Not all Roleplay is valid

Why do you hurt me so, with your correct statements I cannot agree with publicly due to an agenda?

She does attend a large gathering, and in passing mentions how seeing heads of dark hair is uncommon compared to various shades of blonde and white. I don’t actually recall if she muses on that being the applicable norm across the nation, or simply the case of that one particular gathering however.

berach more like berache because he is painfully dumb

My second ever RP character was a Shado-Pan monk who hung out in Silvermoon wearing full uniform, going to bars for slice-of-life RP who eventually joined a pirate crew for roaring good times. I liked the Shado-Pan hat, wanted to play on Horde because it is the cooler faction, and at the time Silvermoon had the kind of RP I enjoyed more. Looking back I genuinely cannot believe how cringe I was. I was so bad, dudes. The epitome of bdrp outside of being a dragon with a garrison. It was such a dumb concept with complete disregard for the lore but none of that mattered because I wanted to do it and I thought it was cool. And everyone accepted it! Made friends, did events, no one batted an eye. They certainly should have. But they did not.

Until one day, someone did.

I was chowed out in /w and called all manner of things for bringing my weird and outlandish concept into public RP. It was explained, harshly, that it had no place in World of Warcraft and that I should stop. The experience was jarring. Suddenly I was introduced to someone with actual standards! I felt so bad that I almost quit the hobby. Thankfully, I didn’t, and that one tirade in /w turned me around.

I wanna address this argument of “being nice to bdrp to try and convince the players to become gdrp” that was mentioned earlier, and is probably the prevailing attitude on the server… I genuinely don’t think it works. Lose the carrot, use the stick. Simply asking the kind of people who will play a Silvermoon loving Shado-Pan pirate not to play the concept they think is cool and awesome and have poured hours into making OOC and IC just isn’t productive.

Tolerance and kindness and understanding killed Orgrimmar. Let’s not let it kill the realm.


back when I RPed my human it got to the point that i simply left the scene without any further engagement when another character made a reference to my character’s skin as though it were unusual or in any way associated with the jungle or desert

on the flip side luckily my experience with fetishised black characters has been limited, but i haven’t played in over a year so maybe the jungle scene exploded or something. it takes a special kind of dude to have a game with limitless fantasies to fulfil and them choosing to play out their minstrel dreams


I know I’m late (been playing Elden Ring) but;


This is what happens when you go to Stormwind. I told y’all not to go to Stormwind but y’all just keep on going.


That is so messed up. I hope this isn’t canon.

a very weird take from Golden.

We as players should pick whatever hair colors we want. Hair colors shouldn’t be considered rare in a MMO game especially when it reflects real life hair color.

Did she not think how this information will affect roleplayers badly? i mean majority of Anizah’s family have black hair including Siblings and cousins. And his daughter too.

I am not buying the book. Thanks for telling me.

Objectively the best pony (& also in part the inspiration for Kaitylinn, i see great minds think alike)


I once got into a fight in a tavern. To be fair this was the tavern in Shattrath, which is frequented by demons and other wierd things. Also the ogre started it. Don’t start a barfight with a Death Knight is the lesson, cause the ogre died from severe barstool through the skull.

oh i just remembered this trailer!

Notice how many Black haired elves appeared. sorry for derailing the thread this incident had just been on my mind and OP reminded me.

this basically goes against Golden’s “rare brown and black” statement.

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That makes you the only person in this thread who use their time wisely.

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Exactly. It´s Golden, thinking about story she is writing is not something she does.


Also, didn’t she write the forsaken being extremely weak, they can’t pick items up with either struggling or their body falling apart?

I hate to see Dwarves RPing Warhammer, where they hate elves. No they don’t. Just because you call them “Knife ears” doesn’t make you cool.

Unless you are bloodthirsty mad lad who would kill anything for glory, go for it. Khorne demands it.


In wow Dwarves are very good friends with the elves. Especially the Wildhammer. The first instinct of the elves was to send their children to the Wildhammer when Arthas invaded.

Today, they are still good friends with the High elves in the Hinterlands.


Is that Warhammer or Lord of the Rings… or both?

They say Warcraft is Warhammer + Lovecraft.

Or tried to make it more like Warhammer.

I love Warhammer.

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