Not all Roleplay is valid

Unfortunately this type of people has started bleeding into some of the circles I used to like to roleplay with. The cliques themselves aren’t bad roleplayers per se, but there is a distinct lack of quality control on who they interact with OOC.

A blood troll would cause everyone to draw their sword, but because one of them is friends with a blood troll who is supposedly friendly, they accepted it.

This warps the standard and everyone is sorta expected to roll with it, for the one time my DK actually attacked the blood troll, they regenerated instantly and were teleported away. And my character was the one to receive resentment because I did not want to break character to be all buddy-buddy with them.


You called?

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I get that 100%, its similar to what I stated before in another thread, when people are too lenient with the whole “but guys we have nothing saying -we cant-” mentality a mole hill can turn into a mountain very quick, it was evident in the Dark Ranger threads regarding their place in the Alliance when nothing suggested they would actually be welcome, Ive seen it on ESO aswell when I built a community there, in a previous community i was a part of, one person got away with a stupid nonsensical concept and before you know it lore was thrown out the window constantly hence why we split at the time and did our own thing, among other more disturbing reasons.

The only rogue undead I will accept



This whole post almost makes me sympathize for these Stormwind role-players, for having to go through roleplaying with you, tbh.

I am for the team #knowyourlore before making insufferable (and wrong) statements. Just one example from the top of my head:

This guy joins the Ebon Blade only during the Argent Tournament, before he was a rogue death knight and could spar with Thrall as he pleased.

Clearly not in your post.

Such as? You haven’t said what this “spirit” is, but so far it entails not having death knights drinking in taverns or not using swear words, or something something no second-life RPers. Cool but kind of meh?

Aren’t you in a PCU guild? You’re part of them, it’s weird that you’re using the third person.

It just looks like you’re telling others what they should or shouldn’t role-play in the spirit of whatever you want Warcraft to be.

Well in an ideal rp world Zaphius people wouldnt rp nonsensical concepts, so I 100% get some peoples frustrations but also on the flip, why get frustrated about something so out of your control? people will rp stupid concepts if they wish, and arguing with them ultimately leads no where.


Could also try and not immedeatly come off as condescending tbh.


Sorry if I came across condescending, it wasnt my intention, my use of language such as “low tier” probably is patronising, I’m just tryna differentiate good rp from bad, as all rp’ers know, there is a quality difference.

When people talk about “Rogue Death Knights” they typically mean “DKs not in the Ebon Blade or Alliance/Horde that are a regular target of the Ebon Blade and treated as hostile”

Which as a lore concept… doesn’t exist.


He’s not a rogue dk for simply not being in the ebon blade.

Allow me to reiterate that you can be a dk, outside of the blade, and not be hunted for it.


I didn’t mean you, I meant Zaphius, my friend. Sorry for not making that immedeatly clear.


Oh right thank you for clarifying and sorry for jumping the gun xD, my bad.


I don’t even know how to respond to this, really. I literally said in my original post that Knights do not have to be with the Ebon Blade, nor do they have to represent it. The point is that “rogue DK” frequently gets used as an excuse by predominantly human low-fantasy RPers to confront Death Knights without a tabard, because they RP under the misconception that DKs cannot be independent.

You really only underlined my point.


The spirit of Warcraft is drawing the inspiration for your RP mainly from Warcraft, and not making your character a Game of Thrones, Witcher or Warhammer insert.

The spirit of Warcraft is sticking to the boundaries of the lore and applying reason + common sense.

The spirit of Warcraft is being able to detach Azeroth from the standards and prejudgements of the real world or other fantasy settings.

No, the Ebon Onslaught is not part of the PCU anymore.

The spirit of Warcraft is drawing the inspiration for your RP mainly from Warcraft, and not making your character a Game of Thrones, Witcher or Warhammer insert.


One thing that is a tad annoying though, is any human who doesnt rp with the universal knowledge of the arcane its complications and gnomish tech is branded “GoT/Low Fantasy”, not every human with a sword or bow who rides a horse is also going to be a gnomish tech expert and theologian on the arcane and all the religions of Azeroth, wielding a sword/bow and riding a horse with little knowledge/education on other things doesnt = Game of Thrones


Of course your character can just be a funky little swordsman who hasn’t seen anything of the world past the fence of his village. The problems arise when you project this view on the entire rest of the world as well.

Like certain boys and girls in green who bubble-RP entire classes fantasies out of existence, like monks.


I get that 100%, but at the same time there is a huge stigma on human/noble rp in terms of “Ahhh they dont know everything about Kal’dorei culture or dwarven tech, they dont talk about draenei spaceships, they must be GoT fans”, its abit of an annoying stigma tbf better off to be someone with limited skills/education rather than a human who knows everything about everything, my chars basically know their nations history, a few global events n then their skills they use to survive/make money, outside of that? theyve little time/resources/reason to learn everything else.

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No no you see monks are simply light armoured skirmishers who don’t crack plate with their fists alone!!!

Also their healing is druidic/shaman in nature.

Source: Trust me bro.


PCU has basically become synonymous with “oppressive badrp” to some RPers. Not my words, I went and asked one of the “Ignores PCU” players out of morbid curiosity. Not really sure how to even approach that sort of prejudice in a hobby utterly reliant on cooperation.

Isn’t there a troll DK basically just hanging out and fishing in Draenor? Doesn’t mean he’s gone rogue or left the order by any means, but it does seem rather out of character for the Ebon Blade MO.

Cancerous, in a nutshell.

F-bombs have plagued RP for years and years. Utterly horrid to the immersion as well, especially when it’s dropped by an elf. At least to me.

Compromise is an ever dwindling approach to RP, and it’s honestly a shame. Not because “all RP is good RP”, but because a lot of RP contributes to keeping the world and vibe alive and thriving. There has to be a middle ground between 100 % cherrypicking RP, and accepting even the most depraved or nonsensical of headcanons without question. In that middle ground, I expect, lies a prosperious community.


Yeah I think he’s more of a joke NPC or something, but you’re right in saying it’s quite out of the MO of the Ebon Blade.

Legit, imagine using a fishing rod when you can just deathgrip any fish you see.

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