haha yeah season 1 shadowlands arena = holy paladin top tier, could never go oom and had strongest healing power with instant heals, add a bubble on that. it was clownfieesta even famous comps as rogue/mage/priest worked better with rogue/mage/paladin
I believe its the same in mythic+ community not anyone has every class or wants to change spec, if blizzard decides to nerf anyone dead every expansion they might cut themself
Maybe they do see things getting gradually worse but is just a matter of cashing up for as long as possible. Its a nasty case scenario but entirely possible.
How can uvsay its not pay 2 win, get your head out off Blizzards A** , u sheep of a Blind cow
Pvp real money into Tokens into boost => best gear, best gear WIN over player u normaly would lose
Idk when people get pve boost all day, they win f nothing BUT it makes a Achivment for all player more worthless like Ahead of the curve, But with PvP u fack up someone else fun for the game
Its because we are not the target audience anymore
the new target audience wants solo island expeditions and void elf haircolors
you could fix the game so they have a european playerbase, money and working places
but they just doom it man but made sure pvp player atleast still buy shadowlands (pvp merchant bait)
im feeling bad for those blizzard employes, forum guardians and blasters because they just have to transfer us their end and our end, their end of money and our end of fun and giving money
with loosing pvp playerbase you had the extra of the base that gave money to develop so they dont have to use old content, can pay employes
Why u get upset over people liking the game ? if u dont like the game dont play it and dont care if others like it
You mean like the content creators you linked are shilling for other companies because they can make more money off of playing those games currently? You know it’s basically youtubers jobs to shill for money right.
I’d rather not take ‘numbers’ advice from websites that basically look into subreddit activity and show games that have been dead and closed for a while as having active players thanks.