Not all Roleplay is valid

Not quite as cool as the Big Bois Bar, but alright on a friday

Maybe it was Absolute Unit Night, when they give free drinks to the vertically blessed. (And horizontally blessed as well in the case of draenei and pandaren men, I suppose.)

It’d be cool if Darkshore was cleansed and the seed planted in Bashal’aran’s Night Warrior moonwell.

Cue themes of renewal, balance of light and dark, life and death etc etc.

The only trouble with that is how vulnerable they’d be next time Blizzard decides the Horde need to do something wickedly evil… for reasons.

The ladies’ night Hourglass Hour was cancelled due to the sheer overcrowding, running out of free drinks and for its extremely redundant name.


“Ladies drink night, ladies drink free, have to all be het and into human men, no men allowed, ask for John at the Pig”

Ask for the pig in the john.


Lmao, even better, John the Pig, always up to no good that fella

Nordrassil being updated to become a truly sprawling tree-city would be my wet dream and one I’ve already designed out in my mind. And it makes me so annoyed that it won’t become a reality.

now what’s a Merithra and why’s the seed being taken there :unamused:


Merithra is Yseras child/heir(presumed heir I think, possibly next nature aspect)

Man, I would gladly offer a raid tier on that altar… :pensive:

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i suspect based on the seed color that the tree might have a blue tint to it.

Bruh I would offer the actual content in that zone from when it was released, nevermind who never got to do it, if that was the request demanded by the Blizz overlords to transform Mt.Hyjal from what it is currently to an updated Wild Gods roaming, Nelf City having, super zone, I would make that deal in two seconds, Ive never really played nelves, but if that was to occur, Id likely main one in a second.


I don’t think it’s that bad. Since coming back I’ve had a good few interactions with randoms in Stormwind, which is about on par with how it felt a couple years ago. Granted, I’ve never been the type to frequent any of the taverns so I can’t speak to the quality of the RPers there (or lack thereof), but I’ve had good experiences just talking to loners around the city.

The main change I’ve seen is the harbour situation, which still makes absolutely no sense to me. But it is what it is.

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I expect exactly that but with maybe 10% of the original surface accessible to players. Like the sort of experience you get when you hop over the wall of an outdoor instance and walk through it in the overworld.

Bonus Blizzard points if it’s going to be a slightly sprouted baby tree that we’ll never see mature, like the Deku one in Ocarina of Time, placed on top of ol’ Stumpy’s charred remains.


Only the lighting will be fae blue instead of purple and white. Laziness with a coat of paint.

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So in regards to the whole noble swearing. When RPing a noble with the title Lord or Lady, a lot of people who slap this onto their TRP3 often do forget that nobles have reputations, reputations they must try and keep intact.

Swearing, in any shape or form IC would decrease that. If a noble is flying off the handle dropping every single swear word in existence how will that be seen in the eyes of other nobles. It would be considered extremely vulgar.

Considering Stallnorth is a noble, he is extremely careful what he says, especially when he loses his temper. Now, should that remotely happen, I would type in a swear word, I would write it in as an emote Stalnorth: swears under his breath.

But I just do not and won’t ever understand why swearing is needed, especially a noble. I’ve called out a noble out on it IC and had my character insult him, sadly the guy took it OOC and claimed “This is how my character is.” I do not believe that should be a fall back if you plan to RP a Lord or Lady and find yourself swearing when there is so much more creative ways to use insults or swearing without dropping particular words that come across lazy.


This is a super common but in my opinion pretty weak deflection used in alot of the more bizarre our just badly executed concepts/characters.

Yes to some degree it can make sense, since alot of characters are individual and can be in different ways, but it still needs to fall within some line of believe-ability. I’d also argue that the enjoyment of role-play also factors in here.

Because the “its just my character” is also usually coming from people who swear graphically like sailors, as well as often from the guys that just wander into a scene and start dropping insults towards “wenches” and just stand and trash-talk other races(sometimes skin-colour) and women overall. Yeah your character might be a douchebag, but it’s a majority of the time not really fun to roleplay with it. Especially not with those kind of things coming up.

There are so many better ways to portray characters who are either rude, brash, or “different” than just dump a can of swears over everyone nearby.

With nobility as well, if they want to portray deliberately a noble that is unfit for their role/egocentric or such there are so many better ways than just resorting to spamming f-bombs.

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Will they ever run another such hour, asking for a friend

Sorry for the late reply. I bought Chivalry 2 and it kept me distracted most of yesterday. (Curse you, Steam Summer Sale)

I never spoke of removing anyone from the server. I merely said I wished more communities would band together, if only over a mutual understanding of what they want for Warcraft RP, to maintain a cohesive RP standard.

It works for the PCU, love 'em or hate 'em. I would lie if I said that I want to be best friends with the entire community but the roleplay interactions have always been fantastic and I respect them for that.

Azeroth at War started out as a very contrarian effort to that of the PCU, but nowadays it’s more of an OOC community bringing players from all over the server together, even from the PCU. Some of us game, some of us make casual RP, and our roleplay-discussion channel is very much active on a daily basis. People ask questions about the lore, post fun writing prompts for character-building and there is always a vague general consensus and creative discourse on how our wacky world of warcraft works.

See, I’ve had the exact inverse experience over the years. I used to be more lenient with the lore. My mercenary used to be the vulgar, swearin’-like-a-sailor type, but the more I roleplayed, the more I realized how a lot of what I was introduced to when I started RPing just doesn’t fit in Warcraft.

Honestly? Initially I just wanted to vent my frustrations, but I saw that my post resonates with a lot of people, and I began to hope that some healthy discourse would stick with at least a few people. It doesn’t take much.

Maybe the next time someone works on their next cool character, they’ll practise some restraint because of this thread.

Maybe the next time someone is insulted by a Night Elf, they’ll opt to respond with “For someone who has enjoyed ten-thousand years of immortality you act like a newborn Gnoll.” instead of “F*** you c***.”

Is it mighty idealistic? Yeah. Is that gonna stop me from hoping? Nope.

If everyone plays by their own rules, every interaction threatens to make conflicting standards clash. What one person considers to be right, another may not, and such an OOC rift in standards can twist the situation IC to a point that does not make sense at all. I’ve seen it happen, and I don’t think the alternative of ignoring other people is much better, for it only deprives people of roleplay they could have.

I choose to believe that if more people are mindful of each other and maintain some respect for the setting, even if it is only a handful, the realm becomes a better place.