Not even 2 million subs, people leaving in masses

The data is flawed, but it does give an idea. And remember the data is flawed because Blizzard doesn’t want anyone knowing the data - because they’re embarrassed. Blizzard stopped announcing numbers during WoD, which is definitely up there as one of the worst expansions.

They didn’t stop during Legion, or WoTLK.

If WoW was sitting at 100M subs or even 10M subs, if you think for a second they wouldn’t be going on every single earnings call saying that, you’re crazy. They obfuscate stats with things like “player engagement” to hide the real performance of the product.

You can tell a lot about how a product performs in the marketplace by how the company announces the performance. If it is going well they proudly announce the figures.

Blizzard have been as quiet on WoW as they’ve been able to for years.

If the figures were good, then they could simply announce “WoW has 7M players we have healthy figures”, and calm a playerbase.

But we also know in game. We can see less people. Queues take longer. Finding groups take longer. Less stuff sells on the AH.

The stats are not bulletproof, but they do give a decent indication.

looks like over to me

You mean, like FFXIV doesn’t even release their numbers either… Neither does most MMO’s, especially subscription based?

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You’re aware that they’re responding to an article, which uses the same false estimations that streamers regurgitate over and over? Not sure what you were trying to point out with replying that vid.

You see the game’s director talking his opinion about wow and he thinks they cannot surpass wow’s peak numbers

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Which would be a little over 12mil, yes… They literally don’t release their numbers.

This is Because the game Supports
Pay To Get An Advantage system , they let boosting communites be accepted so they can sell more gold Via their token

For those saying free to play is the best option…no its really not…look at how other mmos like rift and lotr online etc faded away once they went f2p


Strong agree.

We can see that millions of people are quite happy to pay a sub, whether for WoW or FF14, …


It doesn’t even have to be very fun, as we can also see. Just don’t make it a completely joyless hellscape.



But I’m willing to bet that there’s gonna be some businesspeople looking at this going “Well charging a sub just isn’t viable so I guess that’s that. Triple the store mounts!”

When we’re dealing with these amounts of money that literally college students can afford and it’s in exchange for up to hundreds hours of video game per month, it should be obvious to anybody that the main constraint is the amount of fun vs time, and not the amount of fun vs price. Heck, many people have over a hundred games on their Steam profiles they’ve never played, so yeah.

WoW will have players if it’s good. Simple as that.

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Fun is important. Games are meant to be fun. If you’re not having fun it’s time to stop.

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there arent any optionals then ffxiv tho

Am I missing something here?
Don’t these type of threads keep popping up every month or so?
“WoW lost thousands of players!”
“WoW player base drops to less that 2 million!”
“Not even 2 million subs, people leaving in masses”.

Seems like a variation on the same theme.

There are thousands, possibly millions of games out there.

tactical rpgs are rarely made by americans tho, and japan isnt known for releasing stuff in europe anymore

There’s a new Tale game from Bandai Namco coming this week I think if you’re interested.

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And then I stopped reading.

then i queued my solo island expedition

I hate those youtubers. They just feed on BS and try to sell it for views.