Not a peep from Blizzard!

I get it that this is a somewhat museum game not to be changed.
But we are paying for this! We are costumers!
We get 1 blue post every 2 months?

Where are the forum mods that answers topics here and there?
Where are the game masters to answer issues about the bots or abusers?
Where are the official statements about new content release or at least a statement saying “soon” or some sh*t!

Nothing?! A ghost town?

Do you have any employees for these forums?
Is Kaivax going to post 1 message every season?

Edit: I only paid to come back and play strictly classic , I did not pay anything since Wotlk


They promised a release date for phase 3 on december…


At least a statement that says a bunch of blabla!
Nothing at all! Ridiculous

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You are museum…this game is a passion

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Ima play this game forever dw about me:p

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i had contact with a GM 4 days ago while appealing my forum bann.
asked them why there was no communication on the EU forums, and they answered me that the DEVS are US based. so they dont read EU forums only US, and reply there.

basically, EU is getting ignored.
piss poor support.
hope that “helps”.


I don’t make clothes.

Whenever I see Blizzard in these forums it’s when someone deletes their post and it gets locked, I rarely see them anywhere else, and I have a feeling that’s automated.

The forums are for players to discuss different topics. It’s not a Q&A with devs…

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“Let me speak with the manager!”


Not really the same thing.

This is a complicated service that we pay £10/month for. It was not released as a “museum game”, it was released with only part of the content, with the rest being content gated. We have a right to know what will be changing and when, we should be entitled to have SOME communication from Blizzard given that they are taking our money every month.

If the game was released as a completed finished product with all the content and never any further changes, then I think most people would be fine with no comms from the developer. But it wasn’t, it’s being treated like a live MMO.

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So we gotta post these in the US forums… which we cant unless we have a char on a US account.

Which is a poor system for feedback

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As long as people only complain on their own forums, Blizzard don’t have a reason to change anything. In the past when they cared they did, but now they are just Activision, they will only act if something is hurting their image and stock value.

perhaps we could use that guy who has an US account aswell to make a huge big letter post on US forums about this. linking all the 100’s of posts about this issue on EU on their US forums.
sad but true, very poor service for a multinational game.

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The game when it orig launched was amazing. Customer service 100%, including in game tickets to GM’s that were often dealt with within a few mins to a hour.

The game as it stands today, is a joke.

  • Zero customer service (waiting days at a time for a ticket response (not in game) is pathetic.

  • Even when they do answer a ticket its all copy and paste crap saying “we don’t care, post on the EU forums and get ignored”.

Its time to let them know that non US customers count, everyone cancel your subs. :smiley:


Extremely poor customer service from this company.


Odd, I’ve been playing since launch and I’ve never needed to contact a GM, ever. But sure, I’ll definitely unsub just because a random guy asks me to.

Look at the retail wow forums. They got blue mods bombarding them with comments there!

They don’t care about Classic WoW one bit! Those scums, I bet they don’t even play it! Can’t understand what’s so fun about it… all they understand is titanforging and mythic+ key running! Shameless!


okay but is this really relevant? they were asked to release classic wow, they did that. they weren’t asked to love it and play it more than their preferred version of the game.

god forbid even blizz employees have preferences

they in this context = blizzards staff team


If the Blizzard team doesn’t have Classic WoW players, how can they stay in touch with the community? How can they understand our plight?

They can not! This is why we get a sub-par Classic experience!
They don’t understand us! They don’t wanna be us! They don’t wanna play with us! We’re the stinky children on the playground nobody wants to hang with.

Actually Classic is a value added thing, which means we don’t actually pay for it, it’s an extra. It’s like the forums.

Most people won’t like that idea but it’s true.