Not a single casual friendly change in 9.1.5

tbh nothing surpising - changes done mostly yo appease mythic raiders

not a single mention of casual friendly options / content for 9.1.5

they dont even plan to remove VP cap - not even a mention about making it account wide

nothing on nerfing instances to make them more casual friendly - no TF gear coming back - no options to gear to decent levels still .

truthfully pathetic

does blizzard really thing that people will come back from having fun in FF14 because they will be able to swap covenants/conduits ? that they will come back to farm transmog in old raids ? really ?

this proves blizzard has 0 understanding of majority of their playerbase.


I’m just gonna go with eh?

As a casual, these changes are great.


That’s not to deny that they are how SL should have launched.



and so are players -

who said - “bai”

and play FF14


they didnt mention any nerfs to codex farm or no changes to korthia

so enjoy farming that garbage for next 6+ months.


thank god

10 chars


It makes no sense for the dailies to only give anima and occasionally some codex rep - that is true.
It’s one of the worst grinds I’ve ever experienced, but titanforging has no place in the game.


That is exactly what kills the game. Thank god blizz dont do this mistake again. Did you remember the lvling system some years ago? That was thanks to people like you. Play a singleplayer game mate.


I dunno, I think that the changes to covenant transmogs are pretty casual friendly - now you don’t need to have 16 different characters to collect all transmogs. I.e. you can play less and collect everything.

The customisation options are just as applicable for casuals as mythic raiders - anyone can want to look nice.

As for gameplay changes, I’m in agreement that they’ve done nothing to improve the grindiness of Korthia (especially you, Archivist’s Codex) and Shards of Domination is still a system that feels bad, so in terms of what I do every day/week, these changes don’t mean a whole lot. But hey, for everyone who is excited about them, I’m happy for you :grin:


they managed to get people like you (who hate the game) to continue playing. so I’d say they did a fairly good job


I think the ship may be showing signs of turning, but the circle is still really wide.


Pvp gear scaling increased for low ilvl pvp gear looks promising if it’s a decent amount.
Not a massive thing but it’s something for the casual pvpers such as myself.


Kek, you’re truly pathetic if you think RNG gear will save the game, people are already hating the great vault.


Not having conduit energy and swapping covenants on a whim IS casual friendly, lol.


casuals dont care about this at all

only mythic tryhards do


Please define casuals and hardcore for me, because it seems that we have widely different definitions

Hardcore players are already using the best covenants, they dont need this change strictly, it just opens up more freedom of choice without actually punishing the players

I know hundreds of casuals and they all collectively love the change as it makes the transition between specs, raids, m+, pvp and different playstyles smooth



Honestly just what?

Yes titanforging is bad, but what else is there for casuals? They could make the Vault is dropping gear based on item level. One piece for a week would be something, and people could at least progress, without the m+.
But today, if you are at 220 you cannot progress further, without m+ or raid, and with the legacy mode made sh*t, you cant even do all the old raids any more, so people leave the game.


Not really. Lets say someone that mainly does PvP is picking his covenant based on that. He can still be a casual. Now for M+ or Raids he will be in a covenant that is not as good. Decreasing his performance by quite a bit. This can easily result in a kick in Raids or removal of acception from M+

Yes sure mythic tryhards benefit the most from it (not really. The moment 9.1.5 is live a not so small portion will be done with the raid or be at sylvanas and already swapped to the covenant “required” for it) but its false to state that this is only or mainly benefiting these people. Being able to farm all cosmetics and achivs from all covenants is casual friendly on top of that. And conduit energy is something nearly every class complains about.

When the covenants were originally announced it most certainly were not just the “mythic tryhards” that became vocal about it by a long shot.

Why should you? Also you forgot PvP. If you have reached 220 from World content you have reached “bis gear” from the content youre playing. If youre only doing world content then 220 is more than enough for anything you do in the open world. The only problem would appear to be higher layers of Torghast and there we could argue a flawless run at layer 12 could drop a piece of gear between Heroic and Mythic ilvl like it was the case with Horrific Visions.

They are tuning it

lol man wake up, your weeb game isn’t that good.

It’s just the YouTubers who advertise it because it’s the trend now.