Not all roleplay is for all roleplayers

Disclaimer: This is not intended to be a justification for elitism.

It does not apply to questionable executions of sensible concepts or to players who do not speak English as their first language, these are still players who are putting in as much effort as they can into enhancing the world and shouldn’t be looked down upon for their faults - we all started out somewhere after all.

What this thread is about is the ability to read the room and come to a sensible understanding. Simply put - [A-RP] (Alliance Roleplay) events and guilds do not welcome characters that may be alligned under the Horde.

Does this mean that everything with the [A-RP] tag will only ever interact with Alliance characters? No, of course not. Just like in Blizzard’s plots, there’s going to be times when roleplayers over on the side of the Alliance fight against or reluctantly collaborate with members of the Horde, and when that happens it can be great!


When it comes down to events - things where people have taken time out of their day to plan, account for possibilities, and host - you are not entitled to make yourself the star of the show. If an event is tagged as being Alliance only - you shouldn’t be surprised if there’s not only IC pushback (because the players’ characters will most likely feel unease towards characters of the opposite faction) but it’s also an active choice to disrupt whatver plans the organiser may have had in mind. If somebody says that their event is for a specific faction or organisation then that should be respected in my opinion.

If you really want to attend an Alliance event - just show up on an Alliance character! The same goes for Horde. Heck, if you really, absolutely, undeniably must show up to an opposite faction event - have a mage cast an illusion on your character, have an apothecary brew up something for your Horde toon, maybe if you’re Forsaken just wear a hood and cover up the bones - yeah it’s still a little weird but at least it’s making an effort to show that you’re trying to partake in earnest rather than trying to take the spotlight off of whoever’s event you’re crashing into.

This does also go for a smaller scale too, as much as people hate seeing

/s (sorry we’re in an event right now)

It’s a valid thing - some DMs aren’t suited to suddenly needing to accomodate 2-3, maybe even 5-10 extra people, and maybe the story they’re currently partaking in is happening on that day because it’s the only day all players can make it, at least in my opinion.

Anyway the reason I’m making this post is mostly to get the conversation off of this thread, because I do think it’s an issue that needs to be discussed.


If you encounter people in the wild clearly in a RP event, you should always whisper and ask if you wish to be involved. But a no is completley acceptable. If you get accepted in, remember to not hog too much space for glory either. You are a guest!

And while I think its common RP courtesy to have crossrp/tounges flask and also speak in common, you should by no means expect it from everyone as its entierly optional.


I’m so used to having those potions on my characters that reside in or frequent Booty Bay that I often forget to mail them over/stock up on them on characters that don’t. :skull:


My friends and I got the same issue at times, but there is always one of us who got like 300+ so we pass them around in bulk between eachother!


Hey Obahar,

just saw your thread.
To put it simply, I pretty much agree with everything written down here.
Events can be flagged as A/H as the main faction, but doesn’t prevent people from signing up.
And asking IC/OOC for permission to attend should indeed be done.

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To copy from the last response you made in the other thread:

We asked for permission to attend with the hosts IC.
We were aware that we might be told immediately that we could not attend, and if that was the case, we would have just packed up immediately and left, as you pointed out in your starting post.

However, we were told by the hosts that we could remain, as long as we didn’t start any trouble. We provided grounds and reasoning and got accepted.

It’s everything after that made it a problem, and for that this thread should be a good reminder. Same as to how we asked for permission to attend, it cannot be that someone else comes to the event halfway and starts demanding that people are removed.

The worst part of it, only the Vulpera were asked to leave.
All other horde members present weren’t told to leave, and we had undead even there running around. So it’s not just a stupid take to begin with, it was also very unjustified as it was aimed specifically at our small group.

Based Gilneans* tbh

*Including the OP

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That’s a bit harsh, cause we interacted with many amazing people in Gilneas :slight_smile:

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I think in that case this thread was probably a little redundant on my part, due to something of a misunderstanding. There’s been a lot of Gilneas events, sometimes one per day, sometimes it felt like multiple so here was my understanding of it:

There was an event on the fifteenth in which I believe the Scavengers showed up unannounced. There was both IC and OOC pushback on that, you got removed, and from my perspective your post in that other thread was regarding that specific incident - which I found to be in incredibly poor taste because the organizer in that instance was absolutely in the right IMO.

What I didn’t know was that there was a seperate event on the 18th where the Scavengers did show up, and showed up with permission - which was what I now know you were referring to. Regarding any pushback there, it shouldn’t be on your guild for attending but on the person who allowed it, if anything.

So yeah, mistake made on my part, and I’m sorry for that. I wasn’t intending to misrepresent, I thought I had a full understanding of what happened but it turned out I didn’t. Sorry.

