Not all Roleplay is valid

You can certainly do better with yours than try to argue that EVERY concept should be welcomed and accepted even when it spits in the face of lore and breaks it completely.

Thats fair enough, its your opinion on the topic, I agree that this thread likely wont make all the cringe rp go away, but if it only changes a couple cringe rp’ers thats something, and if it doesnt? is what it is.

Many months ago, I saw a vulpera in Orgrimmar RPing Ratchet. Not ‘inspired by Ratchet’, mind you. The actual character, Ratchet. Lombax in the TRP3 and all the details of the character.

I need not tell you why this is an example of not all roleplay being valid.
But I’m gonna anyway.

  1. There are no lombaxs in WoW
  2. He is pretending to be an existing character. From another game. In a setting that he doesn’t fit into.
  3. He isn’t making his own character.

But please, justify this one Hruroth.


Yeah I really dont get how having some kinda standard on rp is mean or oppressive or w/e, its not like anyone is advocating for harassing bad rp’ers, thats awful and a waste of time, n just mean/nasty, that isnt the case here just discussing basic standards
Edit: Just to add, Im sure you guys in the Morod have standards right? things you will and wont put up with in rp, things you would dissuade surely as a well known respected guild.

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I don’t know what to say to this except 70 people disagree with you.

If a concept is lorebreaking, and you try to stay true to the lore, you are either forced to ignore their existence altogether or break character by interacting. That does not sit well with me.


Yet these tiny percentile of concepts tend to be the loudest minority that stick out like a sore thumb, people see these obnoxious, non-sensical characters and are put off.


I don’t feel that it’s exactly a “wasted effort” to essentially say that I believe that Roleplay would be enhanced if we didn’t have to break character every tenth second to either engage with or ignore a character concept that does not fit into Warcraft’s setting
It’s actually not that fun and slipping standards have continually lead to some honestly rather abhorrent people being allowed to thrive simply because they’re not being challenged.

Well no, again, lazy.

I don’t welcome every or rather any concept.

I just don’t waste my time and that of others harassing it. RP suffers because we harrang, harrass, irritate what we don’t like rather than engage and help.

you see RP’ers with a concept contrary with rules you dislike? Nah, sorry, better to educate and teach. That’s why the servers population is shrinking, we have this systemic system of rejection over education.


Example. imagine Im some random rp’er, I roll a dwarf who’s actually a cloud serpent irl who is linked to a cursed pack of wolves who are immune to everything n drain the life out of everything, I rock up as my dwarf avatar after changing form from my cloud serpent right infront of all your Morodnir buddies Hruroth, and then emote my magical OP af demon hounds with me and ask to join the guild, what you gunna say? cmon you know you guys aint recruiting/entertaining that sh*t bro

Justify the Lombax, Hruroth.

it’s a bit of a gotcha but it’s also an immediate show that, even though he says otherwise, he agrees that not all roleplay is valid.

Maybe his bar lies elsewhere, but he has clearly shown that there’s also roleplay that he thinks simply is not valid. It’s a gotcha with a purpose

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I found my original post pretty educating. I cleared up 3 headcanons and gave some creative insults people can use instead of the nasty f-words you nowadays see in every other sentence when you go to Stormwind or Orgrimmar.

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Make up your mind.

Why do you misrepresent what people are mentioning here? All your corny umpteenth percentiles add up to a noticeable and annoying margin, as stated by the people in this thread.


Yeah I didnt mean it as an insult to him or w/e, just half bantering on here in this kinda chill discussion, but yeah I can imagine Hruroth(and sorry if Im wrong) deffo has standards, regardless of what his opinion is right now on this, Im sure him and all his dwarf rp buddies have standards and dont just entertain any concept w*lly nilly

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So what you´re saying is that not every RP concept is valid and we should tell people doing them that they´re wrong.

Also, you talk about educating people, but what if they refuse to be educated? What else but rejection is then available for people who want to RP according to the lore?


For the record, I hung out in Duskwood (like, I wasn’t expecting much) last night. I saw this RPer who claimed to be a ten-thousand year old cloud serpent, blessed by Yu’lon and Chi’ji and disguised in the body of a young elf.

They then logged onto their Ethereal who proceded to involve themself in a fight by using a growth pot and “transforming” into their Void monster form (the sargeri gloomhound mount).
After that, they then logged onto their were-yeti who spoke like a Dwarf and proceding to act as a self-insert in various conversations and barge into RP.

Yes, this person was RPing “niche” concepts (which made no sense, mind), but their presence was hard to ignore because they forced their way in. So while they were certainly the minority (even among Duskwood), they were certainly the most noticeable, because the fallacies in their concepts made them stick out like a sore thumb.


I agree, it is better to educate/teach, now not saying I dont opt for the ignore/blank function but I 100% agree on educate/teach -IF- making an interaction with a silly concept, harassing a bad rper is lame af and nasty/mean, but no one is really advocating that here, no one is stating we should go harass and insult/make them feel bad for bad rp, just conversating/half venting about how bad rp can be sometimes and ways of possibly getting around it, none of which imo have involved nastiness/harassment.

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Actually I’m reminded of a time that a bunch of super-lorebreaking undead characters kept coming into Orgrimmar and having IC interactions with some members of a guild I was in that were kinda hostile as they were RPing as essentially the Scourge.

It ended with said guild making memes about how much they wish for the brutal and graphic RL deaths of the members of my guild.

I also remember Hruroth also being in the guild targeted by those memes so I gotta question picking this hill to die on.

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Yeah like TBH I wouldn’t advocate harassing folk. Like, the crimson serpent elf 10k y/o RPer logged onto their whackier alts after they realised they were making no headway with people who wanted to interact.

It almost felt like they upped the ante because they weren’t getting attention reciprocated (because some folk just wanted nothing to do with the concept).