Not all Roleplay is valid

You mean you haven’t chosen renewal? I’d be careful if I were you and you are a kaldorei, your goddess has a habit of killing her “favorite children” at random.

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“At random” Ah jes. Killing them because SHE THOUGHT IT WAS RIGHT!

The server almost had that a few weeks ago, but the GM decided he wasn’t up for running the guild anyway, pursued something else and disbanded it 5 days after I joined. If you’ve ever had the rug pulled out from under you, and then sucker punched in the jaw with a spiked knuckle duster, that’s about how I felt.

Time and a place, I guess. Doubt I could muster the ability to run something myself at this time, but that exact subtle nature of acting in complete self-interest to themselves, is how I think Dark Iron should be. I won’t/shouldn’t dictate other roleplayers, though.


Winter Prom Queen: “hey huh, sis, can you murder thousand and thousand of your peeps because I am not getting muh magic delivered? my anima sink is broken or something”
Elune: “no probs best sis! here you go, half of my worshippers will die and come to you through the anima sink”
Winter Prom Queen: “yeah but it’s broken”
Elune: “oh no, they all died for nothing then; I should have double checked maybe”

Kaldorei lore keeps getting better every expansion.


Better than yours

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I hate this lore but I love that it allows me to make my Dark Ranger into a conspiracy theorist who is actually correct but doesn’t know it


What are you talking about? Void elves don’t have any lore, everyone knows that! So it cant be better. There’s no term of comparison.

Even Day of the Dragon talks about how Wildhammers would sooner side with the High elves than Bronzebeards. It wasn’t just the Dark Iron who wronged them, but they lost all trust in the Bronzebeards as well.

They still had the biggest bone to pick with the Dark Iron and between the two they’d always side with Bronzebeards first. They’re like two bickering rivals who set it aside because the third guy is worse.

But High elves are their OTP. I like to think there’s some internal conflict even among blood elved about fighting their faithful friends. After all they did send their children to the Wildhammers for protection when Scourge came. They both live for centuries and they’e only been enemies for about 7 years in the lore.


Praise be. By the intercession of Saint Othmar shall the cursed walls of Orgrimmar sunder, spilling its filth into the desert where the Inhuman Horde shall wither. By the Light, let no well yield its water, drying at their touch and every plant wither at their coming, rich fruits spoiled to spite the cursed foe.

Me with my demons: Let me introduce myself

Sorry to hear that man! Hopefully something pops up that appeals or you can work with to take the sting out of that. Who knows, maybe seek out similar minded players as yourself with a forum advert? :volcano:

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Also knife-ear is a low tier insult. There’s so much room for getting colourful and creative with them when you RP a dwarf and defaulting to dropping IRL slurs and curses or insults from other settings just shows creative bankruptedness.

“Fork-tongued snake” was one of my favourites when I used to RP a dwarf.


Perhaps, but this is the 3rd instance recently where I find myself riled up for an awesome time, join a guild and things look like a dream of pure roleplay euphoria.

Then the GM shuts together, disbands and the whole thing is over before I even know it. At this point I’m a “tad” skeptical and cautious.


I bet you and your demons struggle to open a pickle jar.

As for the matter of Golden allegedly claiming that high elves can’t have black hair, the scene where Vor’athil stands out in the crowd never makes the statement that his hair colour is rare – he’s just in a crowd of white and gold-haired people at the time. Later on in the novel, Sylvanas is able to pick out Lor’themar in the crowd because his white hair stands out alone among other hair colours.

And when Sylvanas hears that Alleria is pregnant, she starts to wonder about the child’s hair colour, listing black and red as equally likely possibilities next to white and gold.

I Ctrl + F searched every mention of the word “hair” in the novel.


If he’s a Bronzebard Dwarf, then this might be true… but Wildhammer Dwarves live next door to Quel’dorei Elves and gave them shelter.

Basically: Every Wildhammer Dwarf (Wildhammer, Firebeards, …) who acts malicious towards the Lordaeron High Elves is somewhat out of character.

Void Elves were a genuine compromise race towards Alliance-players.

People tried to make a coalition and gathering before, it was several times discussed on the AD belf discord as well. It fell apart several times. Times will be better with a true cross guild feature.

That’s what someone who studied all of the Warcraft books would say!

Just wait until A/H faction divide will cease to be a race-based mechanic. Stormwind will be flooded with Orcs again!

The city needs to be raised again, the Alliance needs to return to its true home. Ironforge!


Oh music to my ears lad, I agree on this. As indeed, before I played this more “redeemed” dark iron, I played a lad who was for all intents and purposes; “evil”

Was grand though, as I leaned into the subtle nature and history of loyalists: having him despise everything about the current time we found ourselves in the lore.

Although, honestly - I would not enjoy my main here NEARLY as much if I did not get some pushback ICly for him being Dark iron. Some of the best RP I have had was the cultural ones with and against Wildhammers s d bronzebeards. :volcano::hammer_and_pick::mountain_snow:

(I feel the recent patch also did not help … where the once proud and crude dark irons … are now just spicy bronzebeards who love ale… :skull::eyes::fire:)

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Not really. Not only are Wildhammer clans spread across both the Twilight Highlands and the Hinterlands, the ingame representations of the size of these regions and settlements aren’t lore accurate either. Some highland hick wildhammer dwarf, whose experience with Elves goes only as far as Blood Elves genociding his hovel during a New Horde vs Alliance conflict is still validated as an unreasonably hateful individual without my OOC agenda factoring inro it.

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