Not all Roleplay is valid

Would you say… hypothetically

It has to BE THIS WAY?


The general consensus can be wrong, though. See: Kaldorei community and extremely prevalent - yet wrong- consensus of how moonwells should be treated. (Very glad Elegy put that to rest.)

Bubble RP is also fine as long as it doesn’t become too bubbly. You still have to interact with people outside, especially in more public places. If the bubble is not compatible, it will burst and create drama. It’s what I said earlier - it’s completely valid to play extremely outlandish concepts that don’t fit in WoW (using WoW just as a RP tool) if it’s bubbled and away, but it will break immediately if someone else is forced to acknowledge it somehow.

Also, I’d say Darnassus/Leafhaven was a very successful and early Bubble RP guild (with semi-compatible RP with anyone outside), managing to self-sustain themselves for a very long while.

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Zamn that’s actually a good way to put it… I totally forgot about Night Elf twitter.


Read the post instead of looking for an opportunity to farm upboats if you’re going to engage with me, or better yet learn to read between the lines. Where in my post do you think I endorsed that?

Ok classic poster.

Alright then. Neutrals insisting on lingering faction capitals. Why should Stormwind or Orgrimmar be open to Ebons?

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Or Neutrals insisting they have any sort of authority in the middle of nowhere

Or AMBASSADORS with a royal writ to say they’re allowed to stand outside a particular tavern!

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God Ambassador RP is forever cursed by people thinking it allows them to hang around said tavern without getting bodied by everyone of the opposing faction.

And trying to use ‘Oh you hurt me and you’ll be executed for it!’
Yes this was used against me

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Yes, you took something out of context to virtue signal about an issue that is almost universally agreed upon except by maybe one or two posters that are probably massive contrarians. No one likes child RP for a good reason and I think if you actually wanted to engage with me rather than try to score e-goals you would have done that.

I don’t assume malice, if a member of the Ebon Blade is visiting one of the Capital’s I’m going to assume it’s because they have a plot related reason that’s relevant.

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Bit of a reach but that’s an easy one to make.

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Yes, that’s how I would describe a response that talks about child RP when my entire post is related to not judging people too harshly that are obviously making an effort and are new.

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Unfortunately some people do - otherwise I wouldn’t have brought it up.

But they don’t. They’re there because its a RP hub instead of their character’s faction hub.

It’s how I’d also describe you saying Woebloom was trying to virtue signal.

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Bringing up an extreme example that doesn’t apply to the post in question to score some e-points, yes.

I got the e-points. I am sustained.

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The Argent Crusade, at least, has an embassy in Stormwind. But you most likely still wouldn’t see the likes of orcs or other Horde races in Stormwind - at best, you could probably see a blood elf.

I mean. We saw this happening during the Shadowlands pre-patch. The resurgent Scourge threat had Ebons of either faction positioned in Stormwind and Orgrimmar. Mind you, those were some extraordinary circumstances.

But an apocalypse does strike this planet every other year.

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Who have you got, Alex or Sean? I kinda want both to fight Izzy now
Edit: Its tonight, so ima guess Alex, but you never know, he could get ragdolled by Sean, but im going with Alex by stoppage/KO

Standing here
I realize

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Are you telling me moonwells aren’t hottubs to be used to hook up with elven babes and promote cross-faction rp?

Other way around actually, it proved that moonwells arent gigasacred ultraholy sites of infinite importance to the point that a druid will just slaughter you for looking at it wrong