I can’t comment on this part, I didn’t know other Horde members were present for this specific event, it wasn’t one that I was privvy to until about an hour or so ago.

That’s the core problem, we did not receive pushback at the start.
As stated, we asked IC with the hosts (sorry don’t know the name of the syndicate that hosted the event) whether we could stay, and the answer was yes.

So it’s not as if we showed up to cause a ruckus.
If they told us then and there that we had to leave, be it IC or OOC, we would have left immediately, but they said yes, so nothing was done wrong from our side.

There was/is a person in the other thread which stated that it was their event and they had never had any interaction with you prior to showing up(specifically that they never spoke to you at all beforehand IC or OOC) and that they did not really appreciate it.

I’d agree if it was an opt-in event and you got specific clearance/okay beforehand from the host directly, then the only one who can tell you to leave is them and that shouldn’t happen unless something occurs to warrant it.

But it doesn’t seem to be the case here? I can’t comment more since I was not there at all.


I don’t really understand why so many Horde are even active in Gilneas and trying to engage with Gilnean RP, let alone the Horde races that barely have a reason to be in the Eastern Kingdoms nevermind roaming an Alliance Human/Worgen Kingdom that is:

  1. Notoriously known for being anti-Horde and having an outright aggressive policy to Horde presences outside of exceptional circumstances.
  2. Currently in the process of rebuilding and likely has guard and military forces still present in the area to maintain the stability and peace whilst it continues its rebuilding effort and clearing out hostile entities like Scarlet remnants.

It will sound harsh but: Gilneas really isn’t and shouldn’t be a horde or neutral hotspot even remotely, especially when almost all of the times these people do come to Gilneas their excuse is just a /shrug emote and a “I’m a tourist”-type explanation.


Gilneas used to be really popular for several years to use as a “different location” due to the lack of NPC’s and for the time, high details in the zone. Especially when it was also basically off-limits in the lore. Many balls & galas, dances and other big gathering events were held there OOC and just somewhere else undisclosed IC.

With the zone update, that mentality should probably change though. While it might seem a little gatekeep-y, it really should primarily be a location for Gilneans to gather and roleplay at(or other Alliance guest officials or those aiding in clearing it up).

Personally tbh, I also don’t think it really warrants a market event location either anymore but that is my personal preference of the zone’s story.


If that person didn’t speak up when we arrived, I don’t know what to tell you.
As I said, we asked the host, who asked IC “her manager” and both said yes.

If that was a wrong decision taken at that point, I’d totally understand if someone approached us and asked us OOC to leave. Did not happen, so it’s really unfair to blame us after the fact for this.

Same as I pointed out in the other post, if Horde wasn’t welcome, why allow any kind of Horde to be there, but ask only the fluffy ones to leave?
You see my point?

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I get your point, and I will really consider future interactions with anyone if it’s based in Gilneas, even when our friends ask to come over or invite us.

Which I find a shame, but I’m not roleplaying to receive OOC harrasement.

Yeah I understand you, I just don’t really know where I stand beyond my original thought on events because of the conflicting accounts. And I was not there to say what happened. But I understand your point!

Is there by a chance a risk that you spoke to someone who you believed to be the host or manager who gave you clearance without permission? I’ve seen that happen more than once in events, not just public ones either. As in that someone else made a decision without being in the position to actually do so.

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I’m not ruling out that possibility. Might have been the case.
But we did look up who was responsible for the event, and ask the members of that guild/organization.

But I’d still expected a courtesy OOC message asking us to leave if that was the case, or an IC Correction from whoever was responsible. Would have not been an issue whatsoever.

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Something I’d like to ask here - were other vulpera beyond the Dust Scavengers also present? Or were the Dust Scavengers the only vulpera guild there? Because if that’s the case - and this is purely speculation on my part - I think I have a solid idea as to what happened.

You showed up on the fifteenth, and people weren’t happy with that and asked you to leave. Then you asked for permission to show up to an event on the eighteenth, to which the event organiser permitted. However, after getting pushback for permitting that (given what occurred on the fifteenth) the host of said event changed their mind.

Objectively I think that’s probably what happened, and the reason for communication being limited was probably because they had other things to focus on with the rest of the event ongoing.

I could very well be wrong, it absolutely could’ve played out differently than how I think it did, but to me that makes the most sense.

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I’d agree that would be right. While IC interactions can occur, you should also receive an OOC message from the DM/host that you are being asked to leave if that is indeed what’s going on at that point.

And even then, it should not come in form of any harassment from others OOC. It should be done tactfully.

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I agree, but I think if I’m correct on this, they probably didn’t know that they were permitted and assumed it was a repeat of the previous incident. A bit of a “really? we’re doing this again?” type of reaction.