Conversely, I think that attempting to educate (or castigate) everyone who deviates from the majority consensus creates those wedges just as quickly – and more aggressively. Either way, you’re never going to get everyone to agree and conform. Live and Let Live is the path of least resistance and allows us to focus on the aspects of the game and roleplay that we enjoy.
We can curate our guilds, groups, and private communities, because those are more controlled environments. If someone doesn’t fit what the group wants to achieve or do, then they can be removed, and everybody wins. We can’t remove someone from the server and nor should we.
The lore has about as much consistency and fidelity as Donald Trump’s marriages. Why hold something sacred that Blizzard chops and changes every five minutes?
I’m not advocating for disregarding the canon–because I do agree that it’s the best base for any community on the server to work with–but I hope you can see the point I’m trying to make. Deviating from what’s stated in lore is basically necessary at this point in a great many cases.
But otherwise, if I reply to any more specific parts of your reply, I think I’d just be repeating myself – because I’m pretty set in my position and I imagine you are too. Which is fine, I’m not trying to say that I’m right and you’re wrong. I just think it’s an exercise in futility to try to ‘combat’ players who don’t adhere to the wider consensus.
Because the thing is, if you try to push people to do x and y in the way that you–and your circle/community–think is the correct way, many are just going to dig in their heels and it’s going to result in more e-feuds, grudges, and arguments. These types of threads have been ongoing for as long as I’ve been on AD – and I’ve been here for well over a decade now.
I understand where you’re coming from and why, because I used to share your sentiments, but the server has never been a roleplay idyll and never will be. People can and will do what brings them the most fun. If that’s being a demon hunter bartender in the Pig’n’Whistle, then that’s what they’ll do.
Let me ask, and this is a genuine question, what do you want to achieve with these discussions? What do you expect to achieve?