Not all roleplay is for all roleplayers

It’s not a case of asking for a faction war, it’s a case of asking for Blizzard to create stories that focus on the Horde to the same degree that they have been focusing on the Alliance lately. If they can’t create purely neutral stories, they can at least try to cater to both factions.

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I enjoy the Valleys of Wisdom and Spirits; the distinctly Tauren and Troll areas in Orgrimmar. They’re quite nice places to roleplay in!

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WoW and swtor have always been the staple mmos for faction conflicts. Jedi vs Sith is a tale older than Warcraft and it makes sense that you can never truly defuse that one. WoW just seems a harder case because of its writing with the last few years, I agree. That time has passed.

most fantasy mmos are able to have a “neutral” standpoint on conflicts while still allowing pvp to occur so its not like a permanent truce would cease the gameplay or outright force characters to stop. ESO originally started with faction locked capitals but quickly abandoned that while still keeping the pvp conflict intact.

that would be the dream for once. having a story where the horde isnt treated as a repentant aggressor

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Oh, absolutely! 100% with you on that. I just don’t think the dead horse that is the faction war is the right vehicle for that.

More stuff like the Orc Heritage questline; what makes Orc spiritualism different from Trolls and Tauren? What are the differences, and potential clashes, between Darkspear and Zandalari Loa? How do the inherently nature-loving Tauren deal with the slightly-less-so Goblins, even under Gazlowe? Where is Gazlowe, and what does the Cartel look like now Gallywix is out of the picture?

All story hooks I find so much more interesting than ‘muh war, muh honour’ :sweat_smile:


I think that one was addressed in either one of the chronicles, shorts or novels but it stated he was slipping into Gallywix behaviour which seemed…weird. would need to find the passage again.

overall i agree though. id love to see the spiritual and cultural sides of the horde races explored more, not just the war side.

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I trust the Chronicles books now as far as I could throw the one(s) who wrote them, frankly.


same. love him or hate him for it but i dont see gazlowe, who was portrayed as being generous by goblin standards to his employees suddenly going gallywix in the span of a few months

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Given the other glaring inconsistencies in the various Chronicles, along with him being a Metzen origin character, I’m gonna wait til his next portrayal ingame, personally. That doesn’t gel at all with what we saw prior and during BFA.

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Looking it up he had a brief appearance during Love is in the Air this year working on a rocket alongside Thaelin Darkanvil so that at least was more positive

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Given what Metzen said, to me it really feels like Thalassian elves are going to be fully reunited. How they’ll solve the issue of one group being Horde playable race and other being Alliance, I don’t know (also high elves, but those at least aren’t limited by being playable, so they are free to be developed without thinking about players), but I don’t think Silvermoon will return to being hostile to Alliance characters in the lore.

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Honestly the argument of whether something would make sense in the story or not is funny to me cuz it implies the writers are following off of a logical sequence of events rather than deciding something and twisting the current events to fit it

If they want to bring back faction war they’ll turn a character around entirely to make it work (or not even bring it up lmao)


Legitimate question: Are there even any important canon characters on either side that are still desiring an all-out war?

I feel like Greymane might, but he’s handed his kingdom off to Tess so he probably won’t be making that sort of decision anymore. Tyrande might have but I think Amirdrassil is supposed to be a conclusion to that side of her which is a shame but also deserved, poor woman deserves a break. I would have said Jaina but I think she spends most of Shadowlands talking to Baine and Thrall, so she’s probably not eager.

Baine and Thrall probably won’t, Calia won’t unless the Pallid lady (terrible name btw, just sounds like she’s running a high fever) is mimicking the Dark lady by playing off-screen 4D chess, Gazlowe is meant to be the protagonist to Gallywix’s antagonist behaviour…

Maybe there’s some character I’m forgetting but it genuinely feels like none of the characters are currently written to start a war again, most likely very intentionally so.

Editing this in - would Talanji consider warring against the Alliance or did that get concluded as of BFA?

Did we actually get any dialogue that the Night Elves stopped their war against the Horde and that they are now at peace with one another?

Cause the last bit of lore, that I am aware of, says the Night Elves are still at war with the Horde. (Exploring Azeroth: Kalimdor)

I don’t think they’re ‘at peace’ but I believe with all the talk of mending and healing and moving past what happened, I don’t anticipate Blizzard continuing to push night elves in that direction. Amirdrassil - to me at least - very much feels like the conclusion of this current chapter.

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Blizzard: Introduces a variation of Drow into the setting, makes them amazonian warriors.

Also Blizzard: Have them do increasingly stupid decisions and actively lose any conflict they’re involved with then change their storyline into focus on growing pacifism.


Vixi! No picking at the scars, damnit! :newspaper_roll:

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Pandaren have been living with it for more than a decade now, same with the dracthyr. The solution may be similar: Silvermoon gaining neutral status (at last) with its people able to choose between both factions. Just like with the other examples: neutrality is a new racial passive.


That makes the most sense. I imagine Silvermoon will become a neutral city, but still maintaining the various Thalassian subcultures and all that entails.

The arrangement would get awkward if a new faction war broke out. But that’s not likely to happen.

Pending, yet writing out the fantastically long-enduring grudge that trolls hold for the elves and humans would be tantamount of losing huge chunk of their appeal – beyond the aesthetics, I mean, but that’s most of the playable races nowadays anyway.

It would be interesting if the night elves are still officially at war with the Horde despite allowing the Horde to visit the new home of their people without challenging their presence.

I think a better interpretation is that the world is a big place and there are some elements on the fringes and borderlands, such as in Ashenvale, who still occasionally clash with the other faction. Sentinels continuing to assault Warsong lumber operations doesn’t serve as evidence of an all-out war, just that some skirmishes are still taking place on the outskirts of civilisation.