Horde numbers will very much swell back when they have Civil War 3 : Hydro-electric Boogaloo. Realistically though, Horde RP scene will geta significant love only around Midnight when the Kingdom of QT gets their revamp. It’s certainly a very long haul but RPers are resilient creatures.
As a Horde enjoyer I can’t say I really feel anything for one of the greatest outliers (shared first place with Nightborne) among horde races getting their city updated. It truly does nothing for core Horde races like orcs, trolls, and tauren.
I want them to randomly add another bluff to Thunder Bluff one day and pretend like it was there the whole time
As someone who thinks similarly (in that the Horde is mostly the “monster” races in terms of appeal), unfortunately I think we’re maybe the minority.
Granted it’s a very popular opinion on Argent Dawn because we love our honourbound warriors and stinky fel users, but statistically? Blood Elves are at the core of the Horde playerbase.
That doesn’t mean that Blizzard should stop writing entirely for the other races of course - I genuinely think that the orc and goblin heritage quests are the best out of the races that have a heritage set - but I imagine that they might be pushing for a more blood elven focus, at least in the upcoming expacs.
Which pale in front of the number of players who are Blood Elves. We all know that one aspect of the Blood Elf implementation in the Horde was to bring an “appealing” race among these core Horde races you’ve mentioned. It’s a pragmatic aspect fueled for the sake of faction balance.
Why do you think I’m an advocate for several minor aggregate factions instead of the atrocious binary we’re stuck with? Narratively speaking, there should be alliance breaking frictions among all these groups, especially since the Horde has had two civil wars but no one ever leaves. I would be invested in seeing some of them going their own way and striking different deals and allegiances according to their wants, needs, political and religious beliefs.
The Night Elves signed peace with the Horde because Thrall went out of his way to purge the ranks of the Horde out of secret loyalists after their surrender in 8.2.5, after which, the Night Elves widely accepted the armistice.
Obviously, there’s still going to be clashes between factions for resources, but outright war amongst the greater factions isn’t a thing as of now.
I’m not so sure this still rings true ever since the addition of void elves and their high elf customizations to the Alliance. There’s been a meteoric rise in how many void/high elves I see around and a dramatic plummet in the amount of blood elves. Including out in content, not just in RP.
I’d wager most people who just wanted to RP generic attractive people in the form of elves are more than happy to do so in the Alliance where they fit in far more easily, instead of the Horde.
Blizzard failing to adequately differentiate modern day BElves and HElves doesn’t help. “One dresses in red and one dresses in blue” doesn’t do much in the grand scheme.
BElves need their bites back.
Its already been sort of said but I actually think this’ll just lead to an outcome where neutral QT is obviously very appealing to the Alliance, it has a lot of old Warcraft Alliance lore tied to it from 1st-2nd war eras so its incredibly appealing to a lot of Alliance players to actually be able to walk the land that Turalyon and Khadgar helped defend with other Alliance troops during the 2nd War, and the place where Alleria and a large swathe of the army left with Turalyon to assault Outland.
Due to this, I can only see the mass influx of Alliance players causing the small amount of Hordies or Belves to just go “why don’t I just switch to Alliance for 100x easier access to RP even if just as a ‘neutral belf’ character”. Its a logical conclusion really, and a completely blameless one because Horde has always been suffering on AD as an RP population. But with Metzen now at the helm with full creative control shared by no-one but himself I can’t see him returning to the Faction War, especially since his actual opinions on it have never been very keen, he was against it all the way through the production of WoW in 2004 and the only time we ever see him “hype the factions” is at Blizzcon.
Truly TBC’s evils are beyond measure. Even if you give the Belves back their bite and pragmatism they still fit better politically and aesthetically into the Alliance because the Alliance already has pragmatic elements in its faction (Genn, Rogers, Varian to a large extent, Tyrande until recently, Muradin etc., all have or had elements of seeing the Horde as a constant looming threat that needed to be quelled).
Mr. Metzen, tear down this Sunwell!
Just need an idiot Alliance bigwig to blow up the Sunwell, forever ruining their relationship when the rest of the Alliance refuse to turn them over for summary execution.
This was, and always will be, one of the most spineless decisions ever.
What about retconning draenei so they were hot instead of Broken?
I’ll take “Blizzard will completely recharacterise Alleria away from her twenty-year personality to simply make her either an anti-hero Illidan or a 'the reality-invading universe-consuming mind tumours are good actually, lets put one in the Sunwell to make an Arcane-Light-VoidWell instead” for 500 Elenthas.
When even the Lore Historians have no clue we should see that as a sign of dread.
Can and should have both.
Characterising Illidan as an anti-hero is L*gion characterisation and I reject it emphatically. He’s a villain and he sucks!
My only problem with it being Alleria is she’s more likely to corrupt the Sunwell, requiring the BElves blow it up (a repeated plotpoint of the Scourge) rather than someone blowing it up deliberately/accidentally.
Personally, my vote is Jaina. Drunk on magic power she tries to do something with the Sunwell to stop the Void and it goes wrong and explodes the Sunwell.
I think we should leave the Sunwell out of this lest we end up with yet another addition to the cosmic hellscape we’re stuck in. Next thing you know it’ll be the EveningSunWell to represent the fact that it has darkness and light.
We have plenty of time left before we remotely see Midnight on the horizon, guys. Relax.
The last 8 years do not set a good record of success however.
I actually liked Legion? It’s possibly my favourite expansion.
There are hits and misses, but right now it feels a bit far-fetched to claim how bad the elven portrayal will be, when they just said: “it will have elves coming together.”
Will Silvermoon become neutral? We do not know.
Will that be about elves clashing, or standing as one? We do not know.
Will that be bad for role-players at large? Who knows.
What happened to the good old “elves are pragmatic!” meme. Let us be pragmatic. You have roughly 3 years or more before the expansion is released.