Not all Roleplay is valid

I wish they’d upgrade Nordrassil with that new seed and make Mt. Hyjal the new Kaldorei capital(if they must insist on giving them a new capital).

But yes, the only information we have is them taking it to Merithra!

Also knowing Blizzard, the seed is gonna restore Teldrassil, to exactly the same way before it was burned :man_shrugging:


It’s all coming together…

I’m partial to the theory that the powerless sword in Silithus might be replaced by a giant tree. It’s probably a good thing Fandral Staghelm isn’t around anymore if that’s true though.

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I love my 2,5d primitive tree graphics.


Honestly I could live with this too, I seem to recall that many night elves had moved there after Teldrassil’s destruction, and it is a very fitting place for them.


Mt.Hyjal being the Kaldorei capitol would be dope af.

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More likely, they are both Cthulhu.

or one’s Cuthulhu and the other’s Yog-sathoth.

Night elves cannot describe their goddess so they just say; “oh yeah, she’s a night elf”

Excuse you, yog-sothoth is the embodiment of space-time and thus Akatosh.

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Is there anything worthwhile in Stormwind at all these days? Back at the end of BFA, I remember the city being packed and full of life. There was a variety of players who were enjoyable to interact with and I could walk the streets and bump into someone fun and get up to something unplanned and unexpected, or be similarly roped into some misadventure.

All I seem to find these days are growth pot RPers, Second Life RPers, ERP bait, weird/“unique” concepts and people using really inappropriate language on a near constant basis. It’s very, very disheartening to see. It’s true to say that characters like this have always existed but, now they same far more prevalent and widespread.


They’d have to revert to alpha wc3 night elves living like dwarves in mountainside keeps.

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There are still decent RPers, but!

These are becoming the norm and its hard to find someone decent to chat with.
Why a human who is six foot two needs to use a growth pot is beyond me.

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Soooo… what you’re saying is… Elune is also Nozdormu?

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Nah nelves are all nature-y n stuff, they can sleep on the floor where ever.

Lol admittedly I used the slightly more growth pot like…2-3 times or something like that until I realised that at 6’7 my human doesnt need to be as tall in game as Tauren who are lore wise like 10-12 ft, having even the lesser growth pot makes you feel like your walking around at like 9-10 ft, some robert wadlow stuff.

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There actually was a big market event of sorts yesterday I believe, so it’s not all bad!

Those market events in SW are litty af, been to two of them already, always packed out n loads of people to interact with, great for rp.

you mean the dance floor that replaces the Auction sometimes. Yeah those are super fun! love seeing people coming in for the auction and get confused.

I kid you not, I went into a bar last week and -everyone- in the bar was on growth pots. It was surreal.

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You’ve entered the Large Lad Lounge.


Most of them are draenei and worgen (plus a couple pandaren). They’re tall enough already!


Lol nah I think you may have me confused, I mean big market events held by rp’ers in varying spots.