Not all Roleplay is valid

One of my characters went to the Shadowlands and it ended up having a profound effect on them (for the better actually, despite all the doom and gloom everyone on the forums tried to demand)

But the character is also the kind who doesn’t think it’s any of your business. All that matters is that they found a new sense of purpose in life and they’re content with it. They won’t preach about their experiences in the Shadowlands because it doesn’t concern you.


If you don’t tell literally everyone what happened, did it actually happen?!

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their personal growth > preaching to other people


You’re doing it wrong.
Everytime you pass someone, you have to tell them everything.

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The Light is a lie! Repent or face torment in a vampire’s cage!!!

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That’s exactly something a filthy WARLOCK would say. :eye:

This is a statement that is underrated, imho. The creators themselves are doing their best to destroy the world’s sense of cohesion, uniqueness, and overall spirit.

While I get that adhering to the established lore is ideal, let’s not hold it to a holy standard, because you’re just deceiving yourself if you think this will last, or that you’re doing a service to the community by forcing upon them standards that the narrative itself keeps ignoring.

Was going to do something like that with Cro, while her body recovered from being plagued, her consciousness wandered into Slands as an observer.

But then I went and quit the game.

I guess she could still be there, and wake up with a; “what a vivid nightmare” only to have the next Dk she encounters practically confirm it.

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Child Roleplay will always be abhorrent.


As some others said, whichever is higher in standing. High/Blood Elf society is implied to be very stratified so whatever gets you closer to the higher tier is what you take.

My character Faelenn retains her father’s last name as that family is of minor nobility. If she were to ever marry, she would insist that her spouse takes her surname as it is probably the one with more rank and prestige attached to it, even if she as an exile has no claims to the actual assets that belong to her family name.

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It’s very convenient that the worst parts of Shadowlands can be dismissed, because who would really know about mort’zereth or whatever, or about Elune being whatever she was, or all the other parts I didn’t actually play through and have no intention of educating myself about.

Realistically, only the “adventurers” (in this case the prophecised maw-walkers, good luck convincing me your character is that) and the lore characters attending these events would know.

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I will admit, Shadowlands lore -has- been a challenge to work into rp without it turning too crazy but, I dont wish to completely disregard it either just “Cause I don’t find it fun”. As others said , if we did that we’d be Moonguard US.

I think I found a good compromise though. Des here has only been into Torghast once alongside my DK to save the soul of his master that got snatched at the start of the expansion, but other than that he’s not aware of exactly -what- the Shadowlands are or how it all works, as he essentially just speedran and text-skipped the place.

My DK Salfalur on the other hand obviously knows more of the place given the Ebon Blade has had a strong presence in there, and he even went to pick up some tricks from the Necrolords given that they turned out to be what inspired the Scourge, but even he doesn’t talk much about the place.

It’s not something I often mention in rp though given that my chars are like “Who would even believe me.” :stuck_out_tongue:


Sister of a cosmic spirit inhabiting an alien 3d printed robot that tends a garden of those other things the night elves and trolls treat like demigods so they can reincarnate. Including Cenarius.

The existential dread of being a night elf. You’d go howling mad.


And your potential new tree is made out of the souls of all your deceased comrades, I mean what.


I retain hope that it’s a term of endearment and not a literal case of sisterhood.

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That’s normal. You were already recycling a bunch of souls by stuffing wisps into trees to make those revered Ancients.

It will however make you madly protective of the tree housing the vast majority of the souls of your very species. Like an eldar infinity circuit.

They’re both cosmic spirits hatched from the same First One egg. They’re probably space snakes in their true form as opposed to the kaldorei modestly picturing their goddess in their own image.


And is probably gonna be planted on a continent thats the home of the Dragons and a million miles away from the sacred forests you have called home for 10,000 years now… :pensive:


Personally I’d love to see it on the place where Teldrassil used to stand. So far we only know they wish to take the seed to Merithra but, that’s it so far, right?

lets just hope the seed doesnt get stolen and all those souls go to waste :laughing:


The Horde adventurer steals it to rez thrall or something, I don’t know. Or they stuff it into the latest blood elf mana/soulbomb when the Horde needs to do another atrocity and find itself again.