hunter and a ret. on 2.5.

Resto shaman trinketing to… riptide? then immediately restunned, can’t link, dies.

I don’t know man. Shuffle is too inflated this season and the majority of people who still spam it and aren’t already at least 2.5 or 2.6 are either playing very bad specs, haven’t learned to play around bad teammates or simply just aren’t good enough.

Even had a Ret paladin on 2820 mmr who went 1-5 in a game with a Hunter, DH and SP. Because he lay on hands, can’t bubble, and died 2 times in a row, and the other times he simply lined his healer

The funniest thing I saw was on my Warrior (who is very low rating, like 2k mmr), where a Disc priest pressed PS first global ON HIMSELF before getting sapped, I laughed so hard

There is nothing more annoying when the healers are trolling when you are on their team and play like a pro when they are against you… Just had 2 of these games in a row and lost 80 mmr… feel like killing myself out of frustration and that I am just powerless in this situation…

I hate when I do everything the best I can according to the class and still lose because of some others are clueless about how we can win… like not peeling or bopping

Because this season 1800-2000 is last season 1600. There is more inflation