Im imagining a Yaungol with a throaty yodelling singing, strumming on a banjo in Pandaria, his voice carrying across the mountains and plains and everyone clasping their hands over their ears.
actually when wrathion got his face beat in there were scales right under his skin for a moment. Or that was just the shapeshift being disrupted, who knows.
So you Grunts can’t kick me out of the City, or I’ll cry and tell my Dad.
Can’t forget also being a part-time bartender, and generic Stormwind ruffian amidsts the duties of whatever undead dragon-orc-nightelf-vulpera people do.
It’s pretty easy to make someone look sus when snippets are used, but that’s also Zaphius, so don’t expect much when he came out with his first post wildly swinging at the post’s OP.