Not all Roleplay is valid

Agreed depending on approach/scenario, a particularly savvy killer/adventurer could find odds in his favor against a more powerful opponent, its what I usually strive for in my basically mid tier fighters, considering most will likely have more in their arsenal in terms of magic ect, hence a more strategical/opportunist mentality to fighting

I visibly sweat


You do 100% in dragonform(maybe), a sneak attack or attacking in human form could give different results however, a sleeping dragon with a weakspot(throat) exposed or a dragon in human form is likely as killable as anything else if approached correctly, its when they go into full super saiyan dragon(ready for war, alert) mode that you need a team
Tldr: You can stab a dragon in the throat and kill it if its sleeping or human form, same as anyone

A sweating undead? Truly an outlandish concept.


Its technically sweat but its actually fermentation due to Durotar’s constant heat


There are, but they are more rare especially on the High elf side.

I do agree it seems to be more about style. the idea of a blonde elf is majestic, kinda like that blonde elf from Lord of the rings who i cant remember the name of

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A dragon in humanoid form is still a dragon, their power doesn’t change but yes, if approached correctly you could very well take one down.

Death Knights are just artic Undead.


That’s frost gang, we don’t talk about them.

I remember well when they introduced Arctic Tauren in Wrath of the Lich King


Regular ‘Tauren’ live in plains…
If Taunka are ‘Arctic Tauren’…

What are Yaungol?!

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Highmountain Tauren are taurens that live in highmountain :eyes:

Yaungol are…

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No ofc the power is different level, any one on one encounter even a human form could be deadly, but like you admitted, if approached correctly, anyone can go down, its the blow you dont see coming, its the fight you dont realise until its over, the sneaky b*stard.

Elf RPers around the world are gasping in horror upon reading that.

I dare someone to put Northern Lordaeranian Artic Undead Human in their TRP now.

The Fire Nation.


Spicy Tauren

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in the wrathion quests of cata a red dragon in human form has his leg broken by one of wrathion’s thugs

the human form might be more sociable and all, but it’s massively vulnerable compared to their proper form and lacks their claws, wings, teeth, breath, etc.