Noob fiesta in Solo Shuffle

More like 1400. Green geared beginners are a usual occurence on ratings up to 2200.

We’re talking about people that do 40k dps (or hps as healer), don’t press any CDs and just fail almost everything.

But there’s bad players everywhere. Literally had a Resto Druid today that was 2740 and died every single game for trying to cyclone people. Guy got a lucky 1-5 due to a 2800 windwalker porting out of darkness.

Honor geared dps players in greens to go 0-6 in 2.1kmmr with negative stats. Kudos to the healers trying. They could just delete shuffle by now if we stop care even about the matching making any sense and nobodys time are respected. The healers are not there to gear honor geared ppl I can tell that much. Not this late in season and not on the rating they are self on. Outcome of the lobby can be seen from round 1 if theres put guys in greens with negative stats that not seem to want or know to press half their spellbooks worth buttons either, but some reason the game thinks they should go 2.1kmmr where ppl have gear and walk over someone who does nothing.

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because it´s enough to ignore stuff like this and just do as much dmg as possible, because its at a point anyway unhealable

idk i spamed it 2 Months ago, but lost really fast the interest

getting rooted as dh and can watch how teammates are dying while they have everything rdy because i cant do enough counterpressure while i am rooted to keep my “mates alive”

as feral having a rdrood in your team what use clone and dr your targets for no reason so u have to wait again 20 secounds for a go

or ret´s what dr Hoj your Main target for no reason, or have blinding light in the burst rotation and remove all your bleeds for no reason in high dampening so u lose your momentum.

ret what dies on your team with bubble rdy

Healer what dies in your team with everything rdy + trinket

a guy what is completely green geared often healer, what means other heal 6 wins your healer 0 so every dps 3/3

or healer gap, 1 healer is playing his number 5 Alt, what is at 2.8+ with the main heal, and destroying the hardstuck 2.4-2.6 heal without even trying

nah man there is so much stuff going on, i played allot of lfg, and still playing it cuz i couldnt find a consistant healer, but Solo shuffle is Lfg from Wish/ or walmart

it´s possible to climb, but there is so much rnd thing what makes the game a lidl m+ and also arena without voice feels even worse

shuffle is nice when nobody is there to que which as an “fun mode” or to prove your “own skill” and rng when it comes to the own class leaderboard

but 3s looks more like skill because it´s also more cordinated

in solo shuffle i see often headless chickens what are running to each other and just spaming m+ dmg rotation to send at the end a screen to his discord friend to show him how skilled retgodxz is that he had 10m more overall dmg than anyone else

Its also just shame it came with the expense of arenas, it vacuumed large chunk of the more casual playerbase from 2/3s pools who just play for the fun of it and theyre not exactly contributing in arenas no more. Imo the current rating system is just finished if we going to keep this shuffle in game and it giving arena rewards.

Shuffle is a band aid to let people that cant get teams in LFG to actually play. You want rid of shuffle then get players to drop the elitist gatekeeping going on in LFG, but that wont happen, nor do I think it necessarily should people can play with who the want after all.
Shuffle is a symptom caused by the fact that the pvp player base is extremely small, and the vast majority of them are people that have been playing for ages, almost everyone has some high exp or r1 with multiple alts. Hell as a new player chances are that no matter what mmr you fight at your going up against some glad alt or booster. There are next to no casuals or newbies and understandably so. Arena is filled with the top 1% just fighting over who becomes the top 0.01% lol.

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Haven’t really ran into much gatekeeping when trying LFG but lol, I’ve ran into another issue.

People play until you lose, then they leave. It’s like a revolving door.

Idk what would be the incentive to play arena if anyone can go play fotm into shuffles and grinds something with negative wins and now has permanent achievement that says something for season x. They need rethink pvp achievements and make them back to % based across all modes or something so its not affected by participation differences between modes and seasons or think something else. The current achievements from pvp have lost their value and have too many variabilities affecting them before one can say how much value some season x rating y means from some spec it were gained back then before they know how much it correlates to something with actual worth.

it also created a fake “ego” behavior, where everyone thinks they are good and value 2k solo shuffle rating as the same as 2k rating in 3s

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Another trash session with trash people at 2.1k… Are people starting now at 2.1k in shuffle with fully green gear and 0 brain?

Like WTF is wrong with this game? I get 0 peels vs WW+DK and the arms warri trolled the entire game, only to win 1 round and causing me to go 3-3… FML


MMR was not reset and it’s a full season’s worth of inflation.

2.1 Shuffle MMR right now is the rough equivallent of 1500.

On the highest end everyone is about 300-400 rating higher than last season.

So you can expect mostly beginner-level players on this MMR.

Most of the time what I experience is that there is a massive healer difference due to this inflation and all the beginners are thrown here, and is even more frustrating than a noob DPS…

Can Blizz please hand out points for 3-3 DPS/Heals instead of having to suffer 30 min queue times only to gain 0 cr and lose mmr?

Yes they are, I tell them target each round and they hit something else and run away from me to bad positions or let some lock freecast all round, I drop if I even look towards shuffle as heal now. Its even less sensical to heal than ever.

Definitely not my experience.

I’ve got my resto druid at like 2k mmr.

DPS die constantly without pressing any defensives.

I watched a shadow priest swap a disc priest just after the disc priest swapped him. Then he goes on to talk [insert expletive here] about him when he’s on my team, how bad the disc priest is for swapping him like that.

Like, bruh, what do you expect. It’s no coordination, he can’t know you’re gonna swap him as he swaps you.

He also died without using swap once, when on my team.

I hope so much this micro cc meta ends with TwW
Atm. Is the best if you play dps too pump as much damage as possible full M+, dont die without using your defensive and trow random cc at the other heal with no brain or lokking at drs (bonus but not needet, interrupt a random casted cc that goes at your heal) → thats a save 2.4 right here

Higher HP pools at last need too make you look at drs

Firemage blinking all over map with zero thought on where heals are, then he flames heals, pun uninted. I get 5-1 so I dont care anyway but I tell him if he dont line me we can win cause Ive witnessed him just line his heals 3 rounds now, then he says “follow me” to classes that have no billion blink like him. This is the normal quality of 2.2 shuffle games, you have to carry ppl like this if your playing healer and most often its impossible unless the other healer is from some b tier spec or something.

shuffle is literally unplayable below 2.5 MMR right now

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The games dont make any sense and the lobbys are horrible.

And since prepatch, now everybody plays ele, dk, ret

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