Not all Roleplay is valid

wait, do you hear this sound? yeah… it sounds like angry elven ppl coming at you with intentions to kill you on spot.

True but at the same time I doubt a “neutral” orc scrubbing his crack in it would be very well received. Truth is somewhere in the middle I suppose.

I’ve warned against the dangers of mutually exclusive headcanons borne from bubbles since my early days on the server, knowing the trend and its end result in many other games. It’s largely emboldened by guild rivalries and attitudes where the leader is always right and “we don’t RP with those people”.

A lot of people can be wrong all at once and that certainly applies to people trying to play any old OC or conquer Stormwind from inside for the glory of House Stork.

So on the flipside of my consistent argument above; read the lore, hold to it, paint within the lines and have some standards.

Bless you.


While very true, in fairness I thought it was pretty obvious they weren’t talking about Child RP

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Re: Darnassus/Leafhaven, I guess it comes down to what you consider successful. At its peak, it was a very active self-sustaining sort-of- Bubble RP guild. During Leafhaven, they also started to set some standards. (Unfortunately at the time, that also meant going with some headcanons accepted by the community such as moonwell shenanigans.)

It had a lot of problems, but I’m sure so could be said for any previously mentioned Bubble RP guilds.

Just a large number of people being wrong and demanding others be wrong with them or face the consequences of IC punishments and OOC ostracisation.

That’s not really success, is it? Just moonguardian lunacy and authoritarian power games.

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Can’t really remember that happening, the ‘factions’ in the guild had plenty of disagreements that were resolved either IC or OOC depending on the nature of the disagreements. Pretty sure even the moonwell shenanigans had disagreements.

A far cry from moonguardian lunacy. (The power games are why I only kept to the Darnassus/Leafhaven name, not the next two names)

The wider kalimdor community cagefight was not a good time.

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I think at the time of its peak, it was also somewhat insular from the wider kalimdor community, but also tried to mend relationships and started having co-events with other guilds during Leafhaven era. It was the earlier Darnassus era that had cagefights with Emerald Tribe and probably both attained the leper gnome status from the wider community.

I mean, I suppose Cataclysm was partly to blame for that, with the small interaction between Shandris/Sentinel and Mordent after him glancing at the Moonwell…

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Only if one looks away from the context of that interaction - the Highborne have only just began their attempt at re-integrating with their baseborn kin and this interaction takes place before Mordent’s talks with Tyrande and Malfurion have completed. It’s such a tight timeframe that Sentinels might otherwise have been obligated to execute him by law before the law was changed.


Lets not forget that people love to take things like these out of context above all…

I mean, my Highborne had been threatened with execution so many times, even when Tyrande allowed them back into their society… :pensive:

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Elves are just stubborn and unwilling to either change or adapt. It is known.

Imagine your old fashioned grampa going on a grumpy tirade about this newfangled, barbaric gothic architecture and randomly slipping into his old stories of fighting in the peloponnesian war.

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Highborne a stinky

But the ebon rpers hang around taverns. Shadowlands with their 1 and only circumstance was hardly anything

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Ebons being in towns doesn’t bother me. It isn’t that bad.
The fact that they’re everyone’s best friend and no party seems uncomfortable around the other is another wet fart though.

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Thats what I mean.

The last place a death knight should be is mingling in a tavern

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Only time I’d put mine in there is to dunk on someone being a problem.
Doubly so if it’s a fellow DK.

I could think of worse places.

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