Not all Roleplay is valid


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It’s not when they’ve been at war with blood elves for over a decade.

Granted they are still just taking the LOTR and Warhammer inspired eldar hate into this setting because they prefer those dwarfs over the one dimensional cardboard cutouts WoW has, but there’s a valid reason why Alliance-loyal dwarfs can dislike blood and void elves.

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As long as it doesn’t fall into the trappings of dwarves with heavy-near incoherent scottish accent talking about how much they hate those “knife-eared elves” while their allies looks at them questionably.

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Oh yeah that I get, just when some Wildhammer starts going turbo-racist at a High Elf it’s ???


Dwarves have a lot more reasons to hate eachother than any Elves. The Warcraft universe suffers incredibly from forgive-and-forget instances. Since the Dark Iron pulled the blue lion tabard on, it’s like Ironforge forgot what’s been happening the last 300 years.


It would be interesting to see some more nuances to this, especially since we know there are Ragnaros cult dark iron dwarves still around(Or was atleast in Legion/BfA).

But even among dwarf to dwarf, some people take it to weird places. Other dwarves having disagreements with eachother or being skeptical of dark iron is interesting. But them sneering about “coalskins” rubs me the wrong way.

Some people can just really, really, really hate something without adequate reason. If my bronzebeard’s ram ranch got carpet manabombed by a Thalassian sky captain, resulting in the deaths of his entire family, he will be astoundingly vocal and focused on genociding that particular brand of elf and distrust the other 4 offshoots that are present. Or a Titan enthusiast seeing the Sundering as an unmitigated crime against Azeroth caused by the Highborne.

Note that Im not defending the “I hate elves because they cant be trusted” lot, just the ones who make a modicum of effort to justify the character.


This is true yeah, of course. The issue is that its usually only done really poorly to add some kind of edge to characters.

I will still never not be surprised at the couple of times ive seen human paladins walk around and talking about how much the “sub-human” gnomes and dwarves are worse than the Horde and should die because they are “non-human” (This was from clearly Alliance-aligned characters).

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Lots of Wildhammer players don’t even know that when they were settling into Ironforge to form the Council, Dark Iron saboteurs burned all their gryphons alive, including Kurdran’s own. Of course, it happened in a novel so the game doesn’t have to bother playing out the consequences of it.

Lots of great Dwarf RP going about nowadays, but it does feel like its lost its teeth with the internal tensions between the clans.


My dwarf sees High Elves the same as Blood Elves. Is he woefully misinformed? Yeah. Unreasonable? Usually. Can he be educated? Best of luck.

I still see it valid within the setting. Oh and he barely has any friends.

Garithos is that you?

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I wonder if he did find his easy on the eye boyfriend-free human, void elf or night elf girl in the end or not.

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Not so much about the cult, but the fact that the Dark Iron has waged querilla/terror warfare on Khaz Modan since they were ousted in the civil war. Thandol Span is still broken, wonder who blew that up.

Every impression I’m getting is everybody is friends and ta-ha let’s drink some ale. I wished there’d be more animosity, that is what drew me to the Dark Iron.


That’s how it can start. I’ve seen some paladin RPers go from ironic Garithos posting as a meme to unironically believing in his worldview, both IC and OOC.


As I said yeah, it would be fun to see it explored more. But Warcraft atm is very stuck in the “everyone in the factions are completely fully agreeing”.

Same thing with if the Kaldorei’s aggression towards the Horde just gets dropped now I will be very sad.


It’s the developers milking lore characters for fan service, Warcraft isn’t about war now.

Can’t blame them if they frequent Stormwind.

This gets brought up in the Morod a lot, and can often lead to some very heated discussions and difficult questions being asked by all present. For our guilds OOC sake i’m glad it’s never gone beyond that IC.

If there was to be more ‘teeth’ in the animosity, the server would need an all Dark iron guild, I reckon. As long as they don’t become a generic “We’re going to insult you in a bar and pick random fights with everyone not an Iron” meme. They’d have to be either hardcore supremacists acting as renegades out in the mountains, or something far more subtle.


Big note being that most of the ‘supremacists’ served the Twilight’s Hammer/Cult of Ragnaros. So being subtle and or hidden away would be necessary.

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