Not all Roleplay is valid

It’s all pear-bottom parties these days, sorry.


Agree with the general sentiment as long you don’t try to police how people interact with each other or general RP outside of your own closed off circles, I would prefer not go through the old forum policy of lynch mobbing people, trying to speak on behalf of lore characters to stiffle RP because you don’t like border disputes etc etc or alienating someone because they said a no no word that lore characters have used. Just don’t be overzealous there’s often more nuance than is given credit for in my experience, just because -you- might not personally like something that doesn’t mean the concept isn’t valid. Adnaws all RP is good RP is always taken out of context but generally it meant “People making an effort should be given a chance not alienated.” and “Fostering RP under generally acceptable circumstances is better than destroying it.”

Bear in mind I’m not talking about accepting outlandish concepts like a vampire half kaldorei running around Stormwind, though obviously I don’t think bullying them is very productive or ethical either. I just think you should be wary not to dismiss people off handedly.

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I have encountered more than my share of these as well over the years, though I have not been active Alliance side for many years at this point. It is a matter that is disheartening to hear still being somewhat common but not entirely surprising.

Game of Thrones has heavily colored the general RP of certain groups in Stormwind as I understand it. It was already bad enough when I left, especially in certain magic circles, where some I interacted with seemed to want to portray Warcraft as a low-magic setting despite this being about as far from one as you can possibly get.

Back on the topic of nobles though, it seems to be something that attracts many people because it as a concept seems to imbue your character with some manner of authority, and marks them as cut above the common rabble in their view.

Honestly, I can’t recall having met many who seriously roleplayed a nobleman in a dedicated serious way, as odd as that sounds.


Child Roleplay will never be valid.


It isn’t like I am trying to break this cycle, but rather I thought their was some self-awareness when people RP nobles.

Heck, I remember when someone converted their character to a noble overnight. No telling the guild, no telling anyone. The next day, they were a noble and… oh boy… did they swear, from using the f-word all the way from using the C-word during every meeting and in every sentence.

And yes, they slightly went through the GoT phase from my own observation. I only want them to show more sophistication when they RP a noble. I do not believe it is what people hate about noble RP, but it is one of the things that is my pet peeve about it. I do try to stick to Stallnorth and not swear at all. Even if he is a noble, I wouldn’t have him use any swear words if he wasn’t.

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You can’t roleplay an authority in WoW, because players don’t have authority. You can only hope people will accept your perspective on law and ranking, but in essence nobody can force consequences upon another’s character. Nobles, Guards or whatever just doesn’t work.

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In my experience, if guards act reasonably enough, people are happy to reciprocate and just play along. But yes, if you roleplay a guard for the sake of exercising power over others, you will quickly be hit in the face with the Brick of Reality (binds on pickup).

If you want to be taken seriously IC, you gotta build credibility through your words and actions.


Weird af, why would anyone do it outside being a gigantic weirdo who deffo needs their laptop/computer searched/investigated.

It’ll work until the time comes when someone blatantly disregards any attempt at being reasonable. There’s no ability to enforce law, laws are vaguely self-made beyond what one can imagine would be law and nobody has any “time-out” space.

It works in settings like GTA RP because Cop characters have these powers. No matter if respected or credibile as it is, it loses all face when someone decides to say “No, because–”

Wait you mean… If everyone roleplays normally?! unthinkable…

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It’s f**** disgusting, and anyone doing it should be permanently banned and referred to their local police enforcement by Activizzard.

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Here’s the thing.
IC there CAN be characters who act completely like that, but if someone’s being unreasonable on an OOC basis then that’s where you just hit the ignore button and leave them to act like a fool in front of everyone else.

Not 100% but isn’t there or is there a guard guild that -did- go around and started to kill or arrest “Corrupted nobles” right from the street?

Although, sorry you aren’t too active in the Alliance, however, I did hear that.

As a parent of two I agree, people like that, dont even, I wont even get into all that, I would end up eating a forum ban

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It still loses face if you can do such a thing, in my opinion. Authority RP can’t be valid unless strictly enforced on people in one like-minded community, and it looks dumb when another doesn’t/won’t accept it. And places like capital cities has all sorts of communities.

I had to reword my reply because I was too vulgar at first. :skull:

Can never be too vulgar when it comes to them, but yeah to avoid the ole’ ban hammer ofc.

Not too sure.

I mean, I am fairly active, but I just don’t frequent Stormwind as much as I used to.

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There has always been, and still is, a general consensus on what teh_lore.exe is. WoW’s lore is a very loose mish-mash of fantasy concepts, sometimes almost directly copy-pasted from other fictional universes. Still, there is a frame, and I like to believe most people try to stay within that frame, or at least along its edges.

Not that I am defending the rampant “if you don’t like it don’t interact” horde that has grown of late, times being what they are. The community is gravitating towards what I like to refer to as Bubble RP, and has been for a while. You see this a lot in other MMOs - in fact, it’s the only form of RP that exists in 99.99% of RP game mediums outside WoW. Guild-based narratives, plots, and sometimes even fanfic timelines in the case of certain SWTOR offenders.

I think Maelstrom Syndicate was the first successful Bubble RP guild/community on this server. The PCU did a similar thing but tried to involve the rest of the community, in their own way. There’s a lot to say about Rotgarde’s attempts to “control” people’s RP, or guide it according to what they think is just. I think Didonus and other Royal RPers tried to do a similar thing Alliance-side, and I’m pretty sure most 2010-era Noble guilds qualify, with the exception that they tried to fit their RP into the larger community bubble, which at that point was held in high regard.

Now? Well, it’s all fractured, innit. I don’t really RP as much as I used to - it’s a wonder if I can get a decent session a month these days, if I’m being honest. But it’s clear to me people are gravitating towards their own stuff. STILL! The “overworld” community bubble/frame/however you want to call it continues to exist. You see people walking around, interacting with each other, acknowledging each other as part of a shared world. Which is a good thing, and a rare thing, and something to be thankful for.


it is what it